USA – -(Ammoland.com)- Dear VFW and Auxiliary Members,
Since 2007, Burger King franchisees and their customers have contributed over $5 million to the VFW Unmet Needs program. Their generosity has been put to work, as the Unmet Needs program has provided more than $10 million in assistance to nearly 9,000 veterans and military families who came face-to-face with unexpected financial difficulties since its inception in 2004.
This Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 19, 2018, I’m asking you to recognize the amazing show of support our friends at Burger King have demonstrated to the VFW and those we serve by participating in the VFW’s #ThankBK Appreciation Day.
Stop by your local Burger King and purchase a meal. But don’t stop there – say “thank you” to the franchise owners, managers and Burger King team members! It’s because of their efforts that we’re able to provide service members, veterans and their families a hand up when they need it most.
Proudly wear your VFW caps while ordering, leave your business cards, present this appreciation letter we’ve prepared for you, and let Burger King management know the VFW is there to support their restaurant, just as they have supported our Unmet Needs program.
Please also encourage your family, friends and fellow VFW members to dine at Burger King on this VFW #ThankBK Appreciation Day. Let’s make this a nationwide event! We’ve prepared a flyer and two ads for your use in helping to spread the word even further! Download them here.
As an extra incentive, we’ll be looking through the #ThankBK posts on social media and awarding several prizes for the best photos! Be sure to include #ThankBK and your VFW Post number in your posts. The grand prize winner will take home a $500 grant from the VFW Foundation which can be used at the Post’s discretion. Additional prizes include $50 and $100 gift certificates to the VFW Store.
If you encounter a Burger King franchisee or manager who has not participated in supporting the Unmet Needs program and would like information about the July or November Burger King/VFW Unmet Needs fundraising campaigns, please direct them to:
- Mike DeRosa, VFW Foundation Board member and Burger King franchisee at [email protected] or (715) 379-0471 or
- Ben Vargas, VFW Foundation assistant manager at [email protected] or (816) 968-2720.
Throughout my extensive travels across the United States, I have made it a point to frequent those businesses that support the VFW and its programs and services, especially Burger King. Our relationship with these generous franchise owners is crucial to the far-reaching success of our Unmet Needs program.
For Veterans,
Keith E. Harman
VFW National Commander