Obama to Appoint Brady Approved Anti Gun Thug to Head ATF
Colorado ––(Ammoland.com)- I warned you that simply because “we” won the election in November, it didn’t mean the anti-gunners wouldn’t keep trying to steal our rights.
Unfortunately, I was right.
While you and I are focused on the lame-duck Congress and distracted by holiday shopping, President Obama is scheming behind the scenes to make one of his anti-gun Chicago buddies, Andrew Traver, the top gun-cop in the nation.
That’s right. An anti-gun zealot is about to be put in charge of the notoriously anti-gun Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). And Capitol Hill sources tell me it’s going to happen while nobody is looking.
Make no mistake, Andrew Traver is an enemy of liberty and an enemy of gun owners like you and me.
He is:
- …opposed to private firearm sales.
- …opposed to civilian ownership of semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.
- …in favor of banning all gun shows.
- …and he even wants the Center for Disease Control to have oversight of the firearms industry!
This is the man that Obama wants to run the most anti-gun federal agency in existence. A man that the Brady Campaign “applauded” for his work on disarming citizens.
Despite being rebuked by the American people on election day, Obama continues to push his anti-gun agenda.
Obama can make a “recess appointment” and commission Traver as a top law enforcement official without a single Senator voting on him.
It’s important for Washington to know how you feel about this. I’m urging you to contact the White House (202-456-1111) and tell them that you oppose the recess appointment – and nomination in general – of Andrew Traver to head the BATFE.
Andrew Traver is a man who is in favor of Chicago’s draconian and oppressive gun laws. The same laws that the Supreme Court ruled against in the McDonald case. Do you want those laws for your city? How about for your state?
Or, worse yet, your country?
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Traver won’t try to enact similar jack-booted thug tactics nationwide that he did with Chicago.
Please take a few minutes of your time to contact the White House (202-456-1111) and tell them that you oppose the recess appointment – and nomination in general – of Andrew Traver to head the BATFE.
Gun owners like you and me cannot stand by and let them think that the mob-style politics of Chicago work for the rest of your country. Your freedoms are worth a few phone calls.
Tell Obama’s White House that “recess appointments” of anti-gun zelots are unacceptable. Entrusting henchmen with large government agencies while no one is looking is what dictators do.
Don’t let a stooge of the Brady Campaign slide into power without a single Senate vote!
You know that Obama would love to appease his pals in the anti-gun lobby. By appointing Andrew Traver during recess, he can make them happy without endangering his shrinking congressional cabal.
Please contact the White House (202-456-1111). It is imperative that you tell them that you oppose the recess appointment – and nomination in general – of Andrew Traver to head the BATFE.
The simple fact is, with a president like the one we have now, we have to be extremely vigilant. He is going to continue to push his extreme agenda behind the scenes.
Which is why it is incredibly important for you to be as motivated as I am to shine a light on people like Obama and Traver as they attempt to force their liberal agenda while people are distracted with things like the holidays and a Congressional recess.
They are not going to stop for Christmas, so you and I can’t either.
But I can’t do it alone.
I need you to back me up on this one. Call the White House (202-456-1111), and help us continue to get the word out and fight these battles.
Yours in Freedom, Dudley BrownExecutive Director
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. Obama will appoint one of the most anti-gun law enforcement officers in the country without a single Senator’s vote if you don’t voice your objection now! Demand that a Senate hearing be held to deny Andrew Traver as the head of one of the most powerful law enforcement agencies in the world!
Call the White House (202-456-1111) and tell them that you oppose the recess appointment – and nomination in general – of Andrew Traver to head the BATFE.
The National Association for Gun Rights was founded in 2001 to serve as a grassroots gun rights group focusing on building state-level gun rights groups and lobbying for pro-gun federal legislation. Brown has been a gun lobbyist for more than 17 years. Visit: www.nationalgunrights.org