By Dean Weingarten
Arizona – -( Donald Trump has put his Second Amendment position on his web page for the 2016 election cycle. The positions put forward are not new or bizarre. They follow the Donald pattern of political positions that are enormously popular, but which have been declared “non-viable” by political correctness and the Washington Cartel.
Donald Trump, once again, ignores the political taboos created by the ruling elite to prevent the electorate from enacting changes that the electorate desires, but the elite fears.
Here is a summation of the Donald’s Second Amendment positions. You can read the complete paper here.
- 1. Declaration that the Second Amendment is a fundamental right that existed before the Constitution, and is protected by the Constitution, not created by it. This is the Founders position, based on natural law.
- 2. Change the focus of fighting violent crime from restricting law abiding citizens to enforcing the law prohibiting violent felons from possessing firearms. Trump explicitly references Project Exile, which reduced the murder rate in Richmond, Virginia, by 60%.
- 3. Empower law abiding gun owners to fight crime, by putting the law on their side.
- 4. Fix the mental health system to help prevent mass shootings.
- 5. Oppose “assault weapon” and magazine bans, and all bans on firearms.
- 6. Fix the existing background check system to make it instant, accurate, and fair. Do not expand the existing system.
- 7. Â National reciprocity for concealed carry permits.
- 8. Eliminate the Gun Free Zones at military bases and recruiting centers by allowing the military to be armed and to defend themselves.
Donald Trump has not held elected office, but he has hit on a winning strategy. Refuse to follow the restrictive, politically correct rules about what is allowed, and what is not allowed, in political discourse. His Second Amendment position follows the same pattern as his immigration position.
Take the popular position that the vast majority of the American electorate wants, in spite of the opposition of the ruling elite. State it in common sense language, then fight for it.
National Reciprocity
National reciprocity is a prime example of this approach. National reciprocity for concealed carry of firearms has passed majority votes in both houses of Congress, at different times. With all 50 states, D.C., Guam, and Puerto Rico having concealed carry permit laws, this is a popular position. It only needs presidential support to pass and become law. Donald Trump is the first presidential candidate to make it part of his platform.
Donald Trump is putting into practice what the American governmental system was designed to do. That is, determine what the people want, subject to Constitutional constraints; formulate it into a practical policy, and pass it into law.
For a hundred years, the political elite have followed a different paradigm, called “manufacturing consent”.  Under that paradigm, the political elite determine what they want to do, manufacture consent among the population through propaganda in the mass media, and pass their desired program into law.
With the falling power of the elite to control access to information, the system of “manufacturing consent” is failing, and the original system of consent of the governed, is gaining ground.
c2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included. Link to Gun Watch
About Dean Weingarten;
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
No Guff what would a longer waiting period do and there is no such thing as a assault weapon do what are you talking about
“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.” -Donald Trump, from his book “The America We Deserve”
As the divide between the 1%’s and the 99% get even bigger we’re going to see a desire from the 1% to begin to remove the rights of the people to own and bear arms with the freedom we do now. Unless you live in Nazi occupied California, New York, DC, and I’m sure I’m leaving a few others out.
It’s really concerning to me that that the rest of the candidates seem to avoid the 2nd Amendment issue and won’t commit to a position.
That is not correct Sir. Rand Paul has clearly stated that “As President, I vow to uphold our entire Bill of Rights, but specifically our right to bear arms.” IMHO it is time for us to realize that all firearms laws are unconstitutional…from the NFA to CCW restrictions.
No other candidate has even SPOKEN about national carry. This is great stuff. I had no idea what in the hell Jeb was talking about at debate. Restrict gun rights state by state? What?!
Tell Donald that all sounds great. If Donald would use some common sense and think before he speaks on certain issues it would be a lot better all the way around.
Trump has brought to the forefront what many people feel, which is needed and a good thing. However, every time he opens his mouth, its unbelievable and unacceptable what come out of his mouth. He doesn’t have the emotional maturity or common sense to be President. I can see a place for him in any Presidents cabinet but certainly NOT as President. He is too shaky in the head. Too quick to switch 180 degrees. First he says things about Carley F. and he looks then he says she has a “beautiful face”. He says he now “Loves” Muslims and… Read more »