Arizona -(Ammoland.com)- The Democrat party has moved considerably to the left for the 2018 midterm elections. As part of that strategy, they have wholeheartedly embraced gun control as a winning issue. Here is a Democrat strategist explaining their thoughts on July 6th. Opinion from usatoday.com:
Since 1994, Democrats have shied away from gun safety believing that this fight is nearly impossible for Democrats to engage in and win because NRA supporters are more organized, energized and monetized.
2018 could finally be the end of 1994
Now, less than 125 days to another midterm election, the times they are a’changing. Obviously, there are vitally important stakes in this election, like control of Congress, and existential stakes, like defeating President Donald Trump’s chorus of congressional “yes-men.” But there’s more that this election could do: After almost 25 years, 2018 could finally be the end of 1994.
The Democrats are counting on anti-Trumpian energy to overcome the more motivated and numerous Second Amendment supporters. It seems l a poor bet. Polls have become increasingly unreliable as shown in 2016.
In February, NPR found (in a poll) that support for gun control was fading. They suggested that Democrats not use it as a major plank in their strategy. From npr.org:
While almost half of all registered voters (46 percent) say a candidate’s position on gun policy will be a major factor in deciding whom to vote for, that number is down 13 points from February, when a shooting at a Florida high school sparked outrage.
So if Democrats are counting on guns to motivate their voters to get to the polls, maybe they shouldn’t. There has been a major drop among Democrats on the issue — down 21 points over the past two months. In February, 74 percent of Democrats called it a major factor in deciding their vote in February, but now just 53 percent say so.
The issue has faded among independents, too, dropping from 54 percent to 42 percent who said gun policy would have a major impact on their vote.
Historically, Democrats have lost when they play the gun control card. In the intervening years since 1994, people with gun carry permits have become 8 percent or more of voting adults in most swing states. The places with few permits are reliable Democrat bastions like California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts and Hawaii. Those places are generally not contested. Even in California, the counties where Republicans hold seats have large numbers of people with gun permits. Most indications are the number of gun owners have grown.
A source on the East coast has said that ads promoting gun control as an issue for the 2018 midterms are saturating the area.
It is better the Democrats come out in the open with their agenda, instead of hiding it, attempting to fool the people in emotional moments. But they have re-branded their effort, calling it “gun safety“. An opinion piece by Greg Lee Carter at the Baltimore Sun summed up the choices. Opinion from the baltimoresun.com:
But the most important and serious action you can take, if you really want serious federal gun control successfully legislated, is to vote Democratic in 2018 and 2020.
Of course, the obverse is also true: If “gun rights” is a paramount issue to you, and if you believe that any new gun control legislation would compromise these rights, then you need to vote Republican and donate to the NRA. Again, there is no compromise to be found in the gun debate — at least not yet.
Democratic republics work best if clear choices are offered. Too often, politicians use polls to craft carefully worded focus group phrases designed to manipulate voters with weasel words or flowery half-lies.

The choices are going to be clear in 2018. Those who fail to vote will have to live with what others decided for them.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
These people should never be hammering out policy decisions, they are oath breakers against the Constitution & Bill Of Rights. There needs to be accountability. Time to quote various authors on this subject! Hoplophobia Hoplophobia is a political neologism coined by retired American military officer Jeff Cooper as a pejorative to describe an “irrational aversion to weapons.” It is also used to describe the “fear of firearms” or the “fear of armed citizens.” HOPLOPHOBIA. (1966) From the Greek___(weapon) plus __ (terror). An unreasoning, obsessive neurotic fear of weapons as such, usually accompanied by an irrational feeling that weapons possess a… Read more »
Communists ?
I watched yesterday as the demonrats and their hysterical psychopaths showed their true colors at the Kavenaugh hearings. Just keep up the fine display of Bull Sh*t you’re slinging around. Not all the folks in this Republic can be hoodwinked all the time!
I’m glad the Commiecrats want to loose in the election and aren’t hesitant to announce it.