Hexmag’s New Dark Gray AR15 Magazine

Hexmag’s New Dark Gray AR15 Magazine
Hexmag’s New Dark Gray AR15 Magazine

Loveland, Colorado – -(Ammoland.com)- Hexmag magazines are manufactured in classic black, Flat Dark Earth, O.D. Green and now Dark Gray.

The new Hexmag HX-AR Series 1 magazines are made in a standard 30 round capacity as well as 10 and 15 round versions in a standard size body for limited states.

Made from a durable reinforced polymer and one of the industries only Lifetime Warranties, you can rest assured your AR15 will look great and feed reliably every time.

Hexmag, founded in early 2013, was an exercise in 3-D design and printing. We chose an AR-15 magazine as our project. We found out it was not easy to create a working AR magazine. Getting the AR magazine to fit in a lower receiver and stacking exactly 30 rounds into the magazine was not easy. Then firing those rounds reliably made our task almost impossible.

Rather than give up on our design efforts after one attempt, we kept working on the project. We refined our design again and again. We were driven to make it work.

We presented our final design to our local gun community expecting mixed reviews. We were surprised at how many people said;” If you make that magazine I would buy it”.

It was at this point we made the decision to move forward with the project and manufacture our Hexmag 30 round HX30-AR magazine. The Hexmag name came directly from the magazine’s design.

We were just a few guys with a passion for firearms and a crazy idea that we could actually make an AR magazine with some great features and be successful at it.

Hexmag AR15 Magazines
Hexmag AR15 Magazines

Our magazine design went through an additional six months of testing and design changes before we were happy with the final results. It fit into our rifles and continued to feed rounds when we pulled the trigger. We were no longer making 3-D prints, but polymer reinforced AR-15 magazines.
We approved the final magazine specs in November of 2013. As 2014 began, we continued to evaluate every aspect of our design and its ability to withstand abuse, fit properly in a rifle, and most importantly, was reliable. We were happy that our Hexmag AR magazine met the high standards we had set for our product.

In March 2014 we officially sold our first HX30-AR magazine.

HexID Color Identification System
HexID Color Identification System

Hexmag broke the magazine design mold when it introduced its first product. Our patent pending design provides a superior grip that is missing on other magazines; it just looks and feels better. We spent a great deal of time testing our design, and chose not to rush into production even when we knew the market in 2013 was selling AR-15 magazines at a phenomenal rate.

Reviewers love our magazine; rifle manufacturers are giving us high praise on our design and price point. Our magazine works with a full range of 5.56 X 45 / .223 Remington and 300ACC Blackout ammunition.

Our hexagon shaped spring release button allows tool free disassembly of the HX30-AR magazine, making it easy to clean. The size of the release button made a perfect platform to introduce color. Our HexID Color Identification System was founded on the principle that gun owners purchase multiple types and calibers of ammunition. They want to know at a glance which ammunition type they have loaded. Previously gun owners were left up to their own devices to mark magazines, using paint and tape. We found it was easier to see color from a distance or when looking down in an ammunition pouch, a gear bag, or within a storage cabinet. Replacing the colored HexID pieces takes less than a minute, with no tools!

About Hexmag
Hexmag, founded in early 2013, was an exercise in 3-D design and printing. We chose an AR-15 magazine as our project. We found out it was not easy to create a working AR magazine. Getting the AR magazine to fit in a lower receiver and stacking exactly 30 rounds into the magazine was not easy. Then firing those rounds reliably made our task almost impossible. Rather than give up on our design efforts after one attempt, we kept working on the project. We refined our design again and again. We were driven to make it work. Visit: https://hexmag.com/

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Andre Henderson

My Name is Andre Henderson I am writing this email to you because in August of this year I bought a AR 15 made by Ruger the package deal in August that I got was the AR with two extra magazine and also a carry bag did two magazines that came with the debt is from your business they do not fit the A.R. 15 room I’m hoping that I could send them to you or you can send some type of package so that I can send it to you for a exchange for the correct magazine

David Martinek

I bought several of the 15-rd Hexmags about 6 months ago. Recently, one of the mags split down the top on the primer side of loaded cartridges. Hexmag replaced the body and honored their lifetime warranty. Thank you.

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