FPC Statement on Calls for Gun-Control Following Mass Murders

Survival of the Republic & Sovereign People: Armed Citizenry - Part Three
The Government Cannot Protect You! You Must Protect Yourself!

U.S.A.-(AmmoLand.com)- No words can adequately express the pain and loss caused by the mass killing of innocent people—including children—at the hands of manifest evil. We grieve for the lives lost and convey our deepest sympathies to those affected by these heinous acts.

Time and time again, we see that evil people intent on causing death, injury, and chaos simply ignore the thousands of federal, state, and local criminal laws that prohibit acts like murder, terrorism, and assault, wreaking havoc until they voluntarily cease, commit suicide, or are stopped by others—usually armed individuals.

Anti-rights politicians, special interest agitators, and the corporate press have—yet again—disgustingly commandeered these tragedies in a rush to enact their agenda of disarmament and authoritarianism. They offer false hope in support of a radical ideology to separate people from their human rights, often at the very moment that the People are most vulnerable and most acutely need to exercise those very rights.

Those who oppose human liberty would have us choose between being disarmed or facing incarceration, locked in a cage for peaceably keeping and bearing arms, as is our right. But fundamental rights are not subject to the tyranny of the majority, and thus, we reject this proposition.

The government has no duty to protect you—you are, and always have been, your own first responder. There will always be weapons in the hands of evil. The only question is whether you are armed and ready to defend life and liberty against that evil. The fundamental human right to keep and bear arms does not come from the government or the Constitution. Our rights exist because we are human, and FPC will continue to defend and restore them.

About Firearms Policy Coalition

Firearms Policy Coalition (firearmspolicy.org), a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization, exists to create a world of maximal human liberty, defend constitutional rights, advance individual liberty, and restore freedom. FPC’s efforts are focused on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and adjacent issues including freedom of speech, due process, unlawful searches and seizures, separation of powers, asset forfeitures, privacy, encryption, and limited government. The FPC team are next-generation advocates working to achieve the Organization’s strategic objectives through litigation, research, scholarly publications, amicus briefing, legislative and regulatory action, grassroots activism, education, outreach, and other programs. FPC Law (FPCLaw.org) is the nation’s largest public interest legal team focused on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the leader in the Second Amendment litigation and research space.

Firearms Policy Coalition

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Okay so every time a ‘true’ Republican is in the camera they need to spout off “destroy gun free” killing zones, over 95% of the true mass murders, not gang killings, are in “gun free zones”. So say it out load EVERY time the subject comes up. Biden had raved that he was behind the “gun free zones” so start telling the world he is the one with blood on his hands, along with anyone that supports these programs. And they need to Harass every Democrat about their “Catch and release” programs. They need to find and expose judges releasing… Read more »


This article express how many of those reader here feel Thank you There were others arrested for looking to commit another shooting yesterday. The federal government I refer to the democratic party has used social media to influence those weak minded enough to do their bidding. The social media sites such as facebook & twitter have sat in front congress before to answer questions on how they limit the speech of others that do not agree with their political views. We know that facebook played a huge part in the last presidential election influencing support for Biden and the democratic… Read more »


“Anti-rights politicians, special interest agitators, and the corporate press have—yet again—disgustingly commandeered these tragedies in a rush to enact their agenda of disarmament and authoritarianism.”   You neglected to include one important group: law enforcement. Never-ending gun control would be much more difficult for anti-firearm rights politicians to push through without the support of law enforcement.   Howard Safir, former NYC Police Commissioner (born 1942), recommended today that semiautomatic rifles be controlled under the NFA of 1934 just like machine guns. This was one of Biden’s campaign promises.   Politicians and the media view law enforcement personnel as experts on firearms – they… Read more »


Why do “gun rights” groups pussyfoot around anti-gun enforcer groups & leaders?


They all do. I had a long conversation about the matter with GOA. They acknowledged the problem.


need to call them out and step on their toes and ,show police even on scene are useless, two officers at parkland ran and hid, so it would make more since to have armed teachers and faculty


Not all, but a lot of law enforcement personnel support gun bans and/or strict laws because they have their guns and want to keep it away from the general public. It’s as though the Second Amendment doesn’t exist.


Of course not all individuals in law enforcement support never-ending gun control.

However, the law enforcement organizations (including various sheriff associations) that speak up (write letters, meet with legislators, hire lobbyists, etc.) are almost exclusively anti-firearm rights.

It’s difficult to convince a legislator to change their anti-firearm stance when they say they met with law enforcement and they based their stance largely on the advice of law enforcement. It’s a safe play for them.


they are anti rights they want you to do what they tell you because they are the law


“However, the law enforcement organizations (including various sheriff associations) that speak up (write letters, meet with legislators, hire lobbyists, etc.) are almost exclusively anti-firearm rights.”
That’s because one is a cop and the others are politicians!


“That’s because one is a cop and the others are politicians!” ~ Terry

Why is it that the apples who lead the law enforcement organizations are just the few bad apples? Why do the good apples not lead some of the organizations? People keep saying one of the reasons that sheriffs are good is that they are politicians (they are elected not like those police chiefs who work for people who are elected).  


they are cowards and do not want to have to talk to someone as an equal, when someone points out they are wrong about something they become belligerent