Ohio Jeweler Shoots Would-Be Robber, Stops Theft of $100,000+

Ohio Jeweler Shoots Would-Be Robber, Stops Theft of $100,000+
Ohio Jeweler Shoots Would-Be Robber, Stops Theft of $100,000+
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

BOARDMAN TWP, Ohio (WKBN) –-(Ammoland.com)- Cirelli Jewelers was the location of an apparent burglary attempt Tuesday night.

Surveillance video shows a would-be thief broke into the shop on Market Street just after 11 p.m. and started rummaging through cases, setting off an alarm. One of the owners lives above the store and heard the commotion.

“He armed himself and went to the front of the business where the subject came at him. He fired a number of shots,” Boardman Police Chief Jack Nichols said.

Images from another camera show the owner with what looks to be a gun in his hands. A damaged window was spotted at the funeral home next door to the jewelers.

Police on the scene discovered a backpack containing nearly $100,000 in jewelry in the store’s parking lot and a trail of blood leading down the street.

“And then that trail ended so that would indicate that entered a vehicle and left the scene in a vehicle,” Nichols said.

Police are also investigating another theft that occurred earlier in August at the Telegold store a couple of miles further south on Market Street. Reports from that break-in indicate a suspect came in through the front door and about $8,000 in merchandise before leaving the same way he came in.

“And we’re still looking into whether it may be the same person or a related person to this one,” Nichols said.

Cirelli Jeweler’s owners declined to comment, and police say they were badly shaken up.

Detectives are waiting for the suspect to turn up at a hospital in the meantime. The police chief says he is confident the suspect will be caught.

“Because there’s blood, there’s also DNA. So if this person has been arrested before on felonies, eventually, that DNA hit will come back,” Nichols said.

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Joe Pena

Just a hunter gatherer doing what he does best. Lets hope he wasn’t hurt too bad as his family depends on him for drug money.