Politician’s Stand On The Second Amendment Determines If You Are A Subject Or A Citizen

A Politician’s Stand On The Second Amendment Determines If You Are A Subject Or A Citizen

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor
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Manasquan, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- Texas legislator Dr. Suzanne Gratia-Hupp said, “How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of.”

Every election cycle we see candidates with marginal commitment to gun owners doing a masquerade intended to deceive voters. A standard buzz-phrase these candidates use is “hunter access,” words designed to bait unsuspecting gun owners into thinking the candidate is truly committed to the right to bear arms.

Don’t take the bait for that particular trap, and don’t fall for the on-paper-only, hunting-sounding “groups” that emerge only shortly before each election to offer political cover for candidates who do not fully support the right to bear arms.

Rather, trust the entities that have been in the trenches for decades fighting for your rights – the Montana Shooting Sports Association and the National Rifle Association. Both MSSA and the NRA evaluate candidates for you. Find the MSSA evaluations at mtssa.org or at VoteSmart.org, and the NRA evaluations at nrapvf.org.

Don’t get sucked in by the photo op candidates who borrow a shotgun for a campaign photo. In Montana we call that “All hat and no cows.” Check candidates out carefully or trust MSSA and the NRA to have done a good job evaluating candidates for you.

As Dr. Gratia-Hupp implies, a candidate’s true attitude about your gun rights is a litmus for much else about that candidate.

Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
P.O. Box 4924
Missoula, Montana 59806
406-549-1252 (Office)
406-544-1252 (Mobile)
Author, Gun Laws of Montan


Brian Judy
State Liaison for Montana
National Rifle Association
555 Capitol Mall, Suite 455
Sacramento, CA 95814
916-446-2455 (Office)
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It's very clear what our government thinks of us. The State Department and BATF just told us, what they think of us. I'd bet it's a government wide thing!

At some point they have to realize who's the boss and if they refuse, and they will, they have to be shown.


I'm not familiar with the MSSA, but this year, the NRA's endorsements, or more specifically, lack of endorsements, is very questionable. I would much rather trust the Gun Owners of America's ratings, as they look at several issues relating to a candidate. The NRA considers itself a "single issue" group and endorses Democrats instead of more conservative, pro-gun republicans. Also, The NRA giving money to Harry Reid as payback for a gun range is pretty sad. Sure they may not "endorse" him, but they won't endorse Sharon Angle when she has been "A rated" by the NRA before. I lost… Read more »