Ask your Senator to oppose the gun-hating nominee, Robert Wilkins.

Washington, DC –-( The Senate Judiciary Committee will soon begin the first step in taking anti-gun judges and “court-packing” them into what is widely regarded as the nation’s second-most-important court — the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
And, unlike anti-gun judges with no “paper trail,” the nominee, Robert Wilkins, has a particularly virulent anti-gun record.
Wilkins was the D.C. District Court judge who decided, last year, that non-resident U.S. citizens do not have the Second Amendment right to purchase a firearm [Dearth v. Holder, 893 F.Supp. 59 (2012)].
Dearth had contended that federal firearms laws and regulations made it effectively impossible for a U.S. citizen residing in Canada to purchase a firearm in the United States.
Wilkins responded, in his opinion on “Second Amendment Claims,” that it didn’t matter if a U.S. citizen was legally barred from purchasing a firearm in the United States, because he already owned a gun in Canada and was free to bring it into the country.
What? So if you already own a gun, the Second Amendment doesn’t prohibit the government from preventing you from purchasing another one? This comes perilously close to saying that the Second Amendment protects only possession of firearms, and not sales. Hence, this “pre-existing gun argument” could just as easily be used to ban all purchases and sales of firearms by U.S. citizens in the U.S.
This is made even worse by the context in which Wilkins’ nomination is being pushed. Currently, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is not exactly a conservative bastion. Although it overturned the District of Columbia’s “Banana Republic” anti-gun laws in the Heller case — as did the Supreme Court on appeal — it upheld ObamaCare and perhaps provided momentum for the Supreme Court to do the same.
Nevertheless, the Obama administration would like to turn the critical D.C. circuit into a liberal stronghold like California’s Ninth Circuit — and it is threatening to blow up the Senate rules in order to do so.
ACTION: Please Click here to contact your Senators and demand that they oppose the nomination of anti-gun zealot Robert Wilkins to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Please note that the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee is JUST THE FIRST STEP. If Wilkins is voted out of the committee, then the full Senate will vote on him soon afterwards. The committee vote is expected on Thursday.
Gun Owners of America 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102 Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 FAX: 703-321-8408 www.gunowners.orgAbout:Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: to Join.
To use the flawed logic of this Judge,
then all illegal aliens aka ‘immigrants’ in the USA do not have any Constitutional Rights either?
I live in CA and my reps are Fiend stein Boxer and Pelosi. sort of wasted energy until they are voted out.
This man needs to be removed from the bench for WILLFUL NEGLECT OF STATUTORY DUTY as per his Oath of Office!
The way I read that, Wilkins shouldn’t be a judge at all, forget ‘which circuit’. He misses the most important point of the 2nd amendment — indeed, the entire BoR — that it is a list of prohibitions on government, not permissions for citizens. As such, ‘citizenship’ doesn’t actually matter when it comes to ‘rights’. Even aliens have those rights (“all men … endowed by their Creator”).
Typical collectivist.