Gun News Widget – Syndicate AmmoLand Firearms News for Free

Manasqaun, NJ –-( We know you care about gun rights and conservation. We know you love shooting guns and firearms just like we do.
Help AmmoLand and add value to your website or blog and distribute our constant stream of breaking firearms news for FREE. Use our easy to use tool and feed or newest gun news on your website or blog.
AmmoLand has developed an easy to use tool just for you.
Now you can publish constantly updated pro-gun news stories on your own website. This is a fast way to provide valuable information for your visitors and an easy way to support the pro-gun cause.
All you have to do is copy and paste a little snippet of code to your site and our news stories will be automatically fed to your page.
You just need to install the AmmoLand News Widget on your blog, website and we do the rest to update the widget with all kinds of firearms news and events.
The AmmoLand News Widget updates itself automatically every time we post Gun News on AmmoLand. Feed real time gun news to your readers readers and fans and help spread the word.
Here is the widget in action:
Here is the code you need:
Need Help:
Need help installing AmmoLand News Widget on your website or blog? Then give us a shout and we will be happy to help you spread news coverage of Guns and Gun Rights to your readers.