‘Background Checks’ Could Leave Grandmother Disarmed Despite Her Indifference

By David Codrea

ScreenHunter_01 Jan. 11 11.39
How would you like your mother or grandmother to be alone in the dark, defenseless, and trying to ward off an attack by this guy? That’s what the gun-grabbers want, and so-called “universal background checks” are just another step down the road toward that goal. (Manchester PD photo)
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  A 65-year-old grandmother returning home from work used a gun to stop a man from mugging her, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported.

The woman, a permitted concealed carrier, shot her assailant once in the chest with a .32 caliber handgun after he tried to grab her and take her purse.

That’s despite armed bodyguard-protected Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action insisting such defensive gun uses never happen. That’s despite addlepated allegations by anti-gun political hacks like former Colorado State Senator Evie Hudak , who resigned before being recalled after telling a rape victim:

“For women especially, [a gun is] more likely to be used against them and taken away from them. They are more easily overpowered…”

Disregarding her lying premise against the effectiveness of defensive gun uses, the bit about overpowering an unarmed woman is obvious. In the New Hampshire grandmother’s case, her 23-year-old attacker has a foot in height and a hundred pounds on her. Without her gun, she would not have stood a chance.

And that’s where she is now – without her gun.

Police impounded it as evidence, to be held until it is no longer needed for investigation and prosecution purposes. Fortunately for her, an armed neighbor loaned her a handgun to use until she gets her property back. And that makes an admission she made to reporters all the more curious:

“Honestly, I do not have a problem with background checks.”

She should. If such checks were to be imposed in New Hampshire, her protective gun owner neighbor would not have been able to provide her with an open-ended loaner gun.  Such a “transfer” would have required going through the National Instant Check System, which, as the FBI explains on its “A NICS Delay” page, isn’t always “instant.”

Add to that the “progressive” penchant for taking an inch and then going after everything that isn’t nailed down, gun-grabbers have made no secret of their intentions to close what they pejoratively call the “Charleston Loophole.” That would allow the government to take its own sweet time, as South Carolina Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn’s H.R. 3051: Background Check Completion Act would do.

Then factor in gun owners being denied transfers due to “false positives,” where people are flagged due to similar names. Add to that the latest push for infringement, disallowing firearm transfers – and due process – to all who are on so-called “terror watchlists.” Due to their secrecy, those could be expanded to include any activist/advocate those who crave a monopoly of violence find advantageous to label an “anti-government extremist” or “domestic terrorist.”

You know, people like “Jihadi Wayne” and, by default, anyone who is an NRA member…

Honestly, ma’am, you do have a problem with background checks – you just don’t realize it. All gun owners do.

That’s one of the greatest challenges facing those of us arguing against the infringements Bloomberg is trying to impose in places like Nevada, and soon, what it covets as a prized jewel for its crown, Arizona.

That some gun owners still don’t think they have a problem with the mandated universal elimination of private transfers shows what happens when the narrative is controlled.  Adding to Bloomberg’s focus group-tested propaganda,  the supposedly objective media acts instead as his partner, amplifier and cheerleader.

The truth is, anti-gun fanatics would rather see the New Hampshire grandmother – and all of us – dead than armed. The “universal background check” scam is just that, just another incremental step on the way to the end goal of citizen disarmament. If gun owners surrender that to them, they’ll be back with another infringement, and another after that.

The uninformed need to be educated to get rid of the naïve notion that what the antis want has anything to do with “universal background checks.” They know such nonsense won’t slow predators down for a second. It has everything to do with a goal they never state, but let slip in a Department of Justice report by Greg Ridgeway, Deputy Director, National Institute of Justice, in his “Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies”:

“Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration…”

Since we can’t count on the establishment press to inform voters of that inconvenient truth, it’s up to us to share information and to support grassroots groups on the front lines, like Nevadans for State Gun Rights and Arizona Citizens Defense League. It doesn’t matter if you don’t live in those states – if the Bloomberg Everytown machine rolls over them, it will be heading your way soon enough.

Where would you rather try to stop it?

David Codrea in his natural habitat.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and also posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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We don’t screw around in New Hampshire. We have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation. And we’re one of the safest states in the nation.

David Codrea

Kevin– it’s still “lawful” in NH, and yes, in NJ you’ll be in for a world of hurt. That’s why so-called “universal background checks” are such a threat to “freer” states, and why Bloomberg is focused on state-by-state subversion.

NRA-ILA has a good resource summarizing all state gun laws which I encourage gun owners to share, bookmark and consult as needed: https://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/state-gun-laws/


One hundred percent of criminals support back ground checks because they take guns away from only to good guys. The criminals by pass gun laws and always will.


I don’t know about New Hampshire but I think in NJ one can get into a great deal of trouble by “loaning” a firearm to one’s next door neighbor.


Granny still doesn’t seem to understand that the democrats lie about everything and nothing is ever as it seems with that gutter trash !

Liston Matthews

As I wrote at Examiner, if you have a defensive handgun, and it is taken in as evidence, you need a backup: