Virginia Citizens Defense League GMU Protest & Election Wrap Up

Covington VA –-( VCDL Successful GMU Protest: We had a turnout similar to our ODU protest last week.
Over 20 VCDL members participated in the protest at GMU and we handed out 800 brochures to students. We were busy the entire time. Many made a point of thanking us for holding the protest and said they appreciated our efforts.
As things wound down, you could still see students going to their classes holding our brochures and wearing our “Guns Save Lives” and “No guns? NO FUNDS!” stickers. Very gratifying, indeed! We educated a lot of students today.
Some antis showed up and rudely “occupied” our protest, standing right in the middle of the area reserved for us, holding up their “No guns on campus” signs.
Oh, can you imagine the squealing if WE did that at one of THEIR events?
I don’t care that they were there – they have a right to their ideas and, besides that, they always make us look good. 😉
Just as at ODU, we had the lion’s share of the activity and interest.
Again, I want to thank the GMU Students for Concealed Carry on Campus and Mason Liberty for sponsoring the event. The antis had no sponsors.
I was interviewed by 6 different reporters. Here is video coverage by two of the local TV stations:
- From WJLA:
- From
Virginia Election Wrap Up
If the election results hold up, the Democrats and Republicans will share power equally in the Senate. That will pretty much defang the Democratic anti-gun leadership. They won’t be able to pull the same shenanigans, like creating a special anti-gun subcommittee just to kill pro-gun bills. For that to happen, the Republicans would have to agree – not likely to happen.
Every committee will be chaired by BOTH a Republican and a Democrat, keeping Senators Marsh and Saslaw at bay. We had a situation just like this some years ago.
I had warned everyone that elections have been razor thin and, indeed, there were two races determined by less than 90 votes and one of them determines if we get 4 more years of anti-gun Democratic leadership in the Senate or not. Turnout can make all the difference in the world, hopefully all of you made it to the polls.
I believe we have approximately a 5-vote pro-gun edge in the Senate now and a huge pro-gun edge in the House!
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit: