West Chester, PA Anti Gun Rally 2018 – Lots of Scared, Misinformed Protestors

Reporting by Darren Wolfe

West Chester, PA Anti Gun and Anti Freedom Rally 2018
West Chester, PA Anti Gun and Anti Freedom Rally 2018

West Chester, PA – -(Ammoland.com)- A cold wind blew through West Chester, PA that Saturday. It was the day of the so-called March For Our Lives. While the wind was cold the protesters’ anger burned and nothing good ever comes from such burning anger.

Reacting to my sign that reads “background checks do not work” this guy was really upset. (I wasn’t able to record the first part of the conversation as my camera had shut off.):

This belief in background checks is truly emotional and cult like. It’s not surprising though, it’s the only way to hold on to that belief in the face of overwhelming evidence that they’ve failed. No doubt readers noted the cherry picking of examples and denial of contrary facts. The reference to Prof. Cook at the beginning of the video was about me bringing up the article “Study Shows Brady Bill Had No Impact on Gun Homicides“. In it Prof. Cook clearly states that the Brady Bill is a failure, I.E. background checks don’t work.

These ladies were much nicer but just as wrong. They seem to think that all ARs (scary black rifles) are capable of fully automatic fire. As usual for gun rights haters they’re wrongly convinced that the US has the highest murder rate in the world:

Anyone wondering about my references to social dynamics in the videos is invited to listen to this presentation by Prof. Randolph Roth of Ohio State University on the subject. I also recommend his book “American Homicide”. Both make clear that it is social dynamics, not access to guns, that drive the murder rate up or down.

The sign also lead to a very pleasant conversation with a member of Gun Sense Chester County who remembered me from Mike Weisser’s presentation of March 3, 2018. I said that if they were going to claim that we have such a high murder rate in the US then that shows that all the gun control we have, including background checks, has failed. Her answer was that background checks aren’t universal that’s why they fail. She claimed that according to a RAND Corp study they do help a little in some cases. (This article from Newsweek says that RAND found a lack of evidence on the subject. If that’s really the best they can do…)

When I then pointed out that every step of the way advocates of gun control say this measure or that measure will solve the problem yet they never do. Each time gun control fails they only say we need more to make it work. We ended our conversation there.

Since my camera had shut off, again, I wasn’t able to video another man who took exception to my sign. Our discussion quickly turned to the meaning of the 2nd Amendment. When I explained that it was about keeping the government disarmed by having a militia rather than standing forces he got really hot and bothered.

He exclaimed that we need the government armed to protect the public from people like me. Maybe it was the hoodie I was wearing, who knows?

The cold wind also blew in a celebrity to promote gun control, Jay Leno. Gun owning members of his fan club may want to reconsider their memberships.

What’s the take-away from covering the march? These people are scared, hurt, and angry but most of all misinformed. Isn’t that what enemies of freedom always count on? They think they’re doing good but good comes not from reacting emotionally but from having knowledge and thinking things through. One is reminded of the words of Judge Louis D. Brandeis:

“Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning, but without understanding.”

A quick look at some of their signs tells us that they want to ban all the guns they think they can get away with:

Ban Rifles Sign West Chester, PA Anti Gun and Anti Freedom Rally 2018
Ban Rifles Sign West Chester, PA Anti Gun and Anti Freedom Rally 2018
Guns Are Death Sign West Chester, PA Anti Gun and Anti Freedom Rally 2018
Guns Are Death Sign West Chester, PA Anti Gun and Anti Freedom Rally 2018

The day didn’t end on a sad note though. On the way home I stopped at the massive, 1700 table gun show at Oaks, PA. It sure seemed like there were more people at the gun show than attended the march. That is a good sign.

About Darren Wolfe

Darren Wolfe presently blogs as the International Libertarian (https://theinternationallibertarian.blogspot.com/). He is the former Eastern Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. Darren is also an avid shooter and chess player.

Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IntLibertarian.

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Just here to cite some facts for the ones who have not read them, enjoy the read. Just maybe these libs can learn something. 2ND AMENDMENTARTICLESBIG BROTHERGUN CONTROLHISTORYPOLITICSUS NEWS Gun Control Dictator Style – Tyrants Who Banned Firearms Before Slaughtering the People BRADLEE DEAN — JANUARY 8, 2013 • 1.4KSHARES • Share • Tweet • Plus • “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” – Mao Tze Tung, Nov 6, 1938 How ironic that those who are… Read more »


All these people if asked do not even know what they want! They will be the 1st to yell for help when they are attacked. We do not need more laws nor do we need to ban “Assault” weapons, What is needed it to enforce current laws better.


These so called protesters don’t know that AR stands for Armolite Rifle and not Assault Weapon.How ignorant can people be. And to top it off they blame the NRA,Not the shooter or the law enforcement who could have stopped it and that includes the FBI


I think we need to focus on teen texting and driving!
Texting while driving has become a greater hazard than drinking and driving among teenagers who openly acknowledge sending and reading text messages while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.
The number of teens who are dying or being injured as a result of texting while driving has skyrocketed as mobile device technology has advanced. Researchers at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park estimate more than 3,000 annual teen deaths nationwide from texting and 300,000 injuries.


These are the people that are simply mis informed about guns and don’t care to be educated they believe anything a politician tells them , and they usaualy distort the facts to fit the agenda which is to take all guns ,the fact they won’t t tell you, I guess ignorance is bliss


It is thought that Vladimir Lennon made the statement that; “USEFUL IDIOTS” can be used to prove a non-existent incorrect social point. After the point is made, the USEFUL IDIOTS can be gotten rid of.
Hitler and many other malignant rulers used USEFUL IDIOTS as well; Brown shirts – Germany, Kristallnacht against the Jews – Germany, China’s communist movement, Kill the infidel – iran, isis, Kill Republicans – DemocRATic party members and the list goes on.