Helping Hunting Rebound Will Help the Second Amendment

File PhotoUnited States – -( When anti-Second Amendment extremists are trying to get people to go along with banning modern multi-purpose semi-automatic rifles, one of the things they do is to appeal to hunters. Bill Clinton was a master at using that technique to lull many into acquiescence – and Joe Biden also uses it.

It’s a smart tactical and strategic approach. According to the Department of the Interior, there were about 11.5 million hunters in 2017. Or, almost twice the membership of the NRA. This understates the untapped potential for activism and support for the Second Amendment since not all NRA members hunt. But the number of hunters declined by two million and reversing this is something that is in the interest of both Second Amendment supporters, hunters, and those who value real conservation as well.

As is the case with our Second Amendment rights, much of the stuff coming against hunting is emotion-driven, and at odds with the facts. When you look at the facts, hunting does a lot of good for the environment and the population of wildlife as a whole. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has a good rundown on that, including how wildlife has bounced back thanks to the efforts of hunters in particular.

For one thing, these days, hunters are scorned by elite opinion almost as much as Second Amendment supporters are. Don’t take my word for it – just look at the recent backlash at the founder of Jimmy John’s or a number of other hunters prominently shamed for their sport on social media. If you think Eric Holder’s anti-Second Amendment “brainwashing” has been bad, consider this: Hunters have seen their sport be the subject of a campaign that has been far more effective.

As you might expect, that brainwashing, in general, has caused the numbers to go down. The scorn for hunting among younger people means that new hunters aren’t taking up the sport. It also can be used to shame people into giving it up – or at least not talking about it to dispel the myths.

But Second Amendment supporters have also made their mistakes as well. One has been that they have thought too much about the Second Amendment in terms of personal protection or resistance to governmental tyranny (although those are extremely valid reasons). The Second Amendment protects our God-given right to the tools (firearms) that preserve our life.

But firearms don’t just preserve our right to live from a tyrannical government or a criminal threatening us or those we care about with bodily harm. Firearms also help many people preserve their lives because they are the tool used to put food on the table for themselves or others (look up Hunters for the Hungry) via hunting. It’s a lawful, legitimate reason to own firearms, and Second Amendment supporters should promote hunting on that basis – standing with those who Hollywood and media elites would sic social media mobs on and shame for choosing to feed their families themselves rather than ask for a handout.

All too often, when hunters are looked down on as “Fudds,” we blow a chance to build bonds with them – if nothing else than a shared resentment over the self-righteous scorn dished out by the likes of Ricky Gervais. Hunters should be natural backers of the Second Amendment, and if we stand with them, we have the chance to win those who are not involved in the fight over. But this is only possible if we have the right approach to them, one that is mindful of how we come across, which has pro-Second Amendment solutions to address concerns, and which doesn’t hurt the cause more than helping it.

Harold Hu, chison

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.

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Since there were a few idiots who showed up here but did not wish to comment, this is for them as an expansion of what I started yesterday. What those individuals didnt want to talk about are the two main problems with Harold’s article. 1st, the Second Amendment is not about hunting. Plain and simple. If the Second Amendment was a right to keep and bear arms perhaps a case could be made for that type of thinking. It is not however, because what it is is a restriction, a ban, an off limits sign to the government that they… Read more »

Dave in Fairfax

TheRevelator, I’m not sure who the people you were referencing were, I hope that you aren’t counting me as one of the people who disagreed with you, I don’t, and after rereading the comments repeatedly I don’t see any others disagreeing. It’s possible that you’ve read more into the comments than was intended. Perhaps you could quote the parts that offend you. There is no question about the intent of the Second amendment or whether it was intended to protect against tyrannical deer. I suspect that we are reading from the same sheet of music. The ONLY point in the… Read more »


@Dave in Fairfax No, It wasn’t the people commenting. There were several people giving “ghost thumbs down” originally on my first post. Me being me, I couldn’t help but troll them a little and demonstrate the stupidity of the thumbs up and down feature when some people will refuse to post because they know from the start that the facts are not on their side. I’ve since received upvotes which have it close to even now. What we will see happen most likely in the future are the people using that system to hide and sway opinion. Think of Och… Read more »

Dave in Fairfax

“Hunters should be natural backers of the Second Amendment, and if we stand with them, we have the chance to win those who are not involved in the fight over.”
Harold, I couldn’t agree more that they should be natural backers, but they aren’t. They should stand with US. If we stand with them, then we ALL would be FUDDs who are interested in hunting, but not in the 2A. They are the very definition of hanging separately.


All hunters I know stand with us. All the rest should too.

Dave in Fairfax

Ras52, You’re lucky. I know a number who don’t think it’s a mistake to get rid of ARs. They truly believe the media crap and believe that they are only used to hunt people. They vote Dem as well.


Dave, I think anyone who votes Dem must not care very much about 2nd.


We need more hunters as the article stated, Hunter numbers on the decline. That is not so much that people have lost interest in hunting because it is hunting. We have priced hunting out of most folks reach. I have a lease in east TX. Lease price and feeders and corn I’m easily at $2,000 before the first bullets out of the barrel. Everybody bitches about hog damage to crops. Price a hog hunt lately? 600 – 1000 for a weekend with out lodging. Texas can be an odd bird with leases but look at prong horn, moose, black bear… Read more »


I started reading this article and I thought that I read this yesterday, but no it was just another one of Harold’s one sided attempts at appeasing. I use to hunt, alot, but age and medical has brought that to a halt. During the time I hunted I carried a concealed gun for when I wasn’t hunting. Now I have a gun for protection from the elements of bad people. So, I always used the 2nd Amendment as a part of my life, but the most important part of it still remains. Self preservation. Talk all you want to Harold… Read more »


Harold, go do something else with your life and let the real men and women of this nation take care of the Second Amendment and all other issues that require balls. You just, well? As a writer attempting to appear as a person that knows ANYTHING about the Second Amendment or HOW it came to be, well? You just come across as a social cheerleader…. In other words, You Don’t Know Jack or s*** as to how it got there, why it’s still there, and why it will always be there, because you just don’t have the mutton between your… Read more »


And Harold the traitor speaks again, desperately seeking to prove my prediction made yesterday a reality. The prediction? That 10 monkeys given typewriters might randomly generate a good well written article before Harold. So what did Harold do wrong here. Again, it has to do with his intentional lying and attempt to muddy the waters around what a “Fudd” is. WHAT HAROLD IS TRYING TO TALK ABOUT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SECOND AMENDMENT. It is a red herring meant to distract, nothing more, and is his hope that you will not be smart enough to look at his… Read more »


Awww, Looks like I hurt at least two people’s feelings. Well the truth hurts sometimes.

Love that they didn’t have the balls to debate facts either.


looks like a third joined in the 3 hours since it was last at two. And yet not one can come up with what they find inaccurate or wrong with what I wrote. 🙂

To the three who have thus far proved my point, thank you. You are not actually here because of the second Amendment.