Anti Boycott – We All Have a Choice

By Don McDougall

Don McDougall
Don McDougall

United States -( A Newton-based gun control group called on it’s members and other true believers to boycott companies that are owned by Cerberus Management a holding and investment company.

Shaw’s, Star Market, Safeway, Osco Drug and Steward Health Care, operators of St. Anne’s Hospital in Fall River and Morton Hospital in Taunton are on this guys list. Many of these were named by the organization directly and are in the Connecticut area.

“They’re as sinister as they come,” Rosenthal said of Cerberus

I don’t see Osco Drugs or Safeway as sinister; don’t know the other companies but I doubt there is anything there either. Cerberus owns a small cadre of freedom related manufactures, like Bushmaster and Remington.

Shop at one of these stores and then ASK FOR A COMMENTS CARD and thank them for supporting the 2nd Amendment. Be polite and courteous in your comments.

Let’s take this boycott fold it into a square with sharp pointy sides and deposit is up Mr. Rosenthal’s ass.

About Don McDougall:

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

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I live in an area that has Safeway, Albertsons, and Fred Meyer/QFC (Kroger owned). All three stores have always supported my right to carry openly (I open carry on the 2nd of the month for the Every Second Counts movement), concealed is never a problem of course. However, I had never thought of dropping a comment card, thank you for the suggestion and I will be sure to do so with all the stores around me who support the 2nd Amendment!


Rosenthal is anti-gun and “Cerberus owns a small cadre of freedom related manufactures, like Bushmaster and Remington.”


Interesting article but you don’t explain what Rosenthal has against Cerberus.