Turkey Call Makers: Hurry to Enter Turkey Call Grand Slam

Turkey Call Makers: Hurry to Enter Turkey Call Grand Slam
Online Contest Entries Accepted Now! Click here to enter.

Call Makers: Hurry to Enter Turkey Call Grand Slam
Call Makers: Hurry to Enter Turkey Call Grand Slam

Turkey & Turkey Hunting – -(AmmoLand.com)- One lucky winner in each category will receive a featured article by editor Brian Lovett in Turkey & Turkey Hunting – PLUS! a personalized, framed Turkey & Turkey Hunting “custom” cover.

1st place winners in both categories will also receive a five year subscription to Turkey & Turkey Hunting magazine.

2nd Place in each category will receive a three year subscription to Turkey & Turkey Hunting magazine.

3rd Place in each category will receive a one year subscription to Turkey & Turkey Hunting magazine.

A select number of Honorable Mention winners will also be named in an issue of Turkey & Turkey Hunting. Each mention will include a small photo of the winning call.

Plus, all entrants will be listed online in on our email newsletter.

Contest Begins March 10, 2009. Deadline for entries is June 15, 2009



Calls intered in the Working Call category need to be registered online and then mailed to the address below. They will be judged for craftsmanship and sound quality. Calls will be recorded, and audio files will be posted online.

Grand Slam Turkey Call Competition
Brian Lovett, Editor
Turkey & Turkey Hunting
700 E. State St.
Iola, WI 54990


Entrants submitting calls in the Decorative Category need to provide photos using the online entry form. Please provide a 50- to 200-word description of your call, the materials and process used, any notable features, and history or inspiration. Up to five (5) photos may be submitted online.

The competition is open to any turkey call makers. Only original calls, conceived and created by the entrant, will be considered. Only box and friction (pot-and-peg) calls are eligible. Wingbone calls, diaphragms and trumpet yelpers are not eligible. Turkey & Turkey Hunting reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for publication or that does not meet criteria. Employees of F+W Media, Inc., and their immediate families, are not eligible.


Decorative Category

Entries in the Decorative Category are submitted online as digital photos with accompanying descriptions. Descriptions should be 50 to 200 words, and should focus on the best overall presentation.

You may enter work in any and all categories; there is no limit to the number of calls you may enter. Each call needs to be submitted separately. Image files cannot exceed 2MB. The file must be saved as a JPEG in RGB color mode (not CMYK). There is a maximum of 5 photos per entry. Please note the quality of the image is extremely important. This is the only exposure to your call that our judges will have, and a poor representation — such as a blurred image, glare, dim lighting or unnecessary background objects — will reduce your chances of winning.

Working Category

Entrants in the working call category are required to mail in their calls after pre-registering their entries online.  Please postmark your entries by June 15, 2009.

Include a copy of your entry form with the call. Ship your call to:

Grand Slam Turkey Call Competition, 700 East State Street, Iola, WI 54990

Fees and Payment: All entries are $30. There will be a $10 charge for all returned checks or declined credit cards. Credit cards will be charged within 90 days of contest deadline. Charges will appear as “F+W contests.”

Entries must be submitted online no later than June 15, 2009.

Entries will be prejudged and then finalists will be chosen by the magazine staff. All properly prepared entries will be viewed and judged. The decision of the jurors is final. The jurors reserve the right to regroup entries.

All winners will be notified by October 1, 2009. The results will not otherwise be made public until they are published in Turkey & Turkey Hunting and posted online at www.turkeyandturkeyhunting.com. Non-winning entrants will not be individually notified of the results. Your cancelled check or credit-card charge will be notification for receipt of your entry.


Occasionally we make portions of our customer list available to other companies so they may contact you about products and services that may interest you. If you prefer we withhold your name, send a note with your name, address and the competition name to: List Manager, F+W Media, Inc., 4700 East Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45236