Operation Campus Safety Comes to Virginia Tech

Operation Campus Safety Comes to Virginia Tech

Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Covington VA –-(Ammoland.com)- Finally – we have a date and time for Operation Campus Safety at Virginia Tech!

**Mark your calendars, this is going to be big and you’re going to want to be part of it!**

We have approval for the protest from 8 AM to 4 PM on Thursday, November 17th. While some of us will be there early, the main protest will start at 11:30 AM and run until 4 PM. Speakers will start at 12 Noon and continue until 1:30 PM. We will need lots of people to carry signs, pass out literature, and answer questions.

This should be an excellent day to be on campus as it is a game day (UNC vs VT), allowing us maximum visibility. We are also looking at having a presence in nearby Blacksburg.

The protest will be held in front of the Squires Student Center (College Ave./Otey Street side), not far from the town of Blacksburg or the VT Drillfield.

More details will follow, including parking information and possible carpooling from area localities.

A very special thanks to Eric Smith, President of the Libertarians at Virginia Tech. The Libertarians are hosting the protest and Eric is working hard to make the protest a success, patiently working his way through the VT bureaucracy to get the event approved.

Another powerful force in bringing everything together is John Wilburn, a VT alumni. He has been doing all kinds of coordination behind the scenes and he, too, has made it a personal mission to make the protest a huge success.

This is a mission to save lives and that drives both Eric and John, just like it drives all of VCDL’s membership.

There is no way this would have come together so well without Eric and John!

Oh, and as if John isn’t doing enough already, besides running his own business (Hokie Real Estate, Inc.), he is a firearms instructor and will be giving away free CHP classes to two lucky attendees!

Thanks also to EMs Dave Hicks and Dave Knight, who are helping with both the VT and the Radford protests.

Radford and JMU students – come to Virginia Tech on November 17th and stand with Virginia Tech students in support of freedom and liberty. VCDL will ask the VT students to do the same when we announce the Radford and JMU protests in the near future.

Wild horses couldn’t keep me away – see you there!

No guns? NO FUNDS! (Remember: Donations for Virginia Tech can be sent to Blue Ridge Community College instead. )

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit: www.vcdl.org

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Many of you gun lovers forget about the actual 2nd amendment, and only remember the part you want to remember… "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA, BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Is it really necessary for people to bring guns where ever they want? No. However, I agree that as long as there are guns out there, many of which are controlled by the military, the people should be able to have guns- like rifles for hunting or a REGULATED MILITIA.


Well Bubba, "Since when is it a right to carry a firearm on a place of education? " Since before there was an America.

"…does not mean they have the right to carry arms anywhere they want." Yes they do, as long it does not infringe on someone else's inalienable rights. You are the one who fears. Why else would you want to infringe on others' rights? You really should get that hoplophobia treated.


Since when is it a right to carry a firearm on a place of education? Just because gun toting lead lovers fear their own shadow does not mean they have the right to carry arms anywhere they want. After all the west was won and gun belts with six shooters are no longer needed. If your scared of the dark, leave the light on.