John C. Garand & the Springfield Armory 1942-45 ~ AmmoLand News Image Vault

Springfield Armory Main Entrance LC-USE6-D-000136
Springfield Armory Main Entrance : Gate of guns. Main entrance to the Administration building at an eastern armory, now turning out guns for the war program

USA – -( Welcome to the AmmoLand News image vault. Here is where we dig deep into some of our collection of historic firearms photos for our readers to enjoy. In this series photographer, Alfred T. Palmer and others take us on a photo tour of a 1940 factory producing M1 Garands under the direct supervision of John C. Garand around 1940 – 45. We believe these photos were taken at the Springfield arsenal.

These images feature the production of M1 Garand rifles as well as some candid photos of John C. Garand himself. AmmoLand Editors have reprocessed and digitally enhanced these photos so you can better see the details and imagery of these important photos. Be sure and click on each image for full-size images views.

This is the first time these images are being seen in print in sixty plus years. If you like this series please leave us feedback in the comments if you would like to see more vintage photo digs like this.

John C. Garand Firearms Inventor 1940: The man behind the gun. John C. Garand, the inventor of the semi-automatic rifle now being turned out in large quantities under the war program, looks over one of the newly produced rifles.

 John C. Garand Firearms Inventor 1940 LC-USE6-D-000134
John C. Garand Firearms Inventor 1940

John C. Garand At Work : Invention for defense. John C. Garand, inventor of the Army’s semi-automatic rifle, at work in his model shop.

John C. Garand At Work LC-USE6-D-000135
John C. Garand At Work

John C. Garand, inventor of the Garand rifle: Springfield, Massachusetts. John C. Garand, inventor of the Garand rifle, pointing out some of the features of the rifle to Major General Charles M. Wesson during the general’s visit to the Springfield arsenal. At right is Brigadier General Gilbert H. Stewart, commanding officer of the arsenal.

John C. Garand, inventor of the Garand rifle : LC-USW33-000135-ZE
John C. Garand, inventor of the Garand rifle

John C. Garand, Springfield, Mass. between 1941 and 1945:

  • (Left) Garand, inventor of semi-automatic .30 cal M-1 rifle, insturcting his children Janice, as she kneels to take aim, and Richard, who sits on the floor aiming.
  • (Right) John C. Garand aiming one of the semi-automatic U.S. rifles, the .30 caliber M 1, which he invented, Springfield, Massachusetts.
John C. Garand, Springfield, Mass. between 1941 and 1945
John C. Garand, Springfield, Mass. between 1941 and 1945

A Rack Of Garand Rifles: A rack of Garand rifles on their way to the shipping room. Soon they will be playing an active part in our work.

A Rack Of Garand Rifles : LC-USE6-D-000141
A Rack Of Garand Rifles

Garand Rifles One Last Checkup: One last checkup. One last checkup is being given these Garand Rifles, following proof firing activity at an eastern armory.

Garand Rifles One Last Checkup: LC-USE6-D-000142
Garand Rifles One Last Checkup

Garand Rifle Assembly Room: Putting them together. A corner of the assembly room at an armory, where war workers are putting together the parts which make up a Garand rifle.

Garand Rifle Assembly Room : LC-USE6-D-000143
Garand Rifle Assembly Room

Gauging The Diameter Of The Barrel: It has to be right. Gauging the diameter of the barrel of a Garand rifle following grinding. An eastern armory is turning out these rifles for the war program.

Gauging The Diameter Of The Barrel : LC-USE6-D-000119
Gauging The Diameter Of The Barrel

Garand Rifles Being Packed : Garand rifles being packed for shipment to troops in training.

Garand Rifles Being Packed : LC-USE6-D-000140
Garand Rifles Being Packed

Gun Stock Takes Shape : Out of the rough. A gun stock takes shape under the hands of a skilled workman as the war production goes ahead at an eastern armory.

Gun Stock Takes Shape LC-USE6-D-000127
Gun Stock Takes Shape

Testing For Garand Rifle Accuracy : Testing for accuracy. Checking the straight-shooting qualities of one of the semi-automatic rifle which play an important role in our war preparation. Note the ejected cartridge flying through the air in the upper right hand corner of the photograph.

Testing For Garand Rifle Accuracy LC-USE6-D-000133
Testing For Garand Rifle Accuracy

If you enjoyed this look back and want to see more let us know in the comments below. For our next Image Vault we have some stunning color images from the 1940 and the womens war effort. Please Subscribe to our email list so you do not miss the next article in this series.

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Paul Valone

An excellent piece by an, an excellent news service which I read religiously. More please! May I also suggest that people visit the Springfield Armory Museum on the site of the original armory? It features a very nice gun collection, including a number of Garand prototypes, and a number of machines from the original factory.

Wild Bill

Just a couple stray thoughts: Where did Ammoland get a “photo vault”? There are no young people in the photos. Where are all the young people? If the Garand had an action screw it would be more accurate, and I would like it better. There are plenty of Garands out there, one need only trade some nearly worthless paper for them.


Great photos! I have a couple of Garands myself. I’d like to have some of those ‘new in the box ‘ though.


My brother and I enjoyed seeing these pictures very much! We grew up with a former 50″s Marine Corps armorer for a Dad and a M-1 around the house always. I myself am also a machinist and am amazed at the old machines and machining practices. It is truly amazing that they could keep any kind of tolerances.

Jim Funderburg

Great photo story. More!


In the current issue of The GCA (Garand Collectors Association) Journal, there is a short article by an individual who as a child was the Garands’ neighbor. The picture of John Garand in the vest shows him dressed as he did working in his garden, according to his former neighbor.

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