Arkansas Becomes Latest ‘Shall Certify’ National Firearms Act State

Shall Certify NFA Stamp LEO Signatue
Arkansas Becomes Latest ‘Shall Certify’ National Firearms Act Firearms State
NFA Freedom Alliance
NFA Freedom Alliance

TUCSON, ARIZ. –-( Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has signed HB1488 sponsored by Representative Tim Lemons (R-43) (

HB1488 was drafted by the NFA Freedom Alliance (NFAFA) at the request of Representative Lemons.

With the Governor’s signature, HB1488 will be effective 90 days after the legislature adjourns. So the effective date should be sometime in August.

Arkansas becomes the eighth state to enact “Shall Certify” legislation which compels Chief Law Enforcement Officers (CLEO’s) to certify ATF National Firearms Act paperwork for any applicant who is not a prohibited possessor by state or federal law.

“When a constituent of Representative Lemons was looking for a way to draft “Shall Certify” legislation he naturally reached out to the NFA Freedom Alliance to help him draft it, we were more than happy to help,” said Todd Rathner the Executive Director of the NFAFA.

“This is a perfect example of how grassroots activism works, when a supporter of ours asks for help, we provide it,” Rathner added.

“Shall Certify legislation is a major national priority for the NFAFA, and we welcome Arkansas to the growing group of states that recognize that the ownership of NFA items is a right that should not be left to the political whims of local law enforcement,” Rathner concluded.

ABOUT THE NFA FREEDOM ALLIANCE -­- The NFA Freedom Alliance (NFAFA) is the premier e direct action/lobbying organization working at the state and federal level to ease restrictions on the ownership, manufacture, sale, and use of items regulated by the National Firearms Act (NFA). For more information, visit .

Short Barreled NFA Shotgun
Short Barreled NFA Shotgun
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so does that mean that all individual gun transfers must be certified , or Not ??