President Biden Surrendered US Arms to Terrorists. He Wants Yours

By Larry Keane

Terrorist iStock-1222645991
Disarming the populace and telling them that the government will protect them. Where have we heard that line before? IMG iStock-1222645991

U.S.A. -( The devastating visuals of Taliban fighters sweeping through Afghanistan that led to the fall of the Afghan government and the evacuation of the U.S. Embassy revealed a disturbing reality. President Joe Biden was willing to leave billions of dollars’ worth of high-tech weapons in the hands of the Taliban but is determined to strip law-abiding U.S. citizens of their God-given right to keep and bear arms.

One media outlet described the Taliban seizure of U.S. weapons as the motherlode.” The equipment was supplied by the United States to the Afghan National Army. That included mine-resistant vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Humvees. One report described the seizure of U.S.-supplied guns as enormous.” Taliban fighters are swapping worn AK-47s for U.S.-made M-4s and M-16s.

Another report detailed that containers full of small arms were seized, including one instance in which 900 guns were seized. Taliban commanders bragged to reporters they had new weapons that could be used on the battlefield.

Press photos circulated of Taliban forces carrying near-new M-4 rifles, topped with thermal imagers. This was just days before Taliban forces released Al Qaeda prisoners from their cells as they entered Kabul.

‘Nobody Needs That…’

These arms are all in the hands of the Taliban, and it must be assumed by Al Qaeda. There are already reports of Taliban fighters rounding up weapons from Afghans.

“We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,” a Taliban official told Reuters.

That’s eerily similar to the rhetoric President Biden has been telling the American public.

“There’s no reason someone needs a weapon of war with 100 rounds, 100 bullets, that can be fired from that weapon. Nobody needs that, nobody needs that,” President Biden said from the White House Rose Garden in April. He tweeted the same claim in February, throughout his presidential campaign and even going back to his term as vice president.

He later upped the ante mocking gun owners who said they need firearms as a check against a tyrannical government. President Biden said that they’d need jet fighters and made a thinly-veiled reference to using nuclear weapons against U.S. citizens.

President Biden nominated David Chipman to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Chipman also mocked gun buyers and would ban the Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR), which he refers to as an “assault rifle,” but couldn’t define it to senators. All the gun control cards are still yet to be played. President Biden might be eyeing more gun control bids and doing so on the international stage.

Global Gun Control

The Seventh Conference of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty will meet in Geneva at the end of the month. This is the same group that then-Secretary of State John Kerry signed onto a treaty in 2013 that would have made U.S. firearm manufacturing and American gun ownership subject to international oversight. The treaty was never ratified by the U.S. Senate.

President Donald Trump announced in 2019, “We’re taking our signature back.” That officially ended the U.S. involvement in the United Nations meddling in U.S. firearm manufacturing and gun rights of American citizens. NSSF praised the decision.

All eyes will be on the Biden administration and what moves will be made to subjugate God-given rights, protected by the Constitution, to international gun control. President Biden has made no secret of his intent to whittle away America’s gun rights. His respect for international arms control, though, is duplicitous. It stretches from the notorious and illegal Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking scheme while he was vice president. That operation sent untraced guns across the U.S-Mexico border that ended up in the hands of cartels and even used to murder Brian Terry, a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

It wasn’t the last time. The bungled Benghazi operation that happened under then-Vice President Biden’s watch that left four dead, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, was tied to illegal weapons trafficking. The Obama National Security Council refused a U.S. House of Representatives’ Oversight Committee investigation into the information of covert weapons trafficking to Libyan rebels. The Obama administration’s Department of Justice later dropped charges against an arms dealer for his part in the scheme. Now, he’s left billions in military weapons in the hands of known terrorists.

That’s the pattern for President Biden. He has overseen bungled operations that put guns into the hands of America’s enemies. Yet, he vilifies the firearm industry as the enemy.” This is the industry that provides law-abiding Americans the means to exercise their Second Amendment rights, the tools for law enforcement to keep communities safe, and the small arms for our military to protect America.

President Biden’s gun policies are making Americans vulnerable and emboldening America’s enemies.

About The National Shooting Sports Foundation

NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations, and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit

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The only people who hate the American people more than our enemies, are the democrats. It is really sad that those who vote for them are blind to that truth.


I know you Communists watch the comment sections of sites like this, which is why i say to you regarding your disarmament plans for us. Dhu Mhan Yhu !


The results in Afghanistan are what the Biden administration wanted to happen according to their statements. The Biden administration has stated (numerous times) that they “planned for every contingency.” If you have actually “planned for every contingency” the overall result will be what you wanted to happen… or you didn’t, actually, plan for every contingency.


And, to make matters stranger and scarier, we have a highly placed Army General who thinks the biggest issue in our Military is so called ‘White Supremacy in same!
OurRepublic is truly Fvcked up!


Obama and Biden armed the Mexican cartels and now Biden arms the Taliban . Do you see a pattern here ? Joe Biden is a complete idiot and now he wants to disarm Americans so he can turn us all into victims of his gun walking crimes . Civil war is coming to American soil due to Joe Biden’s 50 years of failures . Another 3.5 years of this clownshow will destroy America and pit us all against each other .

uncle dudley

I guess there is no one in the higher levels of government remember when the CIA supplied weapons to Bin Laden to fight the Russians, then after the Russians went home Bin Laden and company turned their sights on the USA. The leaders are people who don’t understand that history repeats itself, it makes me wonder what they teach at the Army college. Now these terrorists have new better firepower to use against us and with the southern border of the U.S. wide open it’s a scary thought that we may have these crazies trying to bring the battle to… Read more »

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