Stalked And Defenseless: A True Must Read Story

Stalked And Defenseless A True Story, Book Cover
Stalked And Defenseless A True Story, Book Cover

USA – -( For Nikki Goeser it was a day like any other … with one exception. Her husband, Ben, had only 16 hours to live. On that fateful day in Tennessee, the man she loved would be murdered by a demented and evil coward who was stalking her.

Stalked And Defenseless: A True Must Read Story

In compliance with state law, Nikki had left her legal firearm locked in the car. With the help of legislatively created pistol free zones, one evil man gunned down Nikki’s husband as she was forced to look on, alone, defenseless and disarmed by an ill-conceived law designed to protect her. Read this inspiring story of courage through remorse, as one woman struggles to seek justice for the man she loves.Buy Now Gun Deals

Follow Nikki Goeser as she fights to ensure that others are never held victim to the same terrible fate.

Nikki Goeser has a new book that I hope that you will take the time to read. It is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Two stars of the self-defense movement, Suzanna Hupp and Andrew Pollack, wrote powerful forwards for her book.

Brad Thor: “A Powerful, heart-wrenching and brilliantly detailed account of a tragedy that never should have happened”

Sheriff (retired) David Clarke: “This story is a heartbreaking account of what happens to Americans for doing the right thing in following the law.”

Alan Gottlieb: “Nikki Goeser’s story is a must-read. This book will have a lasting impact on this important public policy debate.”

Please get this book and let your friends know about it. Please consider putting it out on social media so that others can also learn about it and we can make this book a best seller!

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Phil in TX

This sounds much like what Suzanna Hupp went through at the Luby’s Cafeteria massacre in October of 1991 at the hands of a madman. She watched as the shooter killed her parents. She too had a pistol but had left it in her vehicle. She went on to become a Texas state legislator and was instrumental in getting concealed carry passed by the legislature and signed into law.
I have intentionally left out the name of the madman who perpetrated this atrocity.

Phil in TX

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Except, yes the Luby one was a massacre of 23 people and the wounding of 20 more. That was a real tragedy that could have been avoided if Dr Susanna Hupp had been a “bad” person and ignored the “law” that disarmed her.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

“Sheriff (retired) David Clarke: “This story is a heartbreaking account of what happens to Americans for doing the right thing in following the law.” ” The “right thing” sheriff? THE RIGHT THING? HER HUSBAND MAY BE ALIVE TODAY IF SHE HAD DONE THE RIGHT THING! The right thing would been for them to have IGNORED an unconstitutional law and fought to defend that decision to their death. I’ve ignored MANY unconstitutional edicts by the elite psychopathic control freaks in my life. So many that I couldn’t begin to count them. So was I “wrong”? Was I REALLY a criminal when… Read more »


This is one sad story and very infuriating. I hope she was/is able to take legal retribution against those that passed this law. This just shows the utter stupidity of such laws.

I will make a point of buying and reading her book.

Deplorable Bill

I know this case. She had been stalked for some time. She and her husband went out to dinner (I think) in a place where guns were not allowed, so she had left hers in the vehicle. The stalker came in and murdered her husband right in front of her — with a gun. This story once again proves that gun free zones enable criminals to achieve their goals of murder, sometimes, mass murder.

Arm up, carry on.


I recently read this book. I’ve since passed it on to family and friends.