What Gun Stock Checkering Tool Makes a Scribe for The Master Lines?

What Gun Stock Checkering Tool Makes a Scribe for The Master Lines?
Brownells Gunsmith Corner

Brownells Gunsmith Corner

Question: I recently purchased several checkering tools from your company. My question is: since no one (even DEM BART) makes a scribe for the master lines, what is the best tool to use for such a scribe? The books I have show a tool that looks like an old fashion ice pick. What do you suggest?

Answer: Most of the time, I use a regular machinists scribe (#197-654-200) to start my lines. On softer wood, I often use an Exacto knife instead, because a scribe tends to crush more wood fibers when the wood is soft. In tight spots, I have also been known to use a small nail that’s been sharpened on a sanding belt. Almost anything sharp, that can be controlled, will work. Hope this helps.

— Steve Ostrem, Brownells Gun Tech

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larry petty

checkering tool what is the best

larry petty

i have a hard time trying to fnd gun stock checkering tools from –Brownells catalog . am using Den-mar . is there better tools . ? thank you Larry j PETTY