Shooter’s Bible: The World’s Bestselling Firearms Reference (104th Edition)

Shooter's Bible: The World's Bestselling Firearms Reference (104th Edition)
Shooter’s Bible: The World’s Bestselling Firearms Reference (104th Edition)

USA –-( Book Bio: With over 7 million copies sold, the Shooter’s Bible: The World’s Bestselling Firearms Reference (104th Edition) is the must-have reference book for gun collectors and firearm enthusiasts of all ages.

Published annually for more than eighty years, the Shooter’s Bible is the most comprehensive and sought-after reference guide for new firearms and their specifications, as well as for thousands of guns that have been in production and are currently on the market.

Every firearms manufacturer in the world is included in this renowned compendium. The 104th edition also contains new and existing product sections on ammunition, optics, and accessories, plus up-to-date handgun and rifle ballistic tables along with extensive charts of currently available bullets and projectiles for handloading.

With timely features on such topics as the fiftieth anniversary of the Remington Model 700, and complete with color and black-and-white photographs featuring various makes and models of firearms and equipment, the Shooter’s Bible is an essential authority for any beginner or experienced hunter, firearm collector, or gun enthusiast.

275 color photographs; 1000 b/w photographs

Review: “While it’s true that much of the information contained in the Shooter’s Bible can be found on the Internet, there are many of us, including me, who would first rather relax in our easy chair and page through the book at our leisure. If you find an item that catches your fancy, you can then follow up by going to their Web site or gun shop.

Also, it is much more convenient to browse the pages of the Shooter’s Bible than browse the Internet if you are just looking to see what is currently available in Firearms and related items.

The first Shooter’s Bible I bought was Number 42, the 1951 Edition. Back then it was published by Stoeger’s. The number of domestic firearms manufacturers listed in the 42nd Edition numbered 12. And thankfully, with the exception of Noble and Iver Johnson, all of the others remain alive and well today. In the 104th Edition, the number has increased to more than 37!

This latest edition is proof that, even with all the attacks on our 2nd Amendment right over the years, the industry has persevered and grown. I hope the day never comes when there will no longer be a reason to publish the Shooter’s Bible.

The 104th Edition, along with its New Products section in color, continues the fine tradition of providing a reference for the current crop of firearms and related products – and carries on the legacy of the Shooter’s Bible!”

Shooter’s Bible: The World’s Bestselling Firearms Reference (104th Edition)

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Mason Shishido

Great book on guns and rifles old and new.

robert sturges

I have a intrarms revolver model#m877 357 magnum with 2 inch barrel, serial#f443383, it has rossi name on it also contacted rossi but they could not help, please let me know if you can