Illinois Antigun Bills On The Move This Week

Illinois Antigun Bills On The Move This Week
Urgent Alert – Your Action Required – Protect Your Freedom

Illinois State Rifle Association
Illinois State Rifle Association

Illinois – -( All indications are that a pair of antigun bills will be up for votes this week in the Illinois General Assembly. Both of these bills constitute serious threats to your right to keep and bear arms.

House Bill 12 is a “One Gun a Month” bill that is designed to strip you of your constitutionally protected right to own and use firearms in a lawful manner. The intent of the sponsors of HB12 is to stop the plus-up in firearm sales after Obama’s election and to run gun shops out of business. This scheme also includes licensing and registration of you, the lawful firearm owners. Of course, nothing in the bill limits how many guns criminals may buy.

House Bill 845 is another bill designed to bully lawful firearm owners. Under this proposal, you would lose your right to own firearms if you failed to report lost or stolen guns to the police. That’s right, someone steals your guns and you pay the price by losing your Second Amendment rights. Of course, this bill contains no penalties for the criminal that stole your guns in the first place. This is the kind of nonsense that the anti-gun Chicago delegation wants to shove down your throat.

What You Need To Do To Preserve Your Rights
1. Phone your state representative and politely tell him or her that you are a law-abiding firearm owner and that you would like them to vote AGAINST HB12 and HB845. If you do not know who your State Representative is, go to this web page at the Illinois State Board of Elections and follow the instructions for retrieving the name and phone number for your State Representative.

2. Phone the following elected officials and politely tell the person who answers the phone that you are a law abiding firearm owner and that you resent being targeted by the gun-rationing scheme contained in HB12. Be sure to call both numbers next to the politician’s name to deliver this message.

a. Rep. Luis Arroyo (217) 782-0480 AND (773) 637-2000

b. Rep. William Burns (217) 782-2023 AND (773) 924-2600

c. Rep. Deborah Graham (217) 782-6400 AND (708) 445-9520

d. Rep. Eddie Acevedo (217) 782-2855 AND (773) 843-1500

e. Rep. Susana Mendoza (217) 782-7752 AND (773) 277-7711

f. Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez (217) 782-8173 AND (708) 222-5240

g. Rep. Cynthia Soto (217) 782-0150 AND (773) 252-0402

h. Rep. William Davis (217) 782-8197 AND (708) 799-7300

i. Rep. Marlow Colvin (217) 782-8272 AND (773) 783-8492

3. Phone the following elected officials and politely tell the person who answers the phone that you are a law-abiding firearm owner and that you resent being targeted by HB845. Tell the person on the phone that hassling law-abiding firearm owners is no way to reduce crime. Be sure to call both numbers next to the politician’s name.

a. Rep. Eddie Acevedo (217) 782-2855 AND (773) 843-1500

b. Rep. William Burns (217) 782-2023 AND (773) 924-2600

c. Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez (217) 782-8173 AND (708) 222-5240

4. Please start making your calls on Monday, March 30th and keep trying until you get through to these people.

5. Please distribute this Alert to all your gun owning friends and your gun club.

6. Please post this Alert to any and all blogs or Internet bulletin boards to which you belong.

REMEMBER: Gun Control is a disease – you are the cure!

IGOLD is sponsored by the Illinois State Rifle Association, dedicated to education, safety training and support of Illinois firearm owners., Champaign County Rifle Association and Sangamon County Rifle Association are all participating to help make IGOLD a great success representing all gun owners across the state.

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Glenn Hendrickson

This government is gonna start a war with the law abiding citizens is whats gonna happen,,When you want to dis arm the people and the thieves and gangs will bust down doors and loot and kill the innocent people,,its been proven in Australia and the British people,,the government needs to be recalled if they don't support the 2nd amendment and constitution.