Watch President’s Rifle Match Scores Today Online

Camp Perry, Ohio – -( The 2009 National Trophy Rifle Matches got underway yesterday at Camp Perry, Ohio.
The first two matches have already been completed. The President’s Rifle Match, perhaps the most prestigÂious rifle match in America, will be fired today.
The top 100 out of a total of 1,300 competitors will beÂcome members of the “President’s 100.”
The winner, who will be determined after a pressure-packed final between the top 20 competitors, by tradiÂtion receives a letter of congratuÂlations from the President of the United States.

SFC Norman Anderson, USAR, is shown here being congratuÂlated by his teammates after he won the 2008 President’s Rifle Match in a closely fought final between the top 20 competitors.
Anderson will be one of the leading contenders to once again make it into this year’s Presidents Rifle Match Final.
You can watch this match unfold via the Internet by clicking on:
Early PresiÂdent’s Rifle Match results will be posted by 11:00 AM. By 2:00 PM, you will be able to see complete scores for the first 30 shots. That will tell you who made the PresiÂdent’s 100 this year as well as who made the top 20 to advance to the final where the winner is determined.
The most exciting part of the day will start at 3:30 PM when the top 20 shooters fire a 10-shot shoot-off to deÂtermine who receives the coveted Presidential letter. FiÂnal round scores are added to scores for the first 30 shots to determine the winner.
You can view shot-by-shot President’s Rifle Match final round scores by openÂing  at 3:30 PM.
In this final stage the top 20 shooters will fire from the prone position with M-16/AR-type service rifles at a six-inch ten ring and three-inch X ring that is 600 yards away. Take advantage of this opportunity to see just how good the nation’s best riflemen are.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a national organization dedicated to training and educating U. S. citizens in responsible uses of firearms and airguns through gun safety training, marksmanship training and competitions. The CMP is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) corporation that places its highest priority on serving youth through gun safety and marksmanship activities that encourage personal growth and build life skills. Links on this page will lead you to more detailed information about the CMP and its programs.