U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)-– The United States has far too many gun laws. There are laws about where you buy a gun, who can buy a gun, who can possess a gun, who can carry a gun, what kind of gun can be bought, shot, loaned, carried, or given, and where a gun may be possessed, purchased, shot or traded, what kind of ammunition can be sold, possessed, made, or shot, and where it can be at what times.
There are laws about how big, small, old, or new, where a gun is or was made, and what it is made of.
These laws have proliferated across thousands of polities across the United States as politicians have used the laws to disarm out-of-favor minorities and political opponents and worked to create “do something!” laws that play to media-driven hysteria.
In the colonies and the early Republic, there were extremely few gun laws. The rare gun laws were almost never enforced, in part because there was little serious mechanism to enforce them. The electorate would not accept any significant attempt to disarm them. Some early laws required people to be armed.
If you wish to understand how few gun laws there were, read the majority and minority opinions in Bruen, the Second Amendment decision from the Supreme Court in 2022. From Bruen p. 4:
Respondents next direct the Court to the history of the Colonies and early Republic, but they identify only three restrictions on public carry from that time. While the Court doubts that just three colonial regulations could suffice to show a tradition of public-carry regulation, even looking at these laws on their own terms, the Court is not convinced that they regulated public carry akin to the New York law at issue. The statutes essentially prohibited bearing arms in a way that spread “fear” or “terror” among the people, including by carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.” See 554 U. S., at 627. Whatever the likelihood that handguns were considered “dangerous and unusual” during the colonial period, they are today “the quintessential self-defense weapon.” Id., at 629. Thus, these colonial laws provide no justification for laws restricting the public carry of weapons that are unquestionably in common use today. Pp. 37–42.
The debate in the decision centers around a handful of laws. Thirty years after the ratification of the Second Amendment, a few states passed laws banning concealed carry of weapons if you were not traveling.
In the early to mid-19th century, some States began enacting laws that proscribed the concealed carry of pistols and other small weapons.
There was no regulation of the making of guns, almost none about the selling of guns, and almost none about the carrying of guns by citizens.
Guns were essentially unregulated, bought and sold freely, and manufactured by anyone who wished to do so.
The closest thing to gun regulation was the enforcement of patents, which was done by a lawsuit brought by the owner of the patent decades after the Constitution was ratified.
A significant increase in gun laws in the United States came about during and after Reconstruction (1865-1875), where state governments worked hard to create laws to disarm black people and other disfavored minorities.
The growth of gun laws accelerated with the popularity of Progressive philosophy among intellectuals and politicians about 1900. A basic concept of Progressivism was and is a disdain for the limits imposed on government by the Constitution. Gun control is in Progressivism’s DNA.
In cities, organized crime, in conjunction with corrupt city governments, worked to disarm people to protect their enforcers, such as the Sullivan law in New York, passed by the notorious “Big Tim” Sullivan.
Sullivan knew the gangs would flout the law, but appearances were more important than results. Young toughs took to sewing the pockets of their coats shut, so that cops couldn’t plant firearms on them, and many gangsters stashed their weapons inside their girlfriends’ “bird cages” — wire-mesh fashion contraptions around which women would wind their hair.
Ordinary citizens, on the other hand, were disarmed, which solved another problem: Gangsters had been bitterly complaining to Tammany that their victims sometimes shot back at them.
The number of laws regulating firearms exploded when Progressive ideology came to dominate politics and government, from the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 to about 1994.
None of these laws have been found to be effective in reducing crime or increasing safety. The potential effects of these laws are so small as to be nearly impossible to measure, as was determined by a comprehensive Rand Study in 2020. The reasons for this are found in a video interview of Aaron Brown, an expert on the use of statistics.
In order to make policy changes appear to be effective, proponents of gun laws create studies which are examples of how to lie with statistics.
Any study which claims a law restricting guns reduces murder with guns while not mentioning any changes in the overall murder rate is lying with statistics. If the murder rate remains the same or goes up, while murder committed with guns goes down, the law has not been effective. Only a substitution effect has happened.
Similarly, when the suicide rate remains the same or goes up, even if suicide with guns is reduced, there has not been any positive effect.
Gun laws have effects. Those effects are mostly negative.
The results are millions of people whose lives are disrupted, who are convicted of crimes for exercising their Constitutional rights, whose property is stolen under the color of law, and whose ability to defend themselves is severely compromised.
These are serious costs. Those who push to disarm people ignore the costs of their measures. Those who bear most of the costs are the poor, who are most vulnerable to the machinations of the legal system, and the middle class, who have resources that can be plundered by the government, careers which can be destroyed, and property that can be confiscated.
Because of the multitude of gun laws in the USA, it is easy for a person to run afoul of the law through simple necessity.
In many “bad” neighborhoods, otherwise, law-abiding people determine that carrying a gun illegally is a lesser danger than the risk of being caught unarmed by numerous human predators. Most guns are confiscated from people for ‘illegal’ carry.
When the Supreme Court decision in Bruen was delivered, public defenders in New York City cheered:
This state of affairs has left some New York Times journalists scratching their heads in surprise. As a recent Times headline put it: “Unlikely Fans of Supreme Court Ruling on Guns: Public Defenders.” The accompanying article describes the Black Attorneys of Legal Aid, the Bronx Defenders, and other groups as “unexpected” allies of the gun rights movement.
Anti-slavery activists had long championed the Second Amendment as necessary to freedom for former slaves. It was Frederic Douglas who wrote of three safeguards to liberty:
.. the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country…
The mass movement to reform gun carry laws by removing requirements for permits is a good start. Half the states have restored what is known as Constitutional or permitless carry.
Guns are not the only arms protected by the Second Amendment. Laws against the carrying of knives are being repealed as well, with excellent work done by Knife Rights, the second front in restoring the Second Amendment.
There is much which remains to be done. Laws restricting magazine size, barrel length, or the legality of gun mufflers (suppressors/silencers), are obvious targets for repeal.
Laws that prohibit armed citizens from going where armed law officers can go should be repealed.
Laws that prohibit non-violent offenders from being armed should be repealed.
Laws that prohibit purchasing firearms across state lines should be repealed.
Laws that require government permission before the purchase of a gun should be repealed.
All of these laws are based on a false premise: More guns create more problems.
It is not true. It appeals to those who do not own guns because it offers something for nothing. They believe they lose nothing because they do not have guns. In reality, their freedoms are also restricted as the Leviathan of the government restricts the ability of everyone to do anything.
As the numbers and percentages of gun owners in the United States have climbed to the highest numbers ever, the political repercussions are coming.
Over 21 million people have to carry permits. By definition, they can and do vote. Gun ownership is extremely difficult to measure in the USA but appears to be over 100 million. Increasing percentages of minorities and women are becoming gun owners, year after year.
Thousands of gun laws across the United States have destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives and done untold economic damage. They were passed with lies and false promises. It is time to repeal most of them.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
So many gun laws, so many criminals who ignore them. So their answer is, create some more and maybe thugs will comply?
I believe those laws are only for the law abiding, to keep us in check as if being corralled to board that perverbial cattle car. Disarming a population has proven to be an effective deterent to resistance.
The ultimate goal of progressives is to disarm you so they can rule over you. Were it anything else, they would say so. But they cannot reveal their true motives for fear that the truth would alert gun owners and make them wary!
would more like make them go into a defensive mode where progressives are fair game….all the things they use to prove ballistics can be changed on an ar platform in ten minutes disposing of barrel would be only slow part unless you have a 300# oxygen tank just light it and let it burn only slag is left
Well, if we’re talking about barrels and ballistic matching, yeah one could swap that in and out before & after a ‘fire mission’, with the barrel in question stashed in a cache, and one could even run a steel brush through that barrel, thus changing the ballistic signature of the barrel (likewise w/ hush puppies)… Only under the most dire of circumstances would I ruin a good gun part like a barrel. Barrels are a bit pricey and until this BS “frame & receiver rule” gets obliterated by a pro-2A judge or SCOTUS itself, would I melt something down. [Moderator… Read more »
the biggest tell that the “laws “are a sham 1968 scotus ruled cant charge a prohibited person for not registering a weapon this bs was started to make slaves out of anyone that was not in charge
Sir, you have to give those who mean us Constitutional Americans harm, some credit for their social engineering. They made useful idiots out of their opposition, and made their opposition make it to where a socialist enforcer can harm our Liberty or kill us armed Citizens for being armed. Armed Citizens can’t be forced to do anything since we can instantly tell the socialist enforcer no. That is why the state uses tyranny by law to disarm us over force. Since the government using force to disarm us would mean mean we Citizens could legally swack the socialist enforcers. Think… Read more »
Let me tell you about why I dislike leftists, as a way to illustrate the problem with “progressives” (actually narcissist sociopaths) and their penchant for gun laws. Back when I was in high school, I had a friend named Tony. His family were all hardcore leftists who were completely invested in the radical activist scene back in the mid-1980’s. Somehow, the subject one day came around to guns and gun control. From an early age, my dad (a former Green Beret who was a city cop) taught me all about firearms and how to properly use them. I went to… Read more »
Henry, Leftism, communism or whatever you want to call it, is more than just a political philosophy, it’s a religion–infallible and immutable.
Exactly! Their god is government and their gospel is control!
I wonder how many they are willing to lose in their efforts to kill that hundred million gun owners? And after all the “breakage” how long until we would be invaded by the armies of our enemies?
they wont loose anyone…their minions you know the stupid I was only doing as I was told police will be the ones that get creamed…an it will be well deserved …lay with dogs get flees
And after the “I was only doing as I was told” group is destroyed, don’t you think that the order givers will be next in line for elimination? BTW…what is a flee?
Especially since guys like you think THEY shouldn’t be held accountable for enforcing unconscionable laws & orders, not even ostracized.
Your LEO sock account pals are trying to drive quite a few folks away who think cops should be accountable, turn this into a little playpen for enforcers & toadies only. Aren’t you worried Freddie will tire of that? You say he’ll tire of me defending myself from your attacks.
Quick look shows they’re after me, JSN, swmft, Ledesma, WeWereWarned, CourageousLion, sometimes Stag, Henry Bowman, Knute Knute, John, others. Opevoting themselves & their pals like chickenS scumbags as usual.
So if you prevaricate long enough and vague enough, you will draw someone into your schizophrenic quibble contests.
Are other hobbies too expensive for you?
That’s funny from a prissy dude with a made-up legend who lives here 24/7. Again you confirm the facts by deflecting. Everyone can see your sock-puppet pals downvoting & trying to chase folks away, and see your posts against holding cops accountable even by shunning.
Slap on another estrogen patch, Generalíssima. Your menopause is showing.
Without the adjectives, even your sentences fall apart.
Which ones would that be, Professor Priss?
“Again you confirm the facts by deflecting.” “& trying to chase folks away,”
Kinda makes you wonder why, doesn’t it?
No, I know why. They hate folks who think cops should be accountable for enforcing unconscionable laws & orders. They even oppose shunning bad cops. e.g. Wild Bill’s good buddy Officer “Ope” says the cop who machine-gunned Dan Shaver did nothing wrong.
This is why I like TTAG. None of these upvote / downvote games and only the comment. Say something out of the pale, stupid, wrong, idiotic, etc. and everyone will reply with an EPIC SMACKDOWN. Which is probably why trolls stay away from there.
Sounds good, tried 2x, posts didn’t show.
In other news, half done with Unintended Consequences. You feature prominently. 🙂
I liked the character of Henry Bowman and his answer to the tyranny by using a simple video recording…hmmm….
Yes, Frick is the smarter of the two.
I consider down votes as a badge of honor because I’m pissing off some state worshiping ass kissing low life brainless moron idiot public school “edjewkated” retard creep who has no sense of reality and lives in a matrix of make believe where the “good guys” wear badges and carry guns and enforce edicts on the average person that wouldn’t even be considered in a true free society. So bring them on morons. Let me see how many of you can pile on a down vote. And PLEASE, just so we can see how many low life ass kissing government… Read more »
Bear with me, this is gonna take a few paragraphs, but it’s not TL;DR… – – In the military, the general rule of thumb is that if a unit (any size) has 10% casualties, it ceases to be combat-effective. In WW2 this is why veteran units, some time after the war began, would get replacement troops – FNG’s (effing new guy)s – to compensate for soldiers lost in battle. For the purposes of federal jackbooted thuggery, they may be willing to sustain up to 5% if they are hardcore enough to keep going in spite of losses. Some people say… Read more »
Well, maybe. Lots of “if”s there.
Ifs, genius.
I wanted it to be extra clear, insulter.
Extra wrong, hypocrite.
Perhaps you could explain the rule that governs that.
The rule is Prissy Bill corrects folks all the time, but if HE gets corrected, OH THE HUMANITY.
So you don’t really know the rule. It just looks different to you. Now, it comes out.
Prissy dude who thinks he knows everything’s doubling down on wrong. Your low-IQ illiterate LEO sock toadies don’t know any better so they Opevote your errors.
Since you write “if’s”, as if an if owns something, presumably you’ll be writing “in the 1980’s” instead of “in the 1980s”.
Right, Generalíssima?
No, it reads ” if ” s. It does not read “if ‘ s”. Look at what I wrote closer. Us a magnifying glass if necessary. There is no apostrophe between the f and s.
I set if in quotes and pluralized it, which is quite correct, but I did that for clarity. I know why I bent the rule.
Tripling down on stupid AND evasive now.
Just trying to be cordial over a miscommunication. If you look at it closely you will see it plainly.
We got five months of rain in 24 hours. Had we got rain spread over five months, we would be in great shape.
The first 12 hours soaked into the ground. The last 12 hours of rain, was all run off … all wasted.
Where is your AO? I just checked the weather ap. Looks like more on the way, here, too!
NOW you’re being cordial? Back on the truce?
Written communications are imprecise and can be taken wrongly. Will you polite to others?
Looks like someone does not want a truce with you, sorry. I will have to consult.
LOL. Go get permission.
Will you?
Man, if’n yous guys don;t stop this, I will have to send in the UN grammar police.
That is funny! I had not noticed before the the middle of funny is UN.
Damn spell check. It should have read “isn’t quite correct”
Yes, but I’m not a prophet who can see the future. All we can do is calculate the probabilities and adjust/adapt/overcome.
Good one…and most likely a very close to real understanding. Hell, “our” military couldn’t even over power a bunch of goat fornicators after 20 years.
As the people would coalesce into groups of defenders, those confiscating guns would have to deal also with preemptive strikes against their numbers at any opportunity by the defenders of self defense. After all, if you KNOW the bully is coming for you, why not smack him in the face with a 2×4 at the first opportunity that arises? I call it PREEMPTIVE self defense.
Yes, a framing hammer, describing the perfect arc, with speed and in superb silence, comes to mind.
Tony and Dave had brain damage. And let’s call them what they ARE…PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAKS. Our WORLD is run by them! https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks
Yep. Leftist koolaid causes brain damage. It can be infectious so I was careful to maintain socialist distancing (preferably 6 vertical feet)..
Bills before legislative bodies should be required to adhere to the same standards as advertising. Clear language is good, deceptive and/or misleading language is not. Once passed, laws should be re-evaluated periodically to ensure they meet the same standards required of foods and prescription drugs: they must be safe and effective. A law must target a clearly defined problem. It must actually do something to correct the problem. And it must not cause more problems than it fixes. IMHO, damn few proposed or current “common sense gun safety reforms” would pass either of those requirements, much less both. The ones… Read more »
I would only add to that, any bill has to cite what part of the Constitution it would draw its’ authority from. If DC were forced to do that, you would find immediately that the federal gov’t depends on two clauses to foist their tyranny upon us. That would be the ‘interstate commerce’ and ‘public welfare’ clauses (especially the former). And not only that, but the federal government has so twisted those clauses so as to justify all their unconstitutional power grabs. What we need is prison sentences for all politicians who knowingly and willfully violate their Oath of office.… Read more »
a rope is cheeper and more to the point solves the problem
Until we can reform federal law, that may be the interim answer… that or balloting by airmail…
[moderator & legal notice: I’m not advocating this meme in any way other than for entertainment value.]
Balloting by airmail had me ROTFLMFGO! I was ENTERTAINED. You succeeded.
I vote 50bmg long rang vote with lots of count
I do like the idea of laws requiring a statement as to where they draw their legitimacy….would kind of throw all gun laws under the buss….may lead to major change with irs…bartering is not taxable nor treated as income, it is also why gold was withdrawn as money taxing atthority is derived from the PRINTED money …..sneaky bit that…. .
Some states already have this kind of law on the books; probably during Republican control of the legislatures & governorship, as a way to keep D-rats from seizing power and going crazy with the unconstitutional Scheiße.
One that every public school indoctrinated person should read. Comment (register to do so) and spread it around! https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs
Mordor on the Potomac is an odd town. Congress passes laws that don’t apply to themselves and enacts rules to govern what they do then promptly ignore them when they become inconvenient. A classic example is when a debate must be finished by midnight, and they’re running out of time needed to finish, they literally have someone “stop the clock” and then continue for as long as they need. The midnight deadline will have come and gone for the rest of humanity, but inside the chamber the debate continues until they decide to have their vote or give up for… Read more »
These are the actions of TYRANTS, nothing odd about it. Quite predictable, actually!
And good on the Solicitor General for telling the truth!!
Except Trump’s 3 new FedSoc noms voted repeatedly for The Big Steal, forcing healthcare workers to inject mRNA, etc. RINOs know “Con Carry” & anti-abortion is the go-to meat to toss restless conservative natives to make them think they’re safe in The Shire while the DemComs lock down perma-control. The false sense of security bestowed by “Con Carry” (with a “side order” of pervasive “gun free” zones) is why Arizona gun Hobbits like AZCDL did nothing while the White House & both Senate seats were stolen and still do little to safeguard the midterms from fraud.
I can’t help what the normiescons believe, no matter how glaring the truth is. They trust Faux News, which is as bad as any other lying MSM outlet…Trump has been stabbed in the back countless times by establishment-loyal RINOs like JUDAS PENCE, and his closest advisors (esp. Ivanka & Jared Kushner) have consistently given Trump bad advice. Trump’s blind spot is his own family, and the latter two know it. Neither of them are conservatives. Bottom line is, elections are rigged, the MSM is STILL gaslighting America, and the Left’s movement into totalitarian communist rule and all of this means… Read more »
Agree but I don’t think all elections are rigged yet, and Trump chooses to still listen to Jarvanka et ilk after how many betrayals?
OVER THE TARGET. I countered one of your sock-cop downvotes, though it decreases your glory. Sorry. (LOL).
We need to all realize the ALL politicians are psychopaths. Even Trump. He is just less of a psychopath than some. Think about the assassination of some General he disliked in Iraq with a drone. He bragged about it and it had killed not only the general, which was illegal under international law, but many innocent bystanders. He still slept well that night because he is also CONSCIENCELESS. Note that they even use the word ASSASSINATION. Assassination of Qasem Soleimani On 3 January 2020, Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general, was killed by a U.S. drone strike at Baghdad International… Read more »
Same here. the sockpuppets are out in full force. Too many butthurt snowflakes in here, and just bringing that point up gets a half-dozen downvotes instantly. I ROFL that someone is so pathetic that they just spend all day lurking waiting on a comment, rather than coming up out of the basement and living life a little. At least I’m out back in full battle rattle, practicing and moving, shooting & scooting. Learned something, too. One of my target steel plates must’ve been made in China; I shot it twice w/my AR10 and then got my spotting scope out and… Read more »
Mr. Weingarten, this is a very powerful article with great information. This piece needs to be posted far, wide and repeatively. Thank you Henry for providing me a perfect segue for my opinion. I was reading all 38 posts before yours and one thing became perfectly clear, we have some very politically astute posters here. However, many posts read like they’ve been written by anwife. And some so bad it makes me sad to think of what happened to make the poster full of dispare. All this talk about the cheating at the ballot box is very serious and we… Read more »
Thank you for the kind words! We have something here (for now) that nobody else in the world has, and that’s the ability to share ideas. We can convey our thoughts to one another and edify ourselves, and broaden our perspective. We can come up with answers to the important issues of the day… The Left wants to take that away – the NY state legislature is pushing a censorship bill that would ’empower’ their internet commissars to censor anything that’s condemnatory or critical of the NY government or its’ political subdivisions. And until we win, I’m gonna keep calling… Read more »
Awaiting approval!
about the communist statement…sadly…https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/communism-american-style
Eventually this is going to go to guns. The Left will never voluntarily leave us alone; they will ignore our warnings and tread on us. Hell, they’ve already been treading! They have ingeniously and subtly succeeded in completing the Gramscian “long march through the institutions” to bring us to where we are now. Either we fight them in #CW2 or we let them finish their takeover and march us into the death camps (democide being a central feature of any communist regime). The latter is no option for a free people who refuse to be ruled. Therefore we will –… Read more »
And then there is Jim Bell’s solution. That could make it rather interesting.
Prescription drugs are safe? There are some that obviously aren’t! https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/mark-reynolds/the-ssri-connection-to-suicides-spontaneous-murder-and-mass-shootings/
The bills are intentionally obscure and wordy because nobody reads them until they are passed. Legislators assign staffers to dissect and read proposals and make recommendations upon them, however staffers have an agenda to get their own fears addressed. Most staffers are young and inexperienced in life after college. Frequently interest groups or lobbyists actually write the proposed legislation, in their own favor. Who is looking out for the average, everyday citizen?
Progressives have control of all flavors in their DNA. Nowhere is this more clear in the ‘ballot box, jury box and cartridge box’ statement by the great American Thinker Frederic Douglas. During the Reconstruction Era Jim. Crow laws were crafted to neuter or seriously infringe upon exactly those three critical areas of individual liberty. And that tradition of suppression carries forward through both the Progressive and New Left Progressive (Marxist) movements. The only thing that changes is the expansion of the vilified class. They have expanded well beyond Blacks, Indians, Catholics and Jews to now include every middle class family… Read more »
“.. the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country…” ~Frederic Douglas The ballot box needs to be fixed due to the ease of cheating these days. Technology has some advantages but it also has disadvantages. The jury box needs to be understood by everyone so that people refuse to convict under any “law” that there cannot be shown to be a victim. The cartridge box has always been the last resort and I believe that the first two… Read more »
We can form a national coalition for the removal of corrupt elected and appointed officials on ALL levels of government, leaving no stone unturned. To the point were no citizen would dare run for public office unless they pass the litmus test and scrutiny of WE, The People. All that is mostly required is common sense and backbone.
Laws and more laws from gun laws to local municipalities enacting new ones each chance they get. Laws mean revenue to advance the political machine those with the best elected lawyers on there team have learned this means control. We know that not all laws are imposed or followed the ones that are in forced tend to have fines and legal obligations for those offenders. Do laws makes us feel any safer ? I don’t think so. Politicians create laws for the advancement of their political party and its members. There are laws that nowadays all come with a plea… Read more »
Just think…you can create more crime by passing more laws. Eventually everything will be a crime due to the laws that are on the books and the end result will be the plundering of we the peoples wealth for the psychopathic control freaks own use. And yes, when they can fine someone $1500 for having such a small amount of marijuana that when it is tested it is all gone, I’d say that the theft of a persons ability to purchase and exist has been completed. We no longer have money. We haven’t had any for over 55 years. Another… Read more »
“Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there… Read more »
That is a good quote!
Yeah! Where do local municipalities get the notion that they can negate natural, Constitutionally recognized and protected, Rights?
Bottom Line: Anything that brings your person or possessions into Government Attainment is in fact, a “Bill of Attainder.”
“Such special acts of a legislature as inflict capital punishment upon persons supposed to be guilty of high offenses, such as treason and felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.” Black’s Law Dictionary, Ed 5th, p 116.
Interesting. A bill of attainder (also known as an act of attainder or writ of attainder or bill of penalties) is an act of a legislature declaring a person, or a group of people, guilty of some crime, and punishing them, often without a trial. As with attainder resulting from the normal judicial process, the effect of such a bill is to nullify the targeted person’s civil rights, most notably the right to own property (and thus pass it on to heirs), the right to a title of nobility, and, in at least the original usage, the right to life… Read more »
Oh? Right! The Patriot Act!
America has a Problem with Too Many Politicians.
Politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed regularly and for the same reason.
That’s because they’re made from recycled lawyers.
I agree there are to many INFRINGING gun “laws”.
Most of these “laws” benefit the governmental THUGS and CRIMINALS who call themselves “representatives”.
Those that do not believe in God cannot understand the powers and natural rights endowed by God to We, The People.
Gun laws have effects. Those effects are mostly negative. . . . unless you are a totalitarian, wanting to rule over a disarmed population that has no means of recourse to defy your mandates.
Therein lies the truth.
We frame this argument in the presumption of the discussion being about the safety of the public.
This is about the BALANCE OF POWER.
This is about citizen disarmament to achieve GOVERNMENT DOMINANCE.
Public safety is the deception to achieve it.
This is a most powerful writing at a perfect time in our history.
Ok, I don’t post comments here much…
When I saw the heading and the books on the cover, “Follow the money” went through my head.
I wonder how many gun law advocates are invested in publishing these books.
Alan Korwin and John Lott are leading advocates of the Second Amendment. Korwin wrote “Supreme Court Gun Cases: Two Centuries of Gun Rights Revealed”. Compiling the pro-Second Amendment cases that the gun grabbers do not want us to remember. Korwin writes a pro-Second Amendment column, regularly, for “Guns and Ammo” magazine.
John Lott is a brilliant statistician devoted to debunking the gun grabbers’ statistical claims. He has been revealing gun grabber lies for many years.
What an ignorant response. We’re glad you don’t post here often if this is the kind of statements you are going to post. John Lott is hardly a gun law advocate. And the other two books are basically to let you know of all the violations/infringements to look out for as a warning to you. I’m sure that Alan Korwin, who has written a number of other books on firearms use would find something else on the subject to write about to sell books.
Do you work for free? Soros doesn’t pay you?