Islamic Velodrome Of Paris – A Cautionary Tale

By Major Van Harl USAF Ret

French Islam
What does a Muslim descended French citizen whose family has lived in Paris for six generations know about living in Libya, Tunisia or Algeria?
Major Van Harl USAF Ret
Major Van Harl USAF Ret

Wisconsin –-(  Europeans may have problems making a national economy work or educate and feed their countrymen, but they all know how to wage war.

One thing Europeans have been remarkably good at for a 1000 plus years, is slaughtering their fellow Europeans and perhaps even better at destroying and subjugating third world countries.

As I watch the news about the twelve people killed in an Islamic attack of a French newspaper in Paris, I continue to hear the talking heads of 24- hour news channels, opining how vulnerable and perhaps even weak the French nation is turning out to be.

That maybe, with France having the largest Muslin population in Europe they have already past the tipping point of no return, whereby native French speaking, white northern European Frenchmen have lost control of their country.

It has been alleged that France has gotten soft and is losing good order and discipline over its population. This failure to maintain control is somehow driving France into a country-wide train wreck that they cannot stop.

The train analogy is a good way to describe how if that country’s back is pushed against the wall, France will solve its Muslim violence problem.

Have you ever heard of the French Gestapo?

There was no way the Germans were going to find and round up all the French Jews after Germany occupied France in WWII. The French Gestapo headed by fascist Frenchmen, common French criminals and Muslim ex-French Foreign Legion soldiers, did the major heavy lifting for Hitler when it came to sending French Jews to the gas chambers. The famous 40 & 8 boxcars of the French National Railway were used to ship the Jews west into Germany and Poland for eradication.

The 40 & 8 boxcars got their name because you could pack 40 men or 8 horses onto each boxcar for civilized transportation, or you could shove 60-70 Jews into the same boxcar if you were French Gestapo.

Finally, in 2014 the French have agreed to put $60 million into a Holocaust victims’ compensation fund to help surviving victims and family members. This was done more for the benefit of the French National Railway, so the US would not exclude it on future railroad business, than it was to benefit Jews who were shipped out on French trains to their death.

On 16-17 July 1942 the French Gestapo started arresting the Jews and forcing them into the Winter Velodrome in Paris. The Velodrome was an indoor sports complex. Tens of thousands of French Jews were shoved into the Velodrome without food, water or sanitation prior to being loaded into 40 & 8s and sent to forced labor camps and gas chambers. The expulsion of French Jews was called Operation Spring Breeze, sort of like you were opening the windows of your home to air it out, after a long and stuffy winter. It takes three to four hours by passenger train to get from Paris to the ports of southern France. I would suggest that before France turns its country over to Islamic terrorists it will once again use the railroads to transport those it deems dangerous to the Nation, to ports of embarkation and ship the “problem” back to North Africa.

Perhaps many would deserve to be shipped, but the larger percent would not. What does a Muslim descended French citizen whose family has lived in Paris for six generations know about living in Libya, Tunisia or Algeria?

Why would you believe that any of the above three Muslim countries are even willing to take in, forced “repatriation” of French Muslims into their countries?

People will die–as individuals on both sides of the issue fight and resist the efforts of each other. The outside world will be shocked for a short time, then the Germans, the Dutch, the Belgians and quickly the Balkan countries will break out their boxcars and start shipping Muslims to sea ports, doing so at gun point.

The Muslim world will attempt to rally to the support the Islamic European population. This will only exacerbate the crisis as the European armies use force to round up the local Muslims. They will have to use even greater and more violent force to deal with the attacks on “Christendom Europe” by the Muslim world.

The violence becomes a self licking ice cream cone, however the European armies have the bigger ice cream makers. Trains will arrive at Marseille and dead bodies will fall out of the modern 40 & 8’ and the press will have a field day. France will be condemned in the news, but quietly the non-Muslim world will watch the horrible scenario on TV and then go to bed hoping the French get it right.

This column is not meant to be French bashing. It is a reality check to get your attention. It is one possible outcome of Muslim violence going too far in the non-Muslim world.

Even weak, politically correct Europeans will be pushed only so far. My concern is for my friend (and others like him) who is an American of Palestinian descent, and wants nothing to do with Islamic violence conducted in the name of his Muslim religion. Could his family (if living in Europe) become like the sixth generation Parisian who as a Muslim, finds those humans in a boxcar, headed to an overcrowded fishing trawler, with a one way ticket to the coast of Africa—a modern day Velodrome?

Paris Velodrome Monument
All that remains in Paris of the Velodrome d’Hiver is a small park and the memorial to antisemitism and crimes against humanity during WWII. The memorial shows Jews huddled against the banked track. Jacques Goddet, later a Tour de France director, handed over the keys to the Germans. That the velodrome was not demolished until 1959 and the memorial not erected until 1993 speaks volumes.

As they said in the movie Casablanca, “Round up the usual suspects”. Remember, Casablanca was once French North Africa.

Major Van Harl USAF Ret / [email protected]

About Major Van Harl USAF Ret.:Major Van E. Harl USAF Ret., a career Police Officer in the U.S. Air Force was born in Burlington, Iowa, USA, in 1955. He was the Deputy Chief of police at two Air Force Bases and the Commander of Law Enforcement Operations at another. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School.  A retired Colorado Ranger and currently is an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Cudahy PD in Milwaukee County, WI.  His efforts now are directed at church campus safely and security training.  He believes “evil hates organization.”  [email protected]

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Seems as though the Major has hit the mark!! What a deeply intelligent, pragmatic, well written article, refreshing to see we still have fine folks like the Major, who tells like it is, an how it was!!!


Islam is not on any level compatible with democracy. Arab culture is not compatible with respect for human rights and human dignity because it has been shaped by Islam. The only possible answer is for the west to stop all immigration period from outside what I would call a western zone. A western zone would mean countries that have a civilization based on Rome and Greece and their heirs. The other alternative would be to ban all immigration until the existing Muslim immigrants are absorbed into Western civilization and traditions by law and force if necessary. I would compare this… Read more »

Pecker Wood

Time to get the boxcars loaded and moving.


Onward Christian Soldiers