Texas Gun Show Ban On Private Sales?

Texas Gun Show Ban On Private Sales?

National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association

Texas – -(AmmoLand.com)- NRA has received many inquiries about reports that the Austin, Texas Police Department and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives tried to stop private gun sales at an Austin gun show.

It appears that these reports refer to a voluntary agreement concerning the transfer of firearms at the Austin gun show, evidently reached among law enforcement agencies, property owners and managers, and the gun show promoter in question. This was a self-imposed regulation, not a rule from the BATFE or an ordinance of the City of Austin.

NRA and our state affiliate, the Texas State Rifle Association, continue to research and investigate this matter–including examining whether this show was unfairly targeted.

Rest assured, we will inform our members of any new developments.

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit: www.nra.org

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More heavy-handed measures by the Obama ATF, like showing up at the door of firearms purchasers near the border and demanding to see their firearms, and questioning them about their purchases. The ATF and APD may not be actually breaking the law, but they are certainly infringing on the rights of Austin gun owners, and they should be held up to the light of public scrutiny and they should be held accountable for their actions. By the way, what gives the People's Democratic Republic of Austin the right to declare itself a "sanctuary city"? Isn't it illegal for the APD… Read more »


KXAN TV even lied and said that the show was shut down for illegal private sales. They say all private gun sales are illegal, you guys need to wake up to the fact that this is going on.


What is this site talking about? The ATF told the land lord to make the gun show post the order. Now the land lord shut it down all together.

There is NO gun show in Austin, it was shut down.