Schooling Glenn Beck On Trump’s Nullification Promise

By Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer
Ilana Mercer

United States -( Former Fox News Channel broadcaster Glenn Beck, now of The Blaze TV, has been warning theatrically of an inchoate catastrophe should the country choose Donald J. Trump “as its next president.”

Trump “will be a monster much, much worse” than Barack Obama, says Beck. …

… “Where are the people who say we stand with the Constitution,” protested Beck. Trump fails to talk about the Constitution in depth, he blathered.

True. Trump is not a TV talker. Moreover, all candidates who talk about the Constitution “in depth” are dishonest. For there is no Constitution left to talk about. That thing died over the course of centuries of legislative, executive and judicial usurpation. That’s why when Iraqis were composing their Constitution (after no. 43 destroyed their country), the late Joe Sobran recommended we give them ours because we don’t use it.

Mention of the Constitution means nothing. It’s on the list of items candidates check when they con constituents. Beck went on to OMG it about Trump saying this: “President Obama’s irresponsible use of executive orders has paved the way for him to also use them freely if he wins the presidential race.”

Amen—provided Trump uses executive power to repeal lots of laws, not make them. We live under an administrative “Secret State.” Very many, maybe most, of the laws under which Americans labor ought to be repealed. The only laws that are naturally inviolable are those upholding life, liberty and property.

Trump, thankfully, has proclaimed: “the one thing good about executive orders: The new president, if he comes in – boom, first day, first hour, first minute, you can rescind that.”

Beck has protested. He apparently accepts the inherent legitimacy of Barack Obama’s executive orders. Beck also seems to believe that the Constitution, or some other higher order, demands that people continue to labor under burdensome government edicts forever after, and that to promise repeal is the act of a progressive.

“Ted Cruz,” countered Beck, who has since endorsed candidate Cruz, “is the guy who says he’s for certain principles and will be tethered and tied to them, exactly like Ronald Reagan was.”

Well, another of Eland’s discomforting observations about Reagan is that he “enhanced executive power through questionable means. Although presidential signing statements, accompanying bills passed by Congress, had been around since George Washington, Reagan began to use these signing statement to contravene or nullify Congress’s will without giving that body a chance to override a formal presidential veto.”

There’s nothing necessarily progressive about overturning laws that have been passed.

There is nothing sacred about every law an overweening national government and its unelected agencies inflict on the people. “At the federal level alone,” the number of laws totaled 160,000 pages,” in 2012. By John Stossel’s estimation, “Government adds 80,000 pages of rules and regulations every year.” According to the Heritage Foundation, “Congress continues to criminalize at an average rate of one new crime for every week of every year.”

America has become a nation of thousands-upon-thousands of arbitrary laws, whose effect is to criminalize naturally licit conduct. …

Read the rest (it’s compuslory!). “Schooling Beck On Trump’s Nullification Promise” is now on WND.

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About Ilana Mercer:

Ilana Mercer is a paleolibertarian writer, based in the U.S. She pens WND’s longest-standing, exclusive paleolibertarian column, “Return to Reason.” Mercer contributes to The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine, and is a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, an award-winning, independent, nonprofit, free-market economic policy think-tank. Her latest book is “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa.” ( )  Mercer’s website is She blogs at

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Wow! This article nailed it. There are several crazies (probably liberals) who commented at the top about this article being useless. I think they are nuts.


To right the many wrongs of Obama we need a principled conservative not a opportunistic deal maker as the next president. It amazes me that anyone thinks Trump would pay the slightest attention to the Constitution when it conflicts with anything he wants. It amazes me even more that gun owner’s are so willing to vote for someone that was anti-2A not very long ago or so willing trust someone who actively brags about doing and saying whatever it took to get what he wanted as a business man. Now we see the establishment type RINOs are starting to flock… Read more »

Ralph Doe

Now I wish I had signed up for the Blaze and National Review. I would be able to cancel them now. I always thought there was something about Beck that just didn’t smell right..

Richard Broom

I have only commented on an article once before in my lifetime so please bear with me. I have been a Constitutionalist since 1978. I have studied it and consider it the second most important edict ever handed down to mankind. THE CONSTITUTION IS NOT DEAD! It has been wounded, subverted, and trampled on by multitudes of lawyers and power hungry politicians but it still has a pulse. The U.S.A. became the greatest nation the world has ever known when we followed more closely the intentions of the Founding Fathers. As for Trump, Cruz, and Beck, all I have to… Read more »


For those who couldn’t understand or thought the article was useless, it appeared pretty straight forward to me. The constitution is being usurped by private political parties for the world corporate elite. Also, “laws” / rules and regulations are being forced upon a supposedly free people that infringe on one’s Liberties. I would add to this that “laws” that infringe on one’s Liberties are not law-in fact they are UNLAWFUL. There are many decisions and treatises that back this up.


I think most of the people who responded to this article are gun grabbers so pay them no attention. We know how to go on their sites too!!!


Beck and the rest of you have had your head in some dark smell location; The ONLY other candidate that comes close is Cruz and Trump by far out performs him. Are you voting for the lying bunch that says one thing and then KISSED obama’s butt on the budget? The same bunch that have FAILED to accomplish anything.
I’d rather take my chances on TRUMP a successful business man. !!

Dan Cocozza

Ms. Mercer evidently hasn’t learned from past history, or does not even know past history. Research beginning with 1918 in Italy and post WWI in Germany. Two of the most diabolical dictators in those periods came to power. Do not just take another’s words or opinions as gospel; do your own research, and draw your own conclusions.

John Martinez

Do you guys and gals at the NRA read this crap before you post or publish it? You really need to do a better job. My membership is up for renewal in 2017 and I’m beginning to think that money could be better spent on something else when I read rambling blather like what Ms.Mercer wrote.


What a piece of incoherent rambling.

harry fisk

And Bush used executive orders more than Obama. so what is your point. oh and a great many new laws relate to changes in society, technology etc…that were not even applicable even a generation ago. PaleoLiberal. That is hilarious. How about just labeling her incompetent.

John Becker

The article told me nothing.


@Scott,I couldn’t had put it better !


Well that was a pointless and useless article.