New York – -(AmmoLand.com)- Antigun proponents proselytize relentlessly, mercilessly, zealously, and sanctimoniously to the masses.
A compliant, complicit mainstream “Press” reports every incident of gun violence. And, it does so deliberately, duplicitously, insidiously–exaggerating, magnifying incidents of gun violence in society.
The unethical reports become a fictional, grating, narrative: Confiscate firearms from everyone and the problem of criminal and sociopathic misuse of firearms will take care of itself, we are told. No, it won’t. This tactic would simply leave millions of law-abiding Americans defenseless. But some believe the lie.
Antigun politicians cajole the public to view gun violence as more prevalent than it is. Since they see firearms in the hands of millions of citizens as senseless, antigun politicians wage a ceaseless, inexorable assault on law-abiding gun owners. They try to instill in the average American a feeling of revulsion and abhorrence of guns.
They see the ownership and possession of firearms as uncivilized. They deem firearms aesthetically unpleasant. They find firearms morally objectionable. They perceive the teaching of our youth to enjoy and appreciate the proper use of and respect for firearms to be wrongheaded at best, and altogether unconscionable, at worst. The youth of our Nation are expected to share the raw hatred and fear toward firearms that the antigun zealots, themselves, have toward them. Young boys that grew up playing “Soldier” and “Cops and Robbers,” and “Cowboys and Indians” in the 1950s, are no longer permitted to do so. What once was actively encouraged or, at least accepted, is no longer tolerated. Those children who do play these childhood games–as part of acclimation to manhood–are chastised for doing so.
The radical Left, insinuating itself throughout Government, Business, the media, and even in our institution of law, consider the innocuous games of our youth, dangerous, aberrant behavior that will no longer be tolerated and condoned, much less acquiesced, let alone encouraged. Allowing children to play such games is considered wrongheaded, socially deviant. Antigun zealots and other radical Leftists believe that the very existence of the Second Amendment right of the people to keep and bear arms undermines social cohesion; undercuts the societal collective, and undermines their ability to control the polity. This bespeaks the “hive mentality” they seek to seed, cultivate, in nourish in all Americans–to create a docile and obedient and frightened community, beaten down, and remolded to accept bondage and penury. Yet, they find “reeducating” the adult population difficult–too many adults resist their efforts. So they refocus their efforts on our children. Children are ostracized, today, in our public schools, when they happen to demonstrate a predilection for firearms and who eventually are able to understand, truly understand, and appreciate the critical importance of our Bill of Rights and, especially, the critical importance of the Second Amendment in at least deterring if not preventing the onset of tyranny. Gun ownership and possession is the sine qua non of individuality and autonomy.
The new programs for educating our youth–apart from the education of the children of the “elite” who will dominate and rule over the rest of us–do not breed self-assurance and self-confidence, as the curricula are not designed to do that. Instead children are instilled with anxiety and self-doubt, and this is by design. They learn nothing about our core values, traditions, and history. They know nothing about our form of Government and the trials and effort and sacrifice that went into the creation of our Nation, founded and preserved on a unique, sacred, Constitution. Rather, children are instilled with guilt over perceived wrongs of our ancestors and told to behave and toe the line. The youth of our Nation, educated to be docile slaves in a new international world order, will then be easier to control.
And the massive waves of ignorant, uneducated, ill-informed illegal aliens–admitted with open arms into our Country by those elements, both here at home and abroad, who see in these millions of hapless individuals a useful tool to undermine our Nation–are intended to supplant Americans.
These alien migrants are, after all, nothing but a glob of docile, obedient “worker ants.” They know nothing of the importance of personal autonomy and individuality; and they couldn’t care less about the structure of a Constitutional Republic, ruled by law, not by men, even if they could understand and appreciate our Constitution, our history, our traditions, our core values and beliefs. Indeed, The New York Times, in an article titled, “Backlogs Prolong Wait To Become U.S. Citizens,” published on February 21, 2019, says–in fact, complains–that “the steep application fee, and the civics and English tests have historically deterred many from naturalizing.” Really, now! The fact that people who seek to become citizens of the Greatest Nation on Earth have to pay a steep application fee, and learn to speak English and gather an understanding of our Nation’s history, and traditions, our fundamental, sacred rights and liberties and our form of Government is asking too much of them? Did millions of Western and Eastern Europeans quibble and complain about costs, and the demands of learning English and learning about our Constitutional Republic when they emigrated to our Country in the early Twentieth Century? Were these people heard to complain about remitting exorbitant amounts of money just to arrive here by ship, and who had to learn English, and who had to learn about our Constitution, and about our Nation’s history, and about our core values. Not at all! They were proud to become citizens, and they realized the importance of inculcating our values and language as they assimilated. Now, we have the MSM making excuses for them, as it is we, Americans who should accept people who have no desire to learn our language, or to learn about our Nation’s rich cultural past, and who feel no need to accept the principles under which we live–it is we who must kowtow to them!
Many of these people are looking for handouts, and handouts will, of course, be given to them so long as they behave. Thus, the Billionaire Globalist “elites,” through their minions, the Radical Left–in Congress, in the media, in business, and even in the Courts–envision a different, bizarre America, one that is hollowed out–one that even precludes the trappings of a once proud, sovereign, independent Nation. Yes, the strength of the military and of the police and intelligence apparatus will continue to exist but will be coopted for use by the rulers of a new transnational system of social, political, cultural, economic, and legal governance, as we are occurring even now. It stands to reason that assimilation is unnecessary if our Nation is doomed to fall anyway as our Nation becomes a mere cog in the grand scheme of the new international world order. It is all false messaging. And most Americans do not fall for it.
Most citizens recognize the fallacy of the new messaging and are well aware of the agenda of this Radical Left. The Radical Left desires to create confusion and uncertainty in the public and seeks to instill, in our children, that same confusion and uncertainty.
The aims of the Radical Left are insidious. But, it has access to money; lots of it. And the Radical Left is well organized. The ruthless internationalists, who seek to destroy our Nation, orchestrate the radical Left’s every move; provide the Radical Left with its talking points; create the Left’s agenda, and tick off the items on the agenda, once accomplished. It is all a well-planned, orchestrated subterfuge. It is all a carefully calculated, ruthless scheme to take the Nation from the American people, without the American people even knowing it is happening.
About The Arbalest Quarrel:
Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.
For more information, visit: www.arbalestquarrel.com.
I used to be able to share stories from Ammo Land Shooting Sports News on Face Book. Now the “share” button is gone and I can no longer post articles to FB. What happened?
The above replies tell it all. good show.
Why can’t the average person demand that these people be charged and prosecuted when they commit crimes.
Holder, Lynch, Clinton all committed violations of federal laws. It’s simple, you violate a law, you get prosecuted.
There should be no discretion by the “Attorney General” as to who gets prosecuted. The law alone demands it.
We don’t need the children to play “Cops and Robbers” Let them play “Americans and Redcoats”. We won freedom that way.
Holder says people need to be brainwashed. I think Holder needs to be indicted. I imagine Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata would agree with me.
The biggest problem is not the lies themselves, but the fact that there are apparently millions of brain-dead American citizens (who vote) and believe anything and everything they see or read or hear in the media, regardless of the truth or facts. You can’t reason with people who are unreasonable or use logic with illogical individuals.
First of all, it is NOT Gun Violence!!! It is violence perpetrated by Violent people using guns. Ergo it IS people violence. And the anti gun zealots are using the term to muddy the issue. And the word gun to them is synonymous with you and me. They are really talking about us SA supporters.
All the liberals have to keep power is LIES, STEALING, and CHEATING!
sounds like all the other socialist/communist states that have come and gone .
Best article I’ve read in a long time