Florida Gun Owners to Law Enforcement: Violate Our Rights & We Will Sue You

Florida Gun Owners to Law Enforcement: Violate Our Rights & We Will Sue You

TALLAHASSEE, FL – -(AmmoLand.com)- Florida Carry, Inc. has put Florida’s top cops on notice: Stop violating the rights of law-abiding gun owners or you will get sued.

In a letter sent to every sheriff and police chief in the state (SEE ATTACHED), Florida Carry notes, “Despite the well-established right, our members have been repeatedly victimized and deprived of their rights by various law enforcement agencies and their respective officers and deputies. Too many individuals in law enforcement throughout the state have harassed, berated, belittled, arrested, and even killed law-abiding citizens going about their personal business, for simply exercising their constitutionally protected right to bear arms.”

The letter goes on to detail instances where the rights of their members, as well as other Floridians, have been violated by law enforcement officers who were either ignorant of, directed to or simply refused to comply with the law.

Florida Carry is demanding that frontline law enforcement officers receive proper training on how to interact with law-abiding citizens who are simply exercising their legal rights.

Further, they warn that incidents, where these rights are violated, will result in legal action.

“If your officers and deputies do not receive this more thorough and appropriate training and continue to violate our rights, we will respond. We will bring lawsuit after lawsuit until the message is delivered.”

Now that law enforcement has been put on proper notice, Florida Carry hopes that its members will now be able to exercise their right to keep and bear arms without incident. But should this not be the case and legal action is required, law enforcement agencies can no longer claim “ignorance” as a defense.

“We have cataloged and continue to catalog the violations of our rights. We will use this letter and these onerous violations in court. We will show that you were made aware of the consequences of your persistent failure to properly train your officers and deputies. We will show that law enforcement statewide has repeatedly violated the rights of gun owners and yet you did nothing.”

“We will demand criminal prosecution of officers and deputies who violate our rights.”

Florida Gun Owners to Law Enforcement: Violate Our Rights & We Will Sue You

Florida Carry, Inc.

About Florida Carry

Florida Carry, Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental rights of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self-defense as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, Sections 2 and 8 of the Florida Constitution. Florida Carry stands to represent our supporters, members, and millions of defensive arms owners of Florida. We are not beholden to any national organization’s agenda that may compromise that mission.

Florida Carry works tirelessly toward striking down the ill-conceived gun and weapons control laws that have been proven to provide safe havens to criminals and be deadly to law-abiding citizens. Their website is www.FloridaCarry.org.

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Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

All of them will claim “qualified immunity” which is a BS cover they hide under for their violations of rights. About the only way they MIGHT be able to get some traction is by suing in FEDERAL court and use 18 USC 42 DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW.


About time, sue and make examples to avoid infringement. Nothing will change by sitting on your butt and whining.

Ansel Hazen

The best defense is a good offense and this one looks like a winner!


There is no need to sue them and possibly lose. Best to have them legally removed from office based on Constitution which says if representatives do not serve the peoples interest, the people have the right to throw them out.

Deplorable Bill

Yup, sue the tyrants who would disavow their oath. Sue the tyrants who would deny or delay any American citizen their lawful, righteous, GOD given right of self defense and/or their rights to keep and bear arms.

Arm up, carry on.


Way to go, Florida Carry!!!!! An idea whose time has come!!!!!