S.O.L. Duct Tape for the Outdoorsman

The SOL Duct Tape comes with 2 rolls per package and can be a life saver when you have equipoment failure.
The SOL Duct Tape comes with 2 rolls per package and can be a life saver when you have equipment failure.

U.S.A.-(AmmoLand.com)- I’ve never been in the camp that claims that Duct Tape is good for everything from patching up a hangnail to straightening up the leaning Tower of Pisa. That is, until a few years ago. I guess we all have incidences pop up that help form our opinions on future matters. I’ll share a few that helped switch me over to the Duct Tape lover’s camp.

S.O.L. Duct Tape

Years ago I was backpacking by myself in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area. It is rough country. In fact, the Frank Church is the largest wilderness in the lower 48. I had backpacked in a few miles and set up a camp. A day or two later I had hiked 5-7 miles downstream and was going to fish back to camp.

That afternoon a mountain shower blew in. I saw a nice pine tree to hide under up ahead and went to wait out the storm under it. There was some guy and his son under it as well from Virginia. Usually, I’ll wear a pair of river sandals for flyfishing. That’s better than packing in a pair of waders and heavy fishing boots. I wear nylon shorts and sandals. That way I can wade and fish, get out and dry off in minutes in the hot high mountain dry air.

While waiting out the storm the guy noticed that the bottom of my sandals had peeled loose like a banana peel. Oh no! I still had a good 4-mile hike back to camp on a rocky trail. I’d packed a sandwich in a plastic grocery bag and was going to strap it on with that. He asked if I wanted some Duct Tape. Really? He said oh yeah, when backpacking I always tear off a piece and roll it up for emergencies like this. He saved the day.

Then one time we had backpacked into the Rawah Wilderness area for a black powder deer and elk hunt. A big snowstorm blew in and snapped a tent pole. Duct Tape saved the day. Then once, I can’t remember how but I got a rip in the tent. Once again, Duct Tape saved the day.

So you can imagine my delight when I discovered SOL Duct Tape for the outdoorsman. What an ingenious marketing idea. They offer two small rolls of Duct Tape about the width of a dime in a package. The rolls are 2”x50”. I now carry a roll in every one of my backpacks.

I know, there are books written titled 101 Uses For Duct Tape and a plethora of internet jokes on redneck uses for Duct Tape but it really is magical and can save the day. I’ve even heard of a guy that got mauled by a bear and they patched him up with Duct Tape and a bush pilot that had his plane shredded and was able to patch it up with Duct Tape and make it back home (I saw these last two stories on the internet so I know they’re true)!

And with the above paragraph, we will close. The MSRP on a two-roll package of (Adventure Medical Kits) SOL Duct Tape is $3.99. I recommend you put a roll in every backpack that you own.

About Tom Claycomb

Tom Claycomb has been an avid hunter/fisherman throughout his life as well as an outdoors writer with outdoor columns in the magazine Hunt Alaska, Bass Pro Shops, Bowhunter.net, and freelances for numerous magazines and newspapers. “To properly skin your animal, you will need a sharp knife. I have an e-article on Amazon Kindle titled Knife Sharpening for $.99 if you’re having trouble.”

Tom Claycomb

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Ever heard of Tevas?


I carry a roll of Gorilla tape in all my vehicles. This includes my semi and pickup. Gorilla tape is the 500 mph tape whereas the old standby Duct Tape is 100 mph. 

Ryben Flynn

Mythbustes did the Duct Tape plane thing and confirmed it. Not the wings, the fuselage. Fabric covered frame like the WWI aircraft.
Just Google “duct tape plane mythbusters”
I found another video where they Duct Taped the entire plane.
Mythbusters Aftershow.
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=RDgqzhFgt78

Last edited 4 years ago by Ryben Flynn

LOL, I used duct tape yesterday on a primitive campout to temporarily repair the separating shoe soles of one of the guys in our group!


Pre-packaged 2″x50″ rolls of duct tape…for those too lazy to roll their own from their own private stock. Just saying.


I used to use duct tape, but have transitioned to Gorilla tape. Just because it works better on wet surfaces and is stronger. YMMV