U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- On Monday, 18 November, 2019, at about 9 a.m., a man, confirmed as Yayo Varela, Jr. killed two people in the Walmart Parking lot in Duncan, Oklahoma.
A witness at the Walmart double murder in Duncan, confirms the murderer was stopped by an armed citizen. The murderer killed a man and a woman in a parked red sedan in the parking lot. The woman is reported to have worked in the Walmart in question.
A witness told ABC news: Â “He told him to stop, then after that, he did stop, and then the gunman turned the weapon on himself.”
The Daily Mail has reported the woman was the estranged wife of the murderer. From the dailymail.co.uk:
A man shot and killed his estranged wife and her new boyfriend in a Walmart parking lot in Oklahoma before turning the gun on himself when an armed citizen intervened.
According to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, a man wearing all black opened fire outside the supercenter in Duncan, which is located at 3393 North 81 Highway. Duncan is about 80 miles south of Oklahoma City.
Officers from the Duncan Police Department said the wife and her boyfriend were found dead inside their car.
So far, it is impossible to know if this was the start of a mass public killing. Some mass killings have included domestic killings. Both domestic killings and mass public killings are stopped with armed intervention, often by privately armed individuals. It is common for both domestic and mass killers to commit suicide when confronted with armed force.
The windshield of the car shows nine bullet holes, three on the driver’s side, six on the passenger’s side.
The FBI, which only recently started tracking intervention by armed citizens, states that concealed handgun permit holders stop 8% of active shooters. The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) reports the FBI only catches one half of the incidents.
In the United States, people with carry permits number over 18.66 million. That is over 7 percent of adults in the United States. The number of people who can legally carry handguns is much larger, because sixteen states now have Constitutional Carry.
Oklahoma restored Constitutional Carry in their state 17 days before the Walmart killing.
Constitutional Carry is the right to carry loaded handguns in most public places. It is the state of the law which existed when the Constitution was written and when the Bill of Rights was ratified. It remained the state of the law for forty years until the original writers of the Constitution were dead. The last of them, Jame Madison, died in 1836.
Vermont always had Constitutional Carry.
15 States have restored some version of Constitutional Carry since 2003.
- 2003, Alaska restored Constitutional Carry to the exercise of Second Amendment rights.
- 2010, Arizona restored Constitutional Carry.
- 2011, Wyoming restored Constitutional Carry.
- 2013, Arkansas passed Act 746 into law. It is effectively Constitutional Carry. Some county prosecutors have threatened prosecution. None has occurred.
- 2015, Kansas, and Maine became Constitutional Carry club members.
- 2016, Idaho, Missouri, West Virginia, and Mississippi became Constitutional Carry states.
- 2017, New Hampshire, and North Dakota restored Constitutional Carry.
- 2019, South Dakota and Oklahoma, and Kentucky have restored Constitutional Carry.
No increases in murder have been noted as Constitutional Carry has been implemented in the 15 states that have restored Constitutional Carry.
Constitutional carry has been gaining in popularity. Several states are likely to restore Constitutional carry in the next few years. Those include Montana, Indiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Utah, and Iowa.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
Another Manchurian Candidate?
Does anyone find it odd that so many of these mass murderers/mass shooters kill themselves?
Excellent! Every would-be killer should have to believe that they are surrounded by people carrying firearms. This idiot should have followed my first rule of planning to shoot someone: ‘Always try the weapon out on yourself to ensure it operates properly!’
and the media is silent on this why? Oh yeah they do not want more people who carry and stop the crimes they need for sensationalism news…
The Leftist Media have already twisted the story to say the man who intervened was not armed and arrived after the suspect killed himself. Can’t have the good guy with a gun stop the bad guy with a gun story get out.
It’s not the tool, it’s the operator that’s the problem. Democrats and liberals won’t acknowledge that fact as most are afraid of guns. “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexuality and emotional maturity”. Democratic politicians actually have a reasonable fear of guns, ropes, jail cells, the Death penalty, etc. as they know that it is possible that if they aren’t successful in their efforts to “Liberalize” and control the nation, they may wind up having any one or many of the above named used on them.
Another save by the good guy with a gun. The shooter may or may not have been done after murdering his ex wife and her boyfriend. I have had the misfortune to witness two different murders. They were both life changing events. To watch someone murder someone else and be powerless to do anything about it is something I would not wish on my worst enemy. It is unforgettable. The fact that the bad guy with a gun was stopped by a good guy with a gun cannot be overstated. The police were not on site and it has not… Read more »