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AmmoLand Content Guidelines, Editorial Review & Corrections Process

Content Guidelines and Editorial Review Process is a comprehensive news distribution site covering all things related to shooting sports news. We are open to submissions from all sources of news worthy stories related to the subject of firearms, guns, ammunition, gun rights, hunting, related editorials, products and websites.

As an open source news-site with multiple points of entry for news stories, we make best efforts to enforce all editorial guidelines and our editors make use of and employ best efforts to abide by the guidelines below.

Acceptable Content Guidelines
AmmoLand encourages the submission of on-topic, news worthy, stories related to but not limited to:

  • Stories regarding different pro gun organizations such as clubs, community groups, charity, political action committees, industry manufactures and non profit organizations.
  • Stories, reviews or announcements of firearms or shooting sports related products, events or stories.
  • New unique well written content that is on topic and of interest to our readers.
  • First person reports and U-reports of gun rights demonstrations or pro gun actions.
  • Reports of breaking news in the USA or World Wide on our core topic.
  • Stories designed to inform, educate or in some way have a positive impact for gun rights in the USA and the world.
  • Stories on organizations, clubs or individual persons working towards the furthering of gun rights and the second amendment.
  • Firearms / Ammunition Industry News, Events or Issues.

The following content will not be accepted or published on our website:

  • News Articles that are designed and written to purposely mislead, misrepresent, defame or slander any company, organization or individual/s.
  • News Articles that contain any duplicate content.
  • News Articles that are spam or affiliate content.
  • News Articles that encourage hatred or hate speech of race, gender, culture, creed, class, ethnic group and sexual orientation.
  • News Articles that serve and use as a vulgar battle ground with other individuals, groups or companies.
  • News Articles that include adult in nature or questionable content.

If you disagree with the points of view represented on the Editors of AmmoLand Shooting Sports News welcomes all opinions, press or news stories so long as they do NOT violate any of our editorial guidelines.

Editorial Review Process follows 3 main principles while reviewing and accepting content for publishing:

  1. Our editors are guided by the following principles and embrace diversity, libertarianism and independence. All news articles maybe reviewed by up to 2 editors.
  2. The submitted News Articles must be high quality, factual correct, on-topic and adhere to our editorial policies. AmmoLand Shooting Sports News Editors follow all guidelines to the letter with no exceptions.
  3. All News Articles are subject to reader / editor review and comments for the purpose of increased accuracy in reporting.  AmmoLand editors are responsive to all issues related to article content.

The editorial review process follows a Four Step review process.

  1. All News Articles are reviewed for accuracy and content appropriateness by the Press Coordinator who performs the initial read and review.
  2. If needed the Press Coordinator forwards the News Articles on to one of the staff editors. They continue editing and improving the various technical and/or factual matters in question on the submitted content.
  3. After the above steps and standards have been met and no other issues arise the news release continues to live publication on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.
  4. As this is the internet all press is subject to change for any reason at any time as the Press Coordinator see fit. encourages all authors to submit News Articles for consideration and will actively work with authors to help them meet the editorial guidelines as stated above..

Please use the AmmoLand Contact page for all questions and concerns regarding the Content Guideline and Editorial Review Process.

AmmoLand News: Contact & About

Or you may reach us at the email address news(at)

AmmoLand Shooting Sports News always seeks to publish corrections and clarifications promptly after they come to our attention.

The Process.

Reporters, producers and editors should promptly relay reports about potential corrections to originating editors vie our email news(at) Corrections and clarifications to online articles should be submitted, verified and approved via the listed editor.

When a correction is made online, the story editor is responsible for alerting writers and social teams to make the necessary changes to headlines and blurbs. The change should be made within the article and the correction should also be noted at the top of the item.


Clarifications and corrections should be clear, concise and direct. They must be comprehensible to anyone who reads them, including readers who may have missed the story that is being corrected. Anyone reading the correction should be able to understand how and why the mistake has been corrected.

Minor mistakes may be corrected and acknowledged within the blog post, using either strike-through text or parentheses. In many cases, commentators may alert writers to mistakes. When this happens, writers are encouraged to acknowledge the mistake and subsequent correction within the comment stream as well.


If we have sent out incorrect information in an alert, we should send out an alert informing people that the news reported in the earlier alert was wrong and give readers the accurate information.

Social Media.

When we publish erroneous information on the social Web, we should correct it promptly by publishing a new status or post acknowledging the error.

If it is possible to edit the original post to note the error and correct the information, this is preferred. Once the information has been corrected, the incorrect post may be deleted

The AmmoLand Editorial Team

Thanks to the press release distibution site for their guidance and inspiration.