Are We Just like Venezuela?

By John Farnam

stupid voters
Are We Just like Venezuela?
Defense Training International, Inc
Defense Training International, Inc

Ft Collins, CO –-( “You’re going to meet people who lie to get what they want, but they teach you a valuable lesson:

Whom not to trust!” ~ Anon

The “Narrative” or Democrat’s line to American citizens for many decades (as long as I can remember) has been:

“You’re too stupid to own a gun!”

We need our privately-owned guns and ammunition forcibly confiscated from American citizens, “for our own good.” They call strong-arm gun-confiscation “common-sense regulation,” so we can become a “gun-free utopia,” just like Venezuela!

We’re hearing the same, weary “You’re too stupid to own a gun” argument being recently made on the Senate floor. Wide-eyed neo-Marxists (Democrats and RINOs) gleefully discussing secret “lists,” secret courts, secret trials, et at, as they rub their palms. Reminds me of Stalinists in 1938!

And right on cue, the BHO Administration is adding another predictable line to the refrain:

“You’re also too stupid to hear the truth”

Transcripts” of the Orlando night-club murderer, ostensibly “released to the public”, but with one important stipulation:

Everything the Administration didn’t want you to hear was to be stripped from the “official version” they wanted “released.”

For example, all references to Islam, ISIS, etc would have been erased! Islam and ISIS apparently rate “protection” from this Administration! In any event, the Administration’s vile contempt for Americans, particularly productive ones, apparently justifies withholding important (but embarrassing to the Administration’s agenda/narrative) information.

We are to believe ISIS is not the problem. Remember, they’ve been “degraded,” “dissipated,” “defeated,” ad nauseam (except in Orlando, Santa Barbara, Paris, etc).

The real, and only, villains are American gun-owners!

That is their narrative, supported by the blindly-obedient leftist media, and they’re sticking to it!

Nicolas Maduro, BHO’s equivalent in Venezuela, says the same things to his citizens, and he adds:

“… and you’re so stupid, you’ll vote for me anyway!”

Imagine that!


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent and unlawful lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance, if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or inactions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

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The new rule here in the U.S. should be anyone not supportive of the Constitution they swore to uphold and protect should be immediately kicked out of office no matter what that office may be. Wether they’re Dems or Republican. They should be thrown out of office. They swear to uphold our Constitution and once they get in office they turn traitor and try to do away with our rights. They should have all their wealth and possessions confiscated. They’re not fit to have any influence, anywhere.


This also includes communists, any hyphenated person (African-American, Irish-American, Latino-American, etc.), ANYONE that would burn, spit on, or in any way deface our Flag, any that pledge allegiance to ISIS or want Sharia law, … Yeah, I know it will never happen, but this red-white-and blue American patriot can dream.


“Hope and Change” = The Most Technologically Advanced Banana Republic