Gun Control, America’s Grown Weary…

By John Farnam

Gun Bans Gun Control Blah Blah Blah
Gun Control, America’s Grown Weary…
Defense Training International, Inc
Defense Training International, Inc

Ft Collins, CO –-( “Unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any moment.” ~ Huey Newton

The progressively frustrated cry for forced disarmament of Americans:

In the wake of the recent attempted murder of Republican politicians by a leftist ideologue, one might have expected the ususal panicked petition by liberals for, once again, the forced confiscation of all privately-owned firearms in America (much like what happened in Australia a decade ago, in the UK shortly after the end of WWI, and in CA currently).

For leftists/liberals, forced confiscation of privately-owned firearms may take place all at once, or in small, lying steps, but their end-goal is always the same. In fact, when each “small step” fails to reduce violent crime (of course, such “small steps” are cynically designed to fail), liberals will ever whine, “We didn’t go far enough,” setting the stage for the next “small step.”

All so predictable!

In any event, lately, and particularly this time, their worn-out, “ Guns-are-ishey,” siren-song is falling upon deaf ears!

In fact, so unpopular is the bromidic notion of universal gun confiscation, few Democrats are now even bringing it up, at least in public.

Even our liberal media is only lukewarm this time, a genuine departure from their customary vile, rabid, gun-hating diatribes.

It strikes me that liberals, in and out of the media, have finally caught-on that Americans are bored with them, and their ever-so predictable far-left dogma, maybe even a little annoyed!

Perhaps Americans have finally grown weary of being told by liberals that we are too stupid to own guns.

Perhaps Americans have plainly seen the blatant hypocrisy of heavily-armed, liberal politicians, and liberal media personalities pseudo-sanctimoniously (and oh-so condescendingly) dictating to the rest of us, from their ivory towers, that we don’t “need” guns!

Perhaps, despite being assured by liberals that it is all just our imagination, Americans are justifiably frightened of Islamic terrorists, and we desperately want effective means of unilaterally defending ourselves.

If they were smart, Democrats would drop this red herring once and for all. But, as with all leftists, their personal vanity won’t permit any species of repentance. They would rather die than admit they’re wrong, or are even capable of being wrong!

“Without your rifle, you are nothing, worthless. You are waiting for death, any minute, any second.” ~ Aron Bielski, WWII Jewish Resistance Fighter in Eastern Europe


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent and unlawful lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance, if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or inactions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

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There have always been fools as long has man has existed. Common sense or wisdom is wasted on them. This will bring about their destruction. So as Jesus stated “dont cast pearls before swine”. The rest of us need to prepare for war with the fools. Train, train, train. Win the fight!


Farnam may be on to something here; i.e., that “gun control” under whatever label has exhausted the patience of the public. If that were so, then what ought we to do about it? I suspect the answer is: Keep stirring the fire. A commentator used a question that I think should be our theme: “What, precisely, do you propose?” And, we keep hammering away at “precisely”. The Antis will try to squirm out of saying anything precise; but that will ware the public’s patience thin. When they do respond with something precise (UBC, AWB, etc.) we respond with the glaring… Read more »

Pistol Packin Preacher

Great read and just like America tired of libs rant this Gil the troll is tiresome also, what an idiot. Hey you get off my cloud.


now more than ever we need guns since the libs let all those nasty muslims in that want to kill us christains .


What about the Supreme Court’s Heller ruling from nine years ago? Would someone still support something already declared unconstitutional?


In other words, the children of a generation prior who watched the movies where justice could only be obtained from the gunfighter or the rogue cop because the courts would go soft on even violent crime grew up to make their dreams a reality. They also found out that their ancestors didn’t have a formal police force either but informal groups of militia member to protect themselves and catch criminals so that’s what society will be made to look like.