Take This Free 10 Question Firearms Training Quiz

Aptos, CA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Find Out How Your Weapons and Tactics Knowledge Stacks Up Against Front Sight Firearms Training Institute’s Founder and Director, Four Weapons Combat Master, Dr. Ignatius Piazza.
(If you can answer at least half of the questions correctly,
Dr. Piazza has a free gift for you!)
Check out the test below and click the link to take it online.
1) Which of the following handguns would you consider the best for general self defense?
Single Action Revolver, example: Colt Peacemaker
Double Action Revolver, example: Smith and Wesson Model 29
Double Action Semi-auto, example: Beretta 92F
Single Action Semi-auto, example: Colt 1911
Safe Action Semi-Auto, example: Glock
Action Adventure Hero Auto, example: UFP2000
2) Which gun would you consider the best for general home defense?
3) What method do you consider the best for everyday carrying of a concealed handgun?
Ankle holster, covered by pant leg
Belly band holster covered by shirt
Fanny pack holster worn around the waist
Holster on outside of belt covered by shirt, vest, or jacket
Inside the waistband holster covered by shirt, vest or jacket
Shoulder holster
No holster, gun tucked inside pants
4) Let’s say you have a new defensive handgun, fresh out of the box, that seems to be shooting a few inches low at 10 yards. What do you feel is most likely causing the low shots?
The barrel needs to be oiled
The sights need to be adjusted
You are not pressing the trigger correctly
The gun needs to be sent back to the manufacturer
Most handguns out of the box shoot a few inches low at ten yards
5 ) What should you do if you are “cross dominant” when shooting a handgun?
A. Learn to shoot with your non-dominant hand
B. Learn to shoot keeping both eyes open all the time
C. Close your non-dominant eye, turn your head slightly and use your dominant eye
A and B
See a psychiatrist
None of the above, close both eyes
6) What will tend to improve your accuracy with a handgun the most?
Purchasing a newer gun
Buying better quality ammunition
Placing a laser sight on your gun
Learning the “Three Secrets”
Shooting more
7) What will make you less likely to ever have to use lethal force to defend yourself or your family?
A. Being alert and aware of your surroundings
B. Being mentally prepared to defend yourself
C. Being armed with your gun
D. Being skilled with your gun
All of the above
A and B Only
None of the above: Hire a body guard
8 ) What handgun would you recommend for a woman who wants to protect herself?
Pocket pistol
Small revolver
Single action semi-auto
Double action semi-auto
Safe action semi-auto
9) What do you feel is the best handgun caliber for general self defense?
.45 ACP
.40 S&W
.357 magnum
.38 Special
10) What do you feel is the standard response in using a defensive handgun when you must shoot to defend your life?
A. With a major caliber handgun, two quick hits to the thoracic cavity
B. With a minor caliber handgun, three to four quick hits to the thoracic cavity
C. With a sub-caliber handgun, three to four quick hits to the cranio-ocular cavity
All of the above
A and C only
None of the above: You keep shooting until your attacker stops moving
To Find Out How Your Weapons and Tactics Knowledge Stacks Up Against Front Sight Firearms Training Institute’s Founder and Director, Four Weapons Combat Master, Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Take the Firearms Training Quiz
(If you answered at least half of the questions correctly, Dr. Piazza has a free gift for you!)
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute teaches self defense, family protection, handgun safety training, gun control, assault rifles and sub machine guns. Visit: Frontsight.com