Virginia: Let’s Reduce CHP Fees in YOUR Locality – Take Action

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Virginia: Let’s Reduce CHP Fees in YOUR Locality – Take Action

Virginia – -( Over the last few years many localities have lowered their CHP fee from $50 down to $15 (the lowest it can be under current law). (Unfortunately, Northumberland has quietly raised their fee to $50 from $15.)

Some localities have lowered their fees by various other amounts.

To see what your locality charges, click here.


If your locality is charging $50 for a CHP, then you can start the process of getting that fee reduced. The fees are usually set by the Board of Supervisors or the City or Town Council.

Contact your Board of Supervisor or City or Town Council member and ask that the CHP fees be reduced to $15. If they agree to introduce a motion to do so, let me know ([email protected]) when the hearing will be so we can get people in the area to turn out. I might also be able to come and speak on the matter.

Here are some talking points to justify the reduction:

The maximum fee was set at $50 in 1995 by the General Assembly. It broke down as follows:

  • $5 for the Virginia State Police to run the background check
  • $10 for the Circuit Court Clerk to cover costs of paperwork and making the permit
  • $25 for the FBI to cover fingerprinting fees
  • $10 for the local law enforcement office running the background check

The fee was only meant to cover the cost of the permit to the government (break even). It was NOT to be considered either a tax or funds to be put in some slush fund by the locality

The fingerprint requirement was repealed in 2012 and, thus, the $25 fee allocated to the FBI was no longer needed. As of 2012 the CHP fee could be dropped from $50 to $25 and the locality would see the same amount of money as they did between 1995 and 2011. Unfortunately, many localities hung on to the extra money and used it for other things and they now feel entitled to it.

They are NOT entitled to it.

Because self-defense is a constitutionally protected right, CHPs should be free (16 states don’t require a permit to carry a concealed handgun). However, since there is a CHP fee in Virginia currently, it should be minimal.

Virginia Citizens Defense LeagueAbout Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

For more information, visit:

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Constitutional carry starting in November for us Okies.

Green Mtn. Boy

Constitutional carry would solve the problem of fees to the crown,permanently.


If you are going to use alphabets you would do well to define it at least the first time it is used. I never accept alphabets in conversation far too easy to become involved in some error because you THOUGHT I knew what you were talking about. Interestingly enough Ohio just dropped the fee for a CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon) – here in “Novada” – no to anything – no to everything. Getting rid of some revenue generator probably brings tears to the politicians eyes.

Wild Bill

@USA, Good! That solves part of our logistics problem. What is the address? Is food and POL stored there, too? We need to designate a group to take in. Photos and a plan. Are you in?

Wild Bill

Should be “take it.” We will need topo maps.

Wild Bill

It is just a hypothetical for educational purposes, see.

Wild Bill

@Usa, Don’t get ahead of yourself. Just publish an address and clam up.


“The fees are usually set by the Board of Supervisors or the City or Town Council.” This FEE to obtain a CHP license ‘required’ by the state is my bone to pick! What part of charging some FEE “…to keep and bear arms” would not be INFRINGING on that “right?” You have to pay for a driver’s license in order to operate some vehicle; however, owning or operating any vehicle is NOT a “Right” guaranteed by the Constitution! What are these “paper shufflers” PAID, with my tax dollars, to do, if not provide “paper shuffling” services to their employees? I… Read more »


Here in Michigan it cost $100 for the CPL + another $15 for finger printing. That’s good for 5 years and then we get to pay the $115 all over again for renewal. MSP (Michigan State Police) collected about $5 million in CPL revenue in 2013-14, $5.4 million in 2014-15, and $8 million in 2015-16.


LOL! Not so much. My state at the initial was $15, now escalated to $80! For whatever reason has now dropped down for renewals, $45? My major complaint being, what are my tax dollars paying these paper shufflers to do? They need additional FEES to process my CCW application for why? The state is REQUIRING that I have this license to exercise my “Right” to defend myself or mine, for some ‘feeling’ that it makes the rest of my State’s population safer? I do not see Johnny Jihad, or Thuggie “The Thug” gang banger ‘buying’ some license! Explain to me,… Read more »


USA, you huff and puff pretty well. You probably blow pretty good too. Putting that aside, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I carried in Oklahoma for twenty years without the blessing of the State. Why? Because that is what I thought I should do. Do you hear me being a blowhard about not needing permission from the State to carry? No, you do not. Why is that you ask. Because it is counter productive. But you keep on being you.


Ok, I’ll let go of his tail on this one; but, I reserve the right to slap him around some more if he acts up again.