Sentry Solutions Knife & Tool Care Kit
Gives Your Knives, Tools, Firearms and Outdoor Gear That Top Performance Edge.
WILTON, NH – -( Sentry Solutions, Ltd., the dry lubrication leader in the military, law enforcement, firearms, and outdoor sporting markets has conveniently packaged a Knife & Tool Care Kit to keep outdoor gear rust-free and at peak performance and knives razor-sharp.
The only lubricant company to every win the prestigious Blade Show Knife Accessory Award (this kit won in 2001 and Tuf-Glide won in 2000), Sentry Solutions has combined their internationally known Tuf-Cloth™, Tuf-Glide™, a Gatco® Micro X Ceramic Four Rod sharpener and easy to use lint-free cleaning tools. Packaged in a handy cloth pouch, these products provide a great combination of revolutionary lubrication, protection and sharpening versatility for knives, firearms, fishing tackle, broadheads and darts for a retail price of $24.99.
The Tuf-Cloth is the long-lasting, lint-free alternative for oil and silicone rags that prevents rust from forming on any metal surface. The Tuf-Cloth provides a fast-drying, water-displacing micro-bonded barrier against rust, friction and wear by simply wiping the metal surface of knives, tools, or tackle. Unlike silicone products, the Tuf-Cloth does not leave an oily film that attracts dirt. Tuf-Glide works with the Tuf-Cloth in protecting and lubricating those hard to reach places.
It’s powerful dry-film rust inhibitor and lubricant are in a quick-drying mineral spirits carrier, which effectively transfers the active lubricants to the micro-pores in any metal surface. After delivering its cleaning action, it evaporates, promoting the bond between the metal and the active ingredients without leaving a sticky residue behind. The dry barrier shield outperforms oil lubricants by more than 14 times in any environment or temperature.
Gatco’s Micro X Ceramic Sharpener is the industry’s leading compact sharpener for knives, fishhooks, arrows and serrated-edged tools. Two fine and two medium interchangeable sharpening rods are included, as is a built-in angle guide that makes razor-sharp sharpening quick and easy.
For more information on the Sentry Solutions Knife & Tool Care Kit, visit .
About Sentry Solutions, Ltd.
Sentry Solutions, Ltd. was incorporated in 1993. Since then, Sentry Solutions has developed dry lubrication products used by the U.S. Military Forces, government agencies, state and local law enforcement agencies as well as hunter, sportsmen, and mariners. Sentry Solutions’ Tuf-Cloth® and Tuf-Glide® products have become the benchmark in cleaning and protecting firearms and sports equipment worldwide.