Whitetails Unlimited Kids On Target Shooting Program Up and Running

Whitetails Unlimited Kids On Target Shooting Program Up and Running
Marksmanship program stresses participation and safety.

Whitetails Unlimited

Whitetails Unlimited – -(ShootingWire.com)- The new Kids on Target program is up and running, and it’s as easy as going to the WTU website for details and then heading to the range for practice. The focus of Kids on Target is to encourage our nation’s youth to get off the couch, enjoy the great outdoors, and become actively involved in the shooting sports.

“I can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon than mentoring a child at the local shooting range,” said WTU President Jeff Schinkten. “When they are accurate enough to place three shots in the red, have them shoot the official target, send it in and they get a silver medal from Whitetails Unlimited. It will be a great time for both the adult and the youngster.” Of utmost importance to Whitetails Unlimited is that Kids on Target promotes participation in the shooting sports in a safe and adult-supervised outdoor setting.

Participants simply go to www.whitetailsunlimited.com for details, request the program guidelines, targets, and a copy of WTU’s Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety by phone or e-mail, practice at a range under adult supervision, and shoot an official qualifying target. If the youngster meets the requirements of three shots in the designated area using open sights at 50 yards or optics at 75 yards, they will receive a Whitetails Unlimited Kids on Target silver medal, and a personalized Kids on Target official certificate, compliments of Whitetails Unlimited.

Kids on Target is a perfect way to introduce youngsters to the shooting sports, and potentially increase the number of future hunters. This is an important factor considering that in many states hunting participation is on the decline. Youngsters who already participate in shooting and hunting can use the program as an incentive to improve their marksmanship skills.

The official qualifying target must be submitted by mail to Whitetails Unlimited along with the witness verification form. Upon receipt, Whitetails Unlimited will mail items mentioned above to the successful Kids on Target participant.

Participating in the program requires everyone follow the 10 commandments of firearm safety, and the proper use of firearms, plus it provides youngsters with the perfect opportunity to sharpen their marksmanship skills. In many situations, kids that don’t have success with other “sports” are excited about the shooting sports.

For more details about Kids on Target, please visit the WTU website at www.whitetailsunlimited.com.

Founded in 1982, Whitetails Unlimited is a national nonprofit conservation organization. Our mission is to raise funds in support of education, habitat enhancement and acquisition, and the preservation of the hunting tradition for the benefit of the white-tailed deer and other wildlife. When it comes to the whitetail and its environment, WTU’s degree of professionalism and dedication has earned us the reputation of being the nation’s premier whitetail organization.

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