With the 4th Amendment On The Ropes the 2nd Can’t Be Far Behind

With the 4th Amendment On The Ropes the 2nd Can’t Be Far Behind

National Association for Gun Rights
National Association for Gun Rights

Colorado ––(Ammoland.com)- Do you know how to boil a toad?

Gradually turn up the heat and the toad won’t notice he’s in the stew pot.

We are losing our fundamental freedoms and liberties in exactly the same way.

For decades State, Federal and local governments have been slowly turning up the flame of tyranny, hoping that, like the toad, we’ll be oblivious to what’s happening to our freedom.

Right now the jackbooted thugs at the Transportation Safety Authority (TSA) are leading the charge to shred your Constitutional rights.

According to TSA, if you travel by commercial airline you’re now required to leave your dignity and your 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable search at home.

In the name of “public safety” the Department of Homeland Security and TSA are forcing you to choose between two equally humiliating and unconstitutional options:

  • Submit to being bombarded with millions of particles of harmful radiation and allow TSA agents to view – and even save – computer images of your naked body.
  • Or, force yourself to undergo an invasive hands-on, rub-down search that amounts to nothing more than state endorsed sexual assault.

If they can do this to travelers — grandmothers, young kids, pregnant moms — imagine what they will claim they can do to gun owners after some sort of “gun crime” or armed attack by terrorists.

While our judicial system is based on the fundamental fact that you are innocent until proven guilty, TSA doesn’t see it that way. In TSA’s eyes you’re guilty until you submit to their authoritarian – and harmful – search program.

Should you voice even the slightest murmur of opposition to this state-sponsored humiliation, you’ll be treated as a terrorist and potentially fined more than $10,000.

Not to mention, they won’t let you board the plane to get where you’re going.

This clear violation of your right to protection from unreasonable search and seizure has been endorsed by Obama’s White House and the lame-duck Congressional leadership.

Their willingness to trample the 4th Amendment should clearly show how the Washington D.C. establishment views our other constitutionally protected rights.

While public outcry to TSA’s new naked-image-radiation-or-grope search options has been loud, they’re digging their heals in.

Gun owners like you and me MUST continue to put pressure on Congress to control the thugs at TSA.

Please call your Congressman at (202) 224-3121 and demand they stop funding TSA’s Constitution-shredding, radiation-or-grope search program.

Tell them the choice between being bombarded with harmful radiation while being viewed naked and being groped isn’t really a choice at all.

For liberty,
Dudley Brown Executive Director National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The jackbooted thugs at the Transportation Safety Authority (TSA) are leading the charge to shred your Constitutional rights.

Please call your Congressman at (202) 224-3121 and demand they stop funding TSA’s Constitution-shredding, radiation-or-grope search program. Tell them that the choice between being radiated and viewed naked and being groped isn’t really a choice at all.

The National Association for Gun Rights was founded in 2001 to serve as a grassroots gun rights group focusing on building state-level gun rights groups and lobbying for pro-gun federal legislation. Brown has been a gun lobbyist for more than 17 years. Visit: www.nationalgunrights.org

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