By Ilana Mercer
USA – -( With his decisive victory on Super Tuesday II (March 15 2016), Trump is already winning for America.
We’ve won a reprieve. There will be no 13th Republican debate. It was cancelled by the candidate. Megyn Kelly can save her new outfit and mink eyelashes for the next liberal shindig she attends.
Despite the best efforts of Scarlet Letter “E” Republicans and conservatives, Trump has 673 out of the 1237 delegates required, 263 more than runner-up Ted Cruz. The New York Times—it lies a little less than Fox News—has conceded that “Rubio’s exit leaves Trump with an open path to 1,237 delegates.”
Alas, bar the last debate, in Coral Gables, Miami, March 10 2016, the other 11 debates have not showcased the best of Trump.
And it’s not that Trump doesn’t talk like a conservative. Talking like a conservative is meaningless.
The Marco Mattel Doll mouthed near-perfect conservative bulletin points. Pull a string, and Barbie’s beau would disgorge conservative words and phrases from a rotating repertoire. Look the other way, and the Cuban Ken was passing liberal legislation with Chucky Schumer (Dem).
Talking like a conservative doesn’t mean a politician will act like a conservative.
Come to think of it, Republican presidents who talk and act conservatively are as elusive as Big Foot. There hasn’t been a sighting in maybe a century. A purist would cite Democrat Grover Cleveland as America’s last conservative president. He preached and practiced the maxim that “the people must support the government, but the government must not support the people.”
True, too, is that conservatives, younger ones, it seems, have adopted much of the Left’s Orwellian, illiberal thinking, thankfully alien to The Donald.
While the Left controls the intellectual means of production—schools (primary, secondary, tertiary), media, foundations, think tanks, publishing prints—the “Respectable Right” is hardly on the outs with the liberal smart set.
Both factions are agreed:
- Endless immigration is a net good, as long as it’s legal.
- Source of immigration is insignificant, as long as it’s legal. At heart, every Afghani, Iraqi or Somali are just closeted Jeffersonians.
- Racism: Whites have come a long way and have a long way to go, ad infinitum.
Enter Michelle Fields: New Conservatives get as exercised as liberals about pursuing legal remedies for hysteria.
In such a national emergency as Fields caused, the advice of Humphrey Bogart, playing Rick Blaine in “Casablanca” (channeled by Woody Allen in “Play It Again Sam”), should be considered: “I never saw a dame yet that didn’t understand a good slap in the mouth …”
Fields, a reporter, claimed she was assaulted by the Republican front-runner’s surrogate. She offered iffy evidence for her allegations. Fields had scrummed Trump. She was too close for comfort to a candidate who’s the target of daily death threats. Solemnly, conservatives took to debating the “assault” endured by Fields and the merits of a legal remedy.
The law is an ass. But so are these conservatives. (The Fields matter has since been settled: Megyn Kelly will get Fields a spread in Vogue, Kelly’s alma mater.) …
… . Conservative talk is not all it’s cut out to be. When it comes to philosophical convictions (the stuff discussed above), most conservatives more closely resemble their beltway liberal friends than Republican Party voters. …
… Read the complete column. “Trump Doesn’t Need To Talk Like A Conservative”
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About Ilana Mercer:
Ilana Mercer is a paleolibertarian writer, based in the U.S. She pens WND’s longest-standing, exclusive paleolibertarian column, “Return to Reason.” Mercer contributes to The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine, and is a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, an award-winning, independent, nonprofit, free-market economic policy think-tank. Her latest book is “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa.” ( ) Mercer’s website is She blogs at
Trump 2016!!!
As soon as you started ad hominem attacks on Fox and Megyn Kelly I stopped reading. If Ammoland wants to print partisan political attack pieces that’s up to them but I won’t be reading. That’s not because it’s pro-Trump or anti-Trump, I feel the same no matter if it were Trump, Cruz or Donald Duck.
I really like what Don said that anyone one who sits out this election is for Hitlary. That is precisely the reason why Obama rose in power and now some people are bound to commit the same mistake AGAIN. But this time it will be more fatal for the second amendment and it will be more fatal for the country’s future as a whole. Why protect the second amendment? Because that what makes the US different from the rest and that’s precisely the reason why other countries look up to the US as a leader. Take this away and we… Read more »
Take this from someone who lives above your northern order and I’m cheering for Donald too. But you don’t have to like the drivel that comes out of someones yap dut you danwell better support his right to say if that doesn’t work it won’t be long before nonof us will be allowed to speak.
I’ve read the comments, and many of you make good arguments for your positions, and some of you just spout vitriol and hatred. That’s fine. Each to their opinions and everyone gravitates to what they do best. As for me . . I would gladly vote for Cruz, and I would gladly vote for Trump, because the alternative is Clinton, who is a lying conniving USA hater, or Sanders, who is a certifiably insane Socialist who would gladly push down the same path Europe is on and dying because of it. This much is for certain, I will never vote… Read more »
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Get it together and vote or put up with the total destruction of this country by letting Comrad Hilery get it.
Thank you Mikial, Finally a comment with some common sense. I just want to see someone nominated that has been selected by the people, and not by the GOP. Their last two choices have been complete losers. This country is dependent on our Constitution and our Bill or Rights. I believe Cruz is the strongest candidate in that regard. Anyone who says they will sit out the election if their candidate is not chosen, is really a Democrat in disguise. ANYONE concerned about our country will get out and vote Republican. As for FOX, they do not lie. They have… Read more »
Anyone who would rather “sit out” the election, rather than vote against Hillary, doesn’t deserve a free country to begin with. Our country, its constitution and our freedom, are predicated upon an informed and engaged people. Those who give up because things don’t go exactly their way….well, we all knew that brat when we were kids. “I’ll just take my toys and go home”. Good riddance. It’s probably best to leave the fate of the nation to those who actually still give a damn. Go Trump! Make America Great Again! As for Cruz, he is still not a natural born… Read more »
No way are we going to replace Antonin Scalia with a so called Centrist that doesnt believe in the 2nd amendment.
According to the dictionary, Trump is already a disaster. a. An occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe. b. A grave misfortune. Anyone who champions individual liberties and a strengthened America (economically, militarily, diplomatically, morally) will rue the day this moron wins the presidency. Half the people voting for him are like anarchists who delight in seeing the wake of destruction he leaves for the conservative movement and for the Republican party. Right now Democrats are frantically doing “opposition research,” and Trump is a gold mine. Wait until we find out, gee, he’s not so rich after all. And… Read more »
Sitting out the election means that you support HilLIARly. And you are calling Trump a moron? Are you really that stupid?
It’s true Don, give up on the “Won’t vote Morons” You can’t fix stupid.
So Hillary is not a gold mine for Trump? PLEASE she is a criminal! and Bill Clinton the intern molester? What will women think once Trump shows the country what Bill Clinton really is about! I look forward to the debates. McCain and Romney gave everything to Obama in the debates, they are the real problems, they are the reason we have Obama for 8 years!
One thing the people have thought about, is who they don’t support any longer. Establishment politicians! Of either flavor. We The People gave Republicans an overwhelming midterm victory based on he promises they would stop obama, only to have our hopes dashed as they systematically gave in to every obama desire. They did nothing to stop obamacare or illegal immigration. Trump may not keep his promises either, but we don’t know that for sure. No one will know for sure until he gets in office. But one thing we do already know; there is no one else that meets the… Read more »
It’s too bad you aren’t happy about Mr. Trump winning the Presidential race in 2016, because he will win. A for your BS comments; they don’t matter – at all. Mr. Trump is a extremely smart, caring, sincere and patriotic American, who only wants to fix the giant mess left by the previous administration. This country is doomed, if any candidate, but Mr. Trump is elected. It’s a good thing that he is going to win. Bye now, no I will not be reading anymore of your ignorant remarks.
It’s called a confirmation bias… people will remember what they like and forget anything they don’t. Trump literally has had every opinion on the issues, he shapes his views on whatever audience he is in front of. His followers remember what they like and ignore everything else. He intentionally leaves out detail and in those empty spaces, people fill in their own views and attribute to their beloved Trump. If you ask 10 different Trump supporters about what Trump’s policies are, you will here 10 completely different answers… but you will here a repeat of his beloved platitudes like the… Read more »
You are so full of it! Mr.Trump is a very smart, sincere and patriotic American, who wants to do the right things for this country. As for your thoughts on Mr. Trump’s intentions; he has made them known, but he isn’t the candidate you want, so in your mind; it can’t possibly be the truth. Well, get used to saying President Trump, because it WILL happen. Donald Trump will win In 2016 and in 2020, whether YOU like it, or not. Bye now…
Trump might be considered a fraud but the timing was perfect for someone like this to come along. For sixteen years we heard about healthcare reform and how people were dying because of preexisting conditions. We heard this president talk about how he was going to close the loopholes that allowed companies to go over seas and take jobs. Now people are gathering around Mitt Romney. Now that’s a good one. Look at how many plants and jobs he is responsible for sending overseas. Romney keeps his money in the Grand Cayman’s to avoid taxes. We seen this president stick… Read more »
@Joe – ok I’m gonna rant now…seeing as you posted this on a gun friendly site…maybe someone can call me racist to try and shut down valid complaints like the BLM does, about white privilege. actually I think you have can replace Trump with Hillary in your statement. Last week a grand dragon of the KKK decided to back Hillary (has she dis-avowed him yet?) Her supporters have no idea, no clue, and the media is fully backing her, even with FBI criminal charges pending. Her supporters would arrest gun owners and intern them in camps, and totally be ok… Read more »
When Hillary was asked what she would do for the steel industry in Ohio she replied I don’t know at this time but I will be there for you. That wasn’t much of an answer either !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now………. That was really stupid. Just another uninformed kool aid drinker. Yeah!,….. Really stupid….