USA – -(Ammoland.com)- “The Boulder City Council on Thursday night unanimously passed on first reading an ordinance that bans the sale and possession of certain firearms defined as assault weapons,” The Denver Post reports. “Council members will deliberate the measure at a future meeting and possibly pass it twice more before it becomes an enshrined Boulder ordinance.”
The presentation prepared for the Council shows the new edict to be a masterwork of conflation, ignorance, presumption and flat-out tyranny. What’s clear is they haven’t made up their minds exactly what to ban and how to go about it, although it is clear they’d really like to ban everything (with “Only Ones” exemptions, of course). What’s not clear is how they square any of it with the Second Amendment, conveniently included in the slide show if for no other reason than to thumb their noses at it and at the citizens who understand and believe in it.
That 150 people signed up to speak and only 111 could get on the agenda did not matter to a Council that had already made up its collective mind, as more than illustrated by Councilwoman Jill Adler Grano’s arrogant and ignorant assertion:
“She added that the proposed ordinance does not strip residents of their Second Amendment rights — which was a fear expressed throughout the public hearing on Thursday — because the Second Amendment doesn’t guarantee the right to an assault rifle.”
The hell it doesn’t.
Grano is utterly incapable of authoritatively addressing Founding intent for the Second Amendment, as well as past Supreme Court acknowledgment:
“[T]he Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense … [who] were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time [and] “the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear … ordinary military equipment … that … could contribute to the common defense.”
Those citizens couldn’t very well fulfill that duty if they didn’t already possess such arms and have the ability to travel freely with them – as was and is “the birthright of an American.”

Grano doesn’t have to be right because no one is publicly challenging her and the council to square their unsubstantiated claims with the record – certainly no one in “the media. And when even federal judges are making the same subversive pronouncements, as U.S. District Judge William Young just did in dismissing a lawsuit against Massachusetts for expanding its so-called “assault weapons” ban, expect that Big Lie to be repeated until it is presumed true by all but marginalized “extremists.”
He’s hardly the first faithless federal judge. Or the highest.
Assume Boulder will pass its ordinance. Assume gun rights groups will challenge it – and who wants to bet on the U.S. District Court? Also assume things may not work out on appeal (and looking at the composition of the Tenth Circuit, that’s not an unreasonable assumption). That means all the Supreme Court has to do for the “law” to stand is—nothing.
My prediction, with the caveat that I’m not a lawyer and this is merely the perspective of an interested layman: A challenge using all the familiar arguments of home defense, sport (and there’s an exemption in the Boulder ordinance anyway) and economic impacts will not be persuasive. It’s past time the courts had to face the fundamental question that has already been addressed and answered by the High Court:
Can such in common use at the time arms contribute to the common defense?
If they can be, they’re protected. If a court rules agains them anyway, at least it will be clear that those intent on being obeyed have dropped all pretenses for allowing fundamental rights to be peaceably protected within a system they control.
UPDATE: A meeting attendee estimates “I would say that there were approximately 20 gun owners to every gun grabber.”
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
The law suits have started in Deerfield Illinois, I guess Bolder is next.
First Deerfield, ILL, now Boulder, CO. What is the world coming to? It is time these do-goers, a$$holes, fill-in-blanks, etc. are voted out of office. We are under attack, and we MUST FIGHT back with every legal means possible.
I just renewed my NRA membership for 5 years, and re-joined GOA. Time to renew my National Association for Gun Rights membership, too. I were my NAGR AR-15 T-Shirt with pride. And don’t forgot about your local Gun Rights groups.
In addition to the quote the author used against the Boulder Idiots-in-Charge, and strictly as an interested non-lawyer, I believe that the Supreme Court decision in US v. Miller also supports the 2nd Amendment applicability of and to AR-15s.
Very much like the propaganda “justification” in the preamble of the GFSZ law, 18§922(q) , just make up some premise and either lie or ignore actual historical facts. City councils are like the judge in MIRACLE ON 34th STREET, when deciding about Santa the script called for the judge to “consult the highest available authority” which was his political advisor [played by William Frawley aka Fred Mertz]. Unfortunately city councils don’t write scripts, they write laws and infringe on freedom and totally fail at getting close to what they claim they were going to do. City Councils consult the authority… Read more »
These damn idiots and they ARE IDIOTS, don’t have a clue about safety. The raging morons are, like their twins in Kommieforniastan, are making our firearms much more dangerous. The first thing we do incase of a jam is to drop the mag so we can safely clear it. Now we can’t even do that. As I said RAGING MORONS. If someone gets hurt as a result of their stupidity I hope the fools are sued for a whole lot of money.
Boulder will become a wasteland of it’s
own making . They will drive away people ,
who normally would spend money at their
ski resorts and hotels , spas , and other
shopping areas . Pro gun people have
as much or more cash flow in that region
as anyone. Drive away business and your done !