Illinois – -( As many of you know, the Illinois General Assembly is currently considering HB3160 “The Lethal Violence Order of Protection Act.”
On the surface, a lot of folks might say, “Oh…it’s a good idea to take guns away from wife beaters.”
However, if you peel a couple of layers of the onion, you will see that HB3160 has one purpose, and one purpose only – to set law-abiding citizens up for gun confiscation.
HB3160 is designed to do so by broadening the definition of such terms as domestic partner, domestic violence, and stalking. The bill goes on to widen the envelope of people who may file complaints of domestic violence and who may also complain that another person is “mentally unstable.”
The bottom line is, if HB3160 is signed into law, just about any one you know, and many other people you do not even know, can file a complaint with the police that will result in your guns being taken away from you.
Not only will your Second Amendment rights be gone – but you can forget about your Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights as well.
Right along now you may be thinking that this is too crazy to be true and that HB3160 only applies to the brutish lout down the block who routinely takes the strap to his hapless wife out in the front yard.
If that’s what you’re thinking, get that notion out of your head and read the two following scenarios to see just how easily HB3160 could affect YOU.
Let’s say that you and your wife decide to hold a 4th of July BBQ in your back yard. Just to keep peace in the family, your wife decides to invite her lefty, gun-hating sister to the event. During the course of the picnic, you have a few beers and toss a few firecrackers around; you get in an argument with your sister-in-law over unbridled immigration; you hose down Fluffy the cat with a Super Soaker; you discuss the importance of life insurance with your brother-in-law and mention how you are worth more dead than alive; you relieve yourself over next to the toolshed because someone’s in the bathroom; and you cap off the evening by predicting that the Sox will slaughter the Cubs in the Crosstown Classic.
On the morning of July 5th, the cops are at your door to take you into protective custody and to confiscate your FOID, your CCL and your guns. If you’re wondering what happened, the answer is that your anti-gun sister-in-law utilized the provisions of HB3160 to swear out a special protective order against you because of your behavior at the BBQ. She told the cops that you engaged in reckless endangerment (beer and firecrackers); uttered right-wing hate speech (immigration argument); committed animal cruelty (Fluffy and the Super Soaker); threatened suicide (life insurance discussion); public indecency (using the back yard potty) and; promoted domestic terrorism (Sox vs. Cubs).
Again, if you think this scenario sounds silly you are right – but the scenario is 100% allowable under HB3160.
In the end, you would have to hire a lawyer with your own money and go through all sorts of legal hassles to try to get your guns back – something that may never happen. And to top it off, if you even look sideways at your sister-in-law, the cops will be right back to arrest you all over again. The second scenario that could affect your family is equally ridiculous and equally possible under HB3160.
Let’s say that your 23 year-old live-in son, Hank, asks Betty-Lou out on a date. After dinner and drinks, Hank tries to sneak in a little kiss. Betty-Lou steers him away and asks him not to try to kiss her. Hank heeds her request and calls it a night. Upon arriving home, Hank phones Betty-Lou to apologize. She hangs up on him but nevertheless he phones her a second time with the same result. Hank thinks the better of it and decides to go to bed to sleep it off. Twenty minutes later, the cops arrive at the door to arrest Hank for attempted sexual assault and stalking. Since Hank lives in your house and you own guns, the cops also present you with a confiscation order and off goes your son, and your guns, to the police station.
If, at this point, you’re shaking your head in disbelief, you better read the provisions of HB3160.
These two scenarios are two of many that would be allowable, and quite probably if HB3160 is signed into law. As is often the case, the gun grabbers are preying on the misfortune of others – domestic violence victims in this case – to further their morally bankrupt campaign of domestic disarmament. The gun grabbers will stop at nothing, and spare no misery, to achieve the goal of a gun-free Illinois and a gun-free Unites States.
Preservation of the right to keep and bear arms is a moral imperative. Thus, it’s up to you to stop HB3160 in its tracks. Please call your State Representative and State Senator, today, and politely tell them that you are a lawful gun owner and that you do not support backdoor attempts at gun confiscation such as those presented by HB3160.
Remember – gun control is a disease and you are the cure.
About Illinois State Rifle Association:
The Illinois State Rifle Association is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners Visit:
The Constitution is clear, you have the right to bear arms. Unless you are convicted of a felony this cannot be changed; and those who try to change this are enemies if the Constitution, America, your civil rights and Freedom as a whole.
Good Way For Cops to Get Shot.
Ha! I thought California was the nuttiest, most Liberal state in the land. Now, Illinois is seeking to take that notoriety from California, with some total idiot in the state legislature dreaming up a Bolshevik CHEKA-style bill entitled the “Lethal Violence Order of Protection Act” – in reality, gun confiscation. As fellow posters said, this grossly Unconstitutional bill poses a dire threat to the freedom, safety and lives of the law-abiding residents of the State of Ilinois (or the Bolshevik Illinois Soviet, if this becomes law). And, do we really believe that the criminal gangs turning Chicago into the murder… Read more »
Yeah but: the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and every politician swears to uphold it, right? Even trying to circumvent the Constitution is a real kind of treason, right? So, why can’t the people arrest the guy writing this new law and put him in jail? Yeah, that’s the problem, the Legal system is neck deep in payoffs, blackmail and bribes, a bunch of wannabe billionaires, who haven’t a clue how much Lord Rothschild hates them. These Politicians who are selling out the nation today in favor of Lord Rothschild will the first to learn the wrath… Read more »
Lethal violence protection act as we lethally attack countries at will. LOL. what a joke…
I think you have WAAAY too much faith in Psychiatrists, or for that matter, any other mental health practitioners, Sir! Are you aware that the American Psychiatric Association, which is a very liberal organization, endorses anti-gun policies? The same is true of the American Psychological Association. I would certainly not trust such a panel to have control over my civil rights. BTW, your trust in Psychiatrists, but NOT Psychologists, is a little weird too. Just for giggles, you might want to look up the requirements for licensure for those 2 professions. When you do, you will find that any graduate… Read more »
How about we stop getting out of places and drive out the Liberals
with our guns while we still have them.
God help the cop that tries to take my guns.
The Democrats will embrace ANY gambit…ANY ruse…to pry guns away from legal gun owners. It’s all about control. They’re playing the LONG con. They can’t disarm us all right now…but they’ll chip away at the block until we awake one day to find ourselves in the same position as the poor subjects of the UK–DEFENSELESS.
Illinois is full of leftwing I know better than you NUTS! Stay OUT if you can. FOID is bad enough. Its going to get worse. To many over educated DINGBATS control that state.
No angry PO wife going through a divorce would ever abuse this law to get back at her husband. (yeah right)
If you can’t carry a gun then carry a Jo staff for
self defense and let the law figure that one out.
It is NOT government that is killing us with strange medical laws and so much more to include reducing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights one bite at a time. Who is is you ask? It is individual people in the government we elected that are doing this. Private citizens just like you and I with friends, families, jobs, living just like you in neighborhoods like yours who are now in positions to do these many times evil things–it is NOT the government but INDIVIDUALS!
Yes, it is individuals. The libs have known for decades that if you can fill childrens’s heads with propaganda, some of those children will grow up, go into politics, or go into the bureaucracy, or law enforcement and find ways to apply the law according to their liberal programing. Get the liberals out of the school boards and school administration. School boards have to refuse to buy books promoting liberal ideas, and refuse to hire liberal teachers. Refuse to send your children to liberal colleges, etc.
Last week it was that wonderful FOID card in Illinois. Now HB3160. Illinois is a real firearms owners paradise ain’t it ?
Oh sure, calling 3 psychiatrists is sure to make things better.
If you are angry at being questioned, you are done for. If you question their right to question you, you are done for. Taking the fifth, goodbye. Ever been unhappy? goodbye. Ever been unreasonably happy? You are a nutcase. Are they going to profit from putting you away “for observation?” You are screwed.
The last thing you need are Psychiatrists. The second last thing are policemen.
@PJ London,the 1’st thing you need to do is get your ass out of Illinois.
Tex. Although I agree with you on that, I also agree completely with what PJ London says in these regards. I think he is absolutely right about that. In fact, I’m absolutely sure of it. Sad but true…
The police, when given this power before, abused it. It was one of the reasons why Ronald Reagan relaxed the mental health laws that we had protecting us. What needs to be done is require all police departments to have an on-call panel of three psychiatrists to interview and evaluate someone suspected of being unstable, then let them make the decision to put them in for a 3 day evaluation. This panel of psychiatrists and NOT psychologists, should also not be paid by the same entity that pays the police. If this law goes through, not only will it be… Read more »
Are you insane? Without some willful act of insanity (a crime or threatening behavior towards another or themselves) the last thing we need are three pseudo-scientists confiscating someones god-given rights. Doctors already have a god complex, and psychiatrists are even worse (calling them doctors is just plain wrong). Without some demonstrably overt act no one (or three) should have the power to take someones rights away by the swipe of a pen. “Suspected” of being unstable sounds like a term that could easily be abused by a few power-hungry bureaucrats hell bent on getting revenge for past slights that reach… Read more »