Iowa 2016 Legislative Wrap-up ~ Week 1

Iowa Firearms Coalition Legislative Alert
Iowa Firearms Coalition Legislative Alert
Iowa Firearms Coalition
Iowa Firearms Coalition

Clive, IA -( The first week of Iowa’s 2016 legislative session is complete. The first week of the year in capitol is a lot like the first couple days of school after summer break.

Everyone’s figuring out where their seats are, where the bathrooms are, and all the teachers are making a bunch of speeches and talking about the year to come. Once everything’s been sorted out the real work usually begins a few days later. In the legislature that typically starts during the second week of the session.

Even though last week was lot of pomp and circumstance in the capitol the Iowa Firearms Coalition is already hard at work. Our lobbyists have been meeting with legislators and key players, and you, our members, have been busy as well making contact with your elected officials letting them know you want to see pro-gun owner bills voted on in both the House and the Senate. This work is critical, as it lays the foundation for further conversations once there are pro-gun bills on the table. If you haven’t already, use our Legislative Action Center to establish contact with your legislators.

One point that has come up in our talks with Iowa legislators is the importance of getting out and talking face-to-face with your elected officials. We can’t stress this enough. Asking your legislators in person what they’re doing to protect and enhance your right to keep and bear arms in Iowa is the single most impactful thing you can do. Writing emails, and making phone calls are great and most definitely help make a difference. But when you meet a legislator in person they can’t ignore you like they can ignore a voicemail or an email.

Iowa legislators regularly hold public meetings with their constituents. Asking them about pro-gun issues in front of others is the best way to let them know you’re serious about wanting to see something happen. We’ll be sharing the times, dates and locations of various public meetings throughout the state. If you want to see movement on pro-gun owner legislation speaking up at these meetings it the best thing you can do.

If you’re not sure what to say, or how to say what you’re thinking the Iowa Firearms Coalition is more than happy to help you prepare a couple of thoughts. Email us at [email protected] we’ll help make sure you’re prepared and put you in contact with other pro-gun folks who’ll be attending the meeting. In the meantime this guide should serve as great starting point.

We’ll continue our work as the legislature starts to get down to business this week. We’ll be contacting you with any important developments in the capitol and giving you the tools and information you need to help protect and enhance the right to keep and bear arms of Iowa’s 3+ million residents.

Thanks for your continued support!

About Iowa Firearms Coalition:

Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.

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Duane J.

With the Republican candidates scratching and jockeying for precious critical votes, NOW is the Perfect Storm to get a prior commitment to get suppressors into the mainstream. If one candidate addressed this issue, they all would pay attention as this would morph into a single dedicated issue for Iowa sportsman voters. Surely Iowan hearing is just as precious as it is here in Texas. If only one of the Republican candidates made a commitment to remove cans from the NFA registry to allow point of sale together with Your new firearm after the unconstitutional obligatory background check -they all would… Read more »

Mikel D. Rhodes

Thanks for publishing a variety of interesting gun information.