Julie Golob Elected to NRA Board of Directors 2018

Julie Golob for the NRA Board of Directors
Julie Golob for the NRA Board of Directors

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- It’s been an exciting few months. It all began with a nomination by the NRA Board of Directors nominating committee to seeing my name and bio on the official ballot.

From posts here on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, my Facebook group, and special email list, I focused my efforts on the grassroots and our every day members. Thanks to the wonderful World Wide Web, I was able to reach so many people. The response was incredible, and the support truly something special.

Something I didn’t expect in the campaign was how I was labeled. Some pronounced me under qualified or unsuitable. For others I was simply a “celebrity” or a “rubber stamp.” Then there were those who automatically enrolled me in a rebellion movement of sorts. To be clear, I’m not one who cares to fit a mold.

To address these labels, I am indeed qualified. With 30 years in the shooting sports and as a proud NRA Benefactor member, I am not afraid to speak about the importance of our Second Amendment. In fact, I am proud to do so.

Celebrity may be a dirty word to some, but there is nothing sinister in its definition. There are those who look at professional shooters with resentment. My journey is one I am proud of and recognition for my success on the range and in the media does not negate my continual work and dedication to sharing safe, responsible gun ownership and the shooting sports.

Finally, thoughtful leadership takes into account all views. Where some consider different ideas a rebellion, others understand that the path to true progress lies in blending the ideals and importance of tradition with modernization to achieve positive results. Not all change is bad and we must always consider the future as we evolve and grow.

My grandfather and father taught me valuable life lessons. From my grandfather, a WWII veteran, I learned that no one person or organization is perfect, but to succeed you need to work hard, be steadfast and give it your best individual effort in order to succeed as a team. My father, also a hard worker, taught me the significant value of a handshake, a simple, heartfelt thank you, and the power of listening.

Throughout the course of this campaign, I heard from many of you. Though we are a membership of five million strong, there is dichotomy and segmentation, especially when it comes thoughts on how the organization should be run. There is significant challenge in unity, but through extensive consideration and thoughtful leadership we can continue to better fuse together as the most powerful voice for the preservation our gun rights.

As a newly elected board member I am grateful. From long time members pledging their support to those who even became life members just to cast votes, I am humbled. You have my word to give my very best. If you’d like to reach out to me to share your thoughts about the NRA, please visit juliegolob.com/julieg-for-nra and complete the form to send me an email.

The next few years will be challenging, but I’m up for it. Thank you again, AmmoLand readers for your support!

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Lenny Thompson

Congratulations Julie. You have been dedicated gun advocate. You are well deserved for person for the position. And thank you for your military service. GOD BLESS YOU.

Wild Bill

@Julie, Hardiest Congratulations! I have pinned my hopes on you not being a rubber stamp because the NRA has given in to the Anti-Second Amendment movement, too often.

Matt in Oklahoma

Congrats! I hope you can turn them around because I’m not happy with that organization at all but I’m not in a position to do anything about it at the time. I can see you doing great things just as you have in your professional and personal life.

Larry Brickey

NRA needs more women on the Board.

Brian H Lawrence

Well, deserved, Congratulations Julie