BATFE & Department Of Justice Cover Up Is Now Officially Disgusting

Washington, DC –-( What will it take to get Congress to appoint an Independent Prosecutor to formally get to the bottom of the horrific BATFE debacle called “Project Gun Runner”?
How high did the criminally illegal authorization go?
Americans now sit saddled with an anti-gun administration and its lap dog Congressional shills when this freedom killing administration might be evaporated with a single legal finding from Congress.
Why the delay?!
An Independent Prosecutor’s finding could well blow Attorney General Eric Holder out of the water, get him fired, and perhaps jailed. In exchange for leniency, Holder would very likely point directly to his boss in the White House as Holder was being taken down.
Bingo! Obama and his anti-gun treachery gone … out of our lives.
KEY QUESTION: Why hasn’t every pro-gun rights member of Congress signed on to a call for an Independent Prosecutor?
JPFO suggests you widely disseminate our latest flier. Send a copy to your local news media and your representatives.
This present situation is intolerable. It drags on and on, when an Independent Prosecutor could wrap this all up in a couple of months.
Our nation’s Attorney General is potentially an abetting felon with American blood on his hands (dead border agent Brian Terry).
Additionally, why hasn’t the powerful NRA called in favors with every single “pro-gun” member of Congress? An entire American political party should now be united behind the call for an Independent Prosecutor.
What is going on? And why?
It’s time for Wayne LaPierre to really crack the whip across the backs of the foot draggers in Congress.
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership Mission is to destroy “gun control” and to encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for everyone. Those are the twin goals of Wisconsin-based Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). Founded by Jews and initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the historical evils that Jews have suffered when they have been disarmed, JPFO has always welcomed persons of all religious beliefs who share a common goal of opposing and reversing victim disarmament policies while advancing liberty for all.
JPFO is a non-profit tax-exempt educational civil rights organization, not a lobby. JPFO’s products and programs reach out to as many segments of the American people as possible, using bold tactics without compromise on fundamental principles. Visit – Copyright JPFO 2011