By Tred Law
USA -( The Florida Pulse night club shooting is now the worst mass shooting on U.S. soil with 50 dead and climbing, another 50+ wounded, 911 being the worst mass murder.
The Muslim, a U.S. citizen from Port Saint Lucie, Fla, who we wont name to block him any fame, was an aspiring Jihadi and according to the FBI bragged about “Ties To ‘Terrorist Organizations” . He actions now, clearly demonstrate he was an enemy of the USA.
Now the question is when our President makes his first public comments on the attack will he take the fight to radical Islam or will Hussein Barack Obama call for more domestic gun control in the name of fighting “hate crimes”, racism and so called “guns everywhere extremest”.
Calling this a tragedy and a surprise is an insult to the fellow Americans killed. “Tragedies” are train wrecks or car accidents, This should be no “surprise” as radical terrorist have been saying they would do exactly this kind of attack and ISIS has been calling for attacks during Ramadan.
If he goes the route I think he will, and calls for more gun control, it will show that he has not learned a thing in his seven years in office and that he has more sympathy for the religion of Islam than the safety and well being of the American people, who are so tolerant of all religions, including the “Peaceful” religion of Islam.
We are losing this war with radical Islam due to political correctness by the Obama Administration, let us hope our President proves me wrong.
gun control of course. He still has never mentioned radical islam
Did ATF approve this transaction knowing he had some terrorist ideology ?
I live overseas and we watch from afar as this stuff comes out of the States. We know you guys love your guns. Truly we understand this. But it doesn’t matter if it’s “Radical Islam” or “mental illness” – you guys are so quick to blame anything but the incredibly powerful killing tools (i.e. assault rifles & hand-guns) that you think should be freely available to everyone – except, of course, to those with ties to Radical Islam, mental illness or any other gripe with society. If it does prove that he had genuine links to Islam extremists (instead of… Read more »
Obviously you did not get the info that the “gun guys” have. This person was a security guard certified under state laws – he would have obtained this gun under any law you could think about. And I am so very sorry for you ignorance – I hope you are aware of the fact that we do have – both here and overseas – people dying from heroin overdoses in jail. So laws works very well in regards to criminals. Don’t they? Laws regulate what law obeying citizens do,. They do not prevent crimes, if they did we would not… Read more »
Well, overseas Dave, we do love our guns, if you don’t then don’t come here. We blame anything but the incredibly powerful killing tools because they are inanimate objects. Inanimate objects are incapable of killing anyone. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. The most common murder weapon in the U.S. is the hammer, next is the baseball bat. It is the American character to want freedom, including the freedom to own and carry guns on our persons where ever we go. You being from some slave country will never understand that, so it is probably best that you don’t… Read more »
I am a Vietnam veteran. Time to fight again
He damn sure won’t go after the radical Islamic terrorists and ISIS ! He will blame lawabiding firearms owner for the actions of this raghead terrorist.
He’s going to push his “watch list” gun control agenda.
Hussein can push the ‘watch list’ nonsense all he wants it will never get congressional approval. (Just like when he he tried to sneak it through congress the day after the San Bernardino terrorist shooting) Hussein might want to read the 5th and 14th amendments about ‘due process’ and what it means. You can’t be deprived of liberty or property without ‘due process’ Hussein could arbitrarily have anyone added to the list because of their political affiliation,or being a member of the NRA,(he has already said NRA members are terrorists) etc,..etc. !
Obama will call it Domestic terror needing clintons gun control
democrat to boot
The agenda is met……
Gays attack christians for saying they are sinners
yet ignore muslims call for stoning to death
How do you feel now?
Agenda’s always have this down fall in common