Demand Congress Stop ATF’s Secret Rule Making ~ VIDEO

The following videos are part of AmmoLandTV’s 2nd Amendment Update series of videos on YouTube and Rumble. Click the links and follow our channels.

Washington, DC – -( Over the past 2 years, the ATF has been speaking out of both sides of their mouths by cracking down on solvent traps while saying that the agency does NOT regulate the devices.

Recently AmmoLand News broke the story about a secret rule change involving 80% suppressors ahead of ATF’s official rule change deadline. These new rules were implemented without any public notifications or comment periods.

The new secret rule makes it almost impossible for anyone to make their own silencer. The ATF denied 850 out of 3000 law-abiding Americans the right to build their own suppressors by rejecting their Form 1 application.

Worse yet, the ATF sent the personal information of those applicants to local ATF field offices to be investigated for crimes!

The rest of the applicants were asked to provide high-resolution pictures to ATF before their Form 1 Application could be approved.

AmmoLand News then urged Congress to get involved in bringing the Biden admins’ out-of-control government bureaucracy under control. Now some members of Congress are stepping up to the plate.

A letter has now been sent to the ATF from the Senate. 20 Senators signed a letter to the ATF demanding the agency stop making rules in secret surrounding Form 1 suppressors & force reset triggers.

A 2nd letter is going out from Republican House Judiciary Committee Members Rep. Andy Biggs & Ranking Member Rep. Jim Jordan… to the ATF and DOJ telling them to stop abusing their power.

Several gun rights organizations have helped Congress draft the letters, including Gun Owners of America, the American Suppressor Association, and the Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition.

The American Suppressor Association is asking you to take action & demand Congress tell the ATF to abide by its previous determinations and not revoke any issued tax stamps.

The American Suppressor Association wants gun-owning Americans to let Congress know that the only way to fix the issue with these hearing-saving devices is to pass the Hearing Protection Act. The HPA would remove suppressors from the National Firearms Act. Find those action links in our in-depth article linked in the description below.

The gun grabbers want American gun laws to look more like the laws in the UK. Let’s give them this win…. Silencers are purchased over the counter in most parts of Europe. In fact, shooting without a suppressor in many European countries is considered rude.

Tell us what you think in the comments below and share this video with your friend & family to help support AmmoLand News, America’s oldest 2nd Amendment News outlet.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos
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Green Mtn. Boy

A agency that is not Constitutionaly authorized making up regulations that only congress can make. Yet congress overlooks the fact that the Constitution and 2 nd. amendment prohibits them from in “Shall Not Be Infringed”.

Wild Bill

Brought to you by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


you left out hoover and the fbi ,they did some nasty and only legal because who is going to arrest them things

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

and no one who has the authority to arrest them under title 18 violations will do anything

Arkansas Rob

Let’s get this straight: you tried to be a law abiding citizen, by asking for permission to make something that is a natural right to have. Despite your best effort to comply, you were denied your birthright. Now you are being investigated, and, if you have the precursor item, you are a criminal.


I think it actually if you have, or can be shown to have had the precursor item. Discarding or destroying the part would be considered tampering with evidence and charged as a second crime.

Best solution might be to put part to use in some other manner – and be prepared to explain that was always its intended use.


Did ANYONE expect anything different, it is the ATF ?


THE THREAT IS – THE STOLEN POWER THIS ADMINISTRATION GRABS ILLEGALLY, IGNORING OUR LAWS, RULE, AND CONSTITUTION – IT IS NOT EACH OTHER! This new regime has stated “we Americans are the #1 enemy, #1 threat, I feel that alone should be more than enough to alarm everyone, let alone their constant attacks on our republic. We have little to no representation in DC. I have called DC the “RULING CLASS” for 40 years or better to deaf ears. I think when boiled down – there is little difference between parties, one ignores our rights, the other does nothing about… Read more »

Wild Bill

Yeah, and a good opinion it is!!! After his speech to the Business Roundtable, yesterday, Biden went off script saying some indecipherable remark about things shifting and the NWO coming. Most revealing.
I have great hope for the elections in November.

Captn John

Congress no longer needed for more than 30 days annually. They cannot pass a mundane delight savings bill. They have given all law making to unelected bureaucrats in lettered agencies like osha, atf, and cdc. Additionally they allow an idiot to mandate unconstitutional laws..

Wild Bill

Yes, and and brought to us by FDR. Every Congress has loved blaming the agencies for what Congress wanted done anyway, ever since. But how do we get back to the Constitutional scheme of Congress legislating?

Deplorable Bill

A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. The second amendment, THE law of the land and the exact opposite of everything the atfe stands for. The 2A IS the law of the land thus the atfe is criminal under the constitution. The right, the order to keep and bear arms is found in SCRIPTURE the same SCRIPTURE this nation is founded upon thus, the atfe is also evil as defined by the WORD of GOD. I fear the LORD a lot more than… Read more »

Wild Bill

ATF was created by a memo; does not have the protection of a Congressional enabling act; and can be disbanded by a memo, from the right person.

Henry Bowman

And once again, the NRA is AWOL. But rest assured, if there is a victory on this issue, NRA will unhesitatingly and falsely claim credit where GOA and the American Suppressor Assn. did the actual heavy lifting!


The ATF already collects $200.00 to pass go as a tax on owning a suppressor plus photo and fingerprints. Criminals do not follow the rules a hunk of aluminum a bridgeport and in less than hour a criminal now has a muffler for his shooter. ATF is a department of government with way to much overreach. Joe and his minions will stop at nothing to grab our firearms.


Obviously, 12 people clicked the wrong button, because how could anyone disagree with the above statement?


Sir I do not understand it


there some people who put politics before knowledge they would burn books too


Awesome my reply to you took a hit down in less than a minute I do not think that all the down hits are from here as you can only vote once on a comment
Again I choose never to vote just communicate


Be they MORONS!!!


morons, I dont think their IQ is that high more in the idiot range

Wild Bill

Although it is true that Biden’s handlers will stop at nothing, I’m thinking that the gun grab started much earlier than ATF.


I think your downvotes are stupid . Apparently there are some folks who see a name and immediately up or downvote it without reading it.




atf needs to be dissolved, and most in it arrested under title18


The vast majority of Congress loves the ATF.


Republicans created the BATFE. A Republican ordered the BATFE to ban bump stocks (the same guy who chose Barr as the AG). The same Republican then watched as the BATFE went after 80% lowers and braced pistols and did not order them to stand down. A long time ago, some Republicans saw the horror of the BATFE. Even Grassley pondered out loud about maybe the BATFE should be dissolved. Since then, as you point out, the vast majority of Congress loves the BATFE. No one is going to make it go away. It’s doubtful anyone is going to even reign… Read more »


Judging by the votes, a good chunk of people on this site love the ATF as well.

Wild Bill

Naaa, that is not what the down votes mean.


Well, nothing I said was untrue so what do they mean?

Wild Bill

People think that you have joined the hate group that has been so and disrespectful in the past. They may even like your comments, but not with whom you align yourself.


“So … you have interviewed them, and made the definitive study or are you just guessing again?” ~ Wild Bill

“Hate group” – you are really over-the-top.

There are some posters who understand history. The history of other countries and current history in the United States.

You have made outrageous, unfounded lies and then demanded that I prove them untrue.

Instead of discussing opinions and facts, you demand I provide “credentials.”

Wild Bill

The demand has to be made because you put your credibility in question with sweeping generalizations.


No, the demand does not have to be made.

No one on this site has shown credentials.

You have indicated I don’t have credentials, that I have not accomplished anything, that I’m not educated, that I’m unemployable, that I’m young, and that I rent out rooms in my home.

You just make up unfounded and odd lies because you don’t like certain things discussed and you don’t like people disagreeing with you.


I wasn’t aware there was a hate group much less that I had “joined” it.

I don’t personally insult people and any claim I’ve ever made on this site can be easily verified as true. I upvote or downvote comments based on their merit, alone, and not on whether I like or dislike the individual making said comment.

Who, exactly, have I “aligned” myself with?

Wild Bill

Maybe you haven’t. It is only an appearance. I can not speak for others.


“People think that you have joined the hate group that has been so and disrespectful in the past.” ~ Wild Bill


“I can not speak for others.” ~ Wild Bill


there are a group of former leos that have the can do no wrong mentality, pretty much why I got out of law enforcement ,rules of civilized society did not apply , when I found myself needing to justify my actions to me NO the rules are for everyone and equitably as possible stealing is stealing a lie is a lie if you cant work within the bounds of that you are the wrong person for the job. Look at the lies prosecution tried on Kyle how many other cases, that were lies, you dont like someone ok that is… Read more »


The real “hate group” is run by 1-2, maybe 3 LEOs/ex-LEOs running 10-20 sock puppet stalk-troll accounts. The Sock Posse up-down votes are obvious since there’s often >10 net DVs within minutes to overcome upvotes. Lead spokesman, WB. M.O., projection, snark, brag up his legend & alleged credentials, feign outrage over “past disrespectful behavior” & “generalizations” while they do far worse. They virtually live here, bloviate 10hrs/day, curate-monitor-control “their” chatroom sandbox. They get self-esteem from upvotes, crushed by downvotes, and project that childish, sad psychology on others.

In reality their DVs mean “over the target”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

Why won’t they come out in the open what are the afraid of. The truth is nothing to fear Ammoland needs to correct this issue as this is a open forum to address issues written to stimulate conversation.


cowards hide it is what and who they are, small mean in school they would bully others till they got the tar beat out of them


I picture some angry sad person who hates themselves so much that this is the only emotional release for them. Reminds me of a terrorist who would blow themselves up in reality a coward .


that is about as close to the truth as we are likely to get wb says no people would not take time to reply butt that is not true, people who want to learn and grow will come and agree or not everyone will get something out of interaction even if it is just a different point of view other than your own


I do not agree with Mr wild on this point he is very knowledge on global events and our constitution we all have a different viewpoints on life that is what makes it interesting.
Have a wonder night


you too

Wild Bill

It would do the opposite. If one does not have time to waste on quibbling, then a quick vote will have to do. If no vote is available, then just skip the whole thing. Pretty soon people won’t even show up.


No sir this is a plan of action on someones menu they reward some and not others that is how progressives are taught. They are promised all there hopes and dreams till they are no longer useful. That is what the democrats have learned a communist ideology.


that is a very astute observation ,it is the way hitler youth were trained Pavlov and the dog experiment
I have a thick skin so I never would have looked so deep ,but the comparison is striking

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

If you didn’t show up, the quibbling, hypocrisy, projection, ad hominem attacks, and posse downvoting would soon stop.

Wild Bill

How odd, when the toxic twins don’t show up no one writes a cross word to each other.


As opposed to your toxic 20 sock pups. You were still rationalizing your cancelation program while I was gone, attacking behind my back.

“If one does not have time to waste on quibbling, then a quick vote will have to do. If no vote is available, then just skip the whole thing. Pretty soon people won’t even show up.”

“People” = your sock pups. You’d be forced to address issues instead of trying to cancel them by canceling people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Wild Bill

Before you got here, today, many commenters had some very nice conversations. No one wrote a cross word to anyone, else. How could they be anyone’s puppets?


More evasion. Your dvs are the puppets.

Wild Bill

I did not see anyone accruing large numbers of down votes this morning.


LoL. Keep blaming the vics. Yesterday & last night your sock posse downvoted half a dozen real people, today you back off a tad & act innocent.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Wild Bill

Innocent of what? I’ve done nothing wrong. You are just not happy unless you are accusing someone.


More projection. You’re unhappy unless your sock posse is downvoting my posts, you’re hypocritically accusing me & others of “past disrespectful behavior” as cover for trying to cancel us while you engage in ongoing disrespectful behavior, downvoting anyone who questions your cancel crusade, anyone who questions “qualified” immunity, murder by cop, etc.

Example of what you’re trying to cancel by canceling us.


Hard for 10 sock pups to come out. Each puppetmaster has to pretend 10 writing styles & personalities. The few real downvoters are IQ-, courage- & honesty-impaired. Posse downvoting is a way to cancel people who expressed opinions you dislike (mainly the issue of “qualified” immunity) but can’t rationally address without thuggery, and thereby cancel the opinions. When they do come out, they avoid the issue in favor of projection-hypocrisy, accusing the cancelee of alleged “past disrespectful behavior”, the kind of behavior they do currently.


sad they are like spoiled brats that want to take their ball and go home. there is so much good information they dont want to listen to. I up vote or down or leave to its own based on content as well, the personality conflicts of “alpha” males detract from the knowledge to be gained


so the truth is not relevant, support the blue no matter how bad they behave, just following orders; that is the way to a totalitarian state. I support the good,and am sad so few do but mediocrity as acceptable for what should be a noble profession is sad

Wild Bill

Of course the truth is relevant. What could be more relevant? That is why broad generalizations, unfounded opinions, manipulations, propaganda corruption, disrespectful discourse, outright lies, and even focus destroying quibbling are unacceptable.


Stop doing those things.


you have done these things in the past go read your own posts,we do have to police ourselves ,and that is the hardest, when you find an error or omission call it out many times the omission makes a huge change in understanding ,but ourselves first, and yes I know that is the hardest


Again green


Ammoland should remove the thumbs up or down so that a honest conversation will emerge from one person to another. People hide behind the little numbers maybe they are unwilling to have open line of communication. If you have questions you should speak directly to the person who posted the comment.
I think they call them trolls maybe ? than they would be exposed.

Wild Bill

A vote, either way, is a valid comment.


Please do not take this the wrong way you are the only one who continues to come up green No matter what you post. Just saying no disrespect intended.

It seems that there is some issues with access to this site as after a post with in minutes mupitile dislikes. I do not believe it is just from folks on this site. It is a shame that sharing information has become judgemental with lighting speed.


what john said is valid ,, trying to get the last word just to do it shows an emotional problem ,not intellect.


That is correct after studying the conversations here look at the green votes certain folks are being supported I believe as a ruse to divide all of us who share a common goal Freedom first second and all that so many died for.


Votes are meaningless as they are from those who refuse to communicate their viewpoints openly. The hide behind a click on the screen. Much like a left wing progressive socialist.


that is exactly correct


They believe things based on feelings. The truth offends them. Regarding things of opinion, they can’t discuss them without going into personal attacks and making untrue assertions. For example: The top 10% of earnings pay about 70% of federal income taxes. That is a fact. AOC wore a “Tax the Rich” dress. That is a fact. “Round-up” charitable donations at the point of sale are not allowable tax deductions by the company collecting the donations from the customers. That is a fact. The top federal tax rate should be reduced, and government should be smaller, less expensive, and less involved… Read more »


H ross perot was correct about flat tax , and it being the only equitable way to tax


You got that right.


Look out, Bob! You’ve now aligned yourself with us and the mob will now be downvoting you!

Wild Bill

Acting Secretary of the Treasury, Charles E. Walker signed Treasury Order Number 120-01 that created ATF. Was Charles E. Walker a repub?


Yes, and so was his boss.

They were also both from Texas.

You misspelled his name again – right out of the source you copied and pasted your “research” from.

Wild Bill

I did copy and paste it from research, so the misspelling is not mine.
How do you think that Walker’s name should be spelled? What makes you assert that he was a repub?
What is your research source?

Wild Bill

The Bangor Daily News” An opinion piece by an unnamed “Contributor”! Is that what you call research?
How do you know that the unnamed contributor got it right?
You are a poor researcher


There are several – I looked for Hannity (seems to be the only source some here trust), but couldn’t find one.

Have you found a source indicating he wasn’t a Republican?

Wild Bill

I could not possible care less to which party this evil man belonged. He used his power to create nefarious Treasury group that plagues us to this day.


“I could not possible care less to which party this evil man belonged. He used his power to create nefarious Treasury group that plagues us to this day.” ~ Wild Bill

Why did you ask?

Both he and his boss were Texas Republicans.

The majority of both Republicans and Democrats have embraced the BATFE.

Wild Bill

Because an F-6 source asserted it and that requires checking.

Wild Bill

Oh, what is the title?

Wild Bill

Hey, I did see that book an made a mental note to get it! I should have made a written note. Thanks for reminding me!

Wild Bill

I did not. I am currently reading a book entitled, “The Quartet” by Joseph Ellis. It is about how the states called a convention to amend the Articles of Confederation, and the delegates exceeded their authority by ditching the Articles of Confederation and replaced them with the Constitution.

Wild Bill

Interesting. I did not know!


that is how we have what we do, and why some people still refer to it as the fake constitution ,but the articles of confederation were never a unifying constitution so that is not quite correct either ,there is a lot of good information pro and con on the convention ,makes you wonder which way we are better off

Wild Bill

According to author Joseph Ellis, the people in every state (former colony) did not want a far away central government, like the one that they had just gotten rid of. They wanted politicians to be local.

Had the delegates not acted in ultra vires, we would not have a central government, today. Yeah, makes one wonder.


I think it was more like 40 years under Reagan (1986 rule banning new machine guns) voting rights came after the shooting,or is that a different time; ERA was 70s

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

A lot of people don’t understand the leap of authority those delegates took in writing the Constitution when the Articles of Confederation gave them no ability to do so. For those not aware, they had to sell their idea(s) to the public and state politicians. They accomplished this by three of the delegates creating what became the Federalist Papers which were issued incrementally in every newspaper that would print them. They argued their case very eloquently and convincingly so that most of the states jumped at the opportunity. The arguments made in the Federalist Papers are a rare glimpse into… Read more »

Wild Bill

True. It is that leap of authority that bothers me.Government at all levels, and branches seem to want to engage in a leap of authority for the greater good of We the people because we can not see what is best for us. Just like at that historic moment.
I am pretty familiar with both versions of the Federalist papers. So are many folks, here, quite familiar with them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill
Ansel Hazen

Sadly Clarkson and The Dog have been together on NBC’s “The Voice”. which years ago started out on good footing. More and more now there are contestants that have membership in that alphabet group and I find it disgusting. If NBC is behind this new show expect more of the same.

Dogma Factor

Why not stop being a whiner here and take action? Ask your congressional representative to cosponsor H.R. 3960, the bill eliminates the ATF. If you’re so passionate you’d be calling or writing now, tomorrow and every day after that!


I have – that doesn’t change my outlook for success.

Regarding whining – that’s funny coming from the guy who views himself as a victim of capitalism and a (somewhat) free market.

Dogma Factor

Change within the Beltway comes from constant pressure from outside the Beltway! So whining here isn’t applying pressure there, the only way to do that is to put pressure on your Congressional Representatives to take action on your behalf to limit or dissolve the ATF.


For the second time – I have.

Stop whining.

Wild Bill

Yep, he claims to be an activist.


Yes – that’s correct.

Have you contacted Cornyn yet regarding the VAWA?

Dogma Factor

That’s a good question, have you contacted a Republican Senator yet about not confirming Biden’s selection for the Supreme Court! The hearings are taking place now. So if you support the Second Amendment you need to start applying pressure to the Republicans now to filibuster and vote NO!

Wild Bill

You are quite right. The S. Ct selection is the most important fight confronting us. The consequences are great, leaving no time to waste on the quibbler, here.


Yes. Wild Bill has previously stated he has never lifted a finger regarding the legislative process. He has stated that pro 2nd Amendment activists are somehow suspect and that I will be “caught” for interviewing candidates, conducting debates and Q&As, writing/calling legislators, meeting with other voters, etc. He indicated he doesn’t need to get involved because he lives in rural Texas and people would think he is odd for getting involved in pro 2nd Amendment activism (even though Cornyn is his senator). He then used his military job (which he has not been in for a while) as an excuse.… Read more »

Wild Bill

Not Second Amendment activists. Just “activists” or those who so claim.
True, protecting your undeserving self.
And you were unable to do that.
I have neither the time or inclination to answer your accusations.


It’s all true.

Wild Bill

All your questions will go unanswered; all your orders and manipulations unheeded; all your demands and accusations ignored.


Oh, my.


some here have and call, my calls are no longer replied to so I have friends doing that now and they say my name and ask why they blocked me

Wild Bill

Good tactic.

Dogma Factor

Each and every Senator has a web site payed for by tax dollars, same for every member of Congress. Each and every one of those sites has a place to leave public comment which is not blocked. Every one of those elected office holders watches for trends for and against policies particularly controversial ones.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dogma Factor

and yes you get a boiler plate automatic reply, I have a email folder full from time to time i will print off ten or so and take them to the reps local office when they are in town and ask to see them rubio is all smoke, none of the demoncrats will see you they are all of cuban descent so you would think they would be pro freedom but no they just want to take castros place

Ansel Hazen

I would be calling Senators Collins and King. And Representatives Pingree and Golden.

I would rather stick my head in a vice and turn the handle.


problem with calling trump a republican is he is more of a leopard that can change his spots, he has changed party affiliations at least 5 times , he is a product of new york city so it is easier to call him a new york moderate probably most accurate way to describe him too


We go on and on about our differences. But, you know, our differences are less important than our similarities. People have a lot in common with one another here whether they see that or not.
Without aggression, it becomes possible to think well, to be curious about differences, and to enjoy each other’s company.
I am Grateful “Katajikenai” 


I agree