After the U.S. Supreme Court issued its historic Bruen Decision, which obliterated most state restrictions on the public carrying of arms and changed forever how lower courts should decide Second Amendment-related challenges to anti-gun regulations, many blue states seemingly tried to outdo each other with the number of unconstitutional post-Bruen tantrum laws they could pass. At this, New Jersey certainly leads the way, especially for its residents seeking to carry a defensive firearm.
Obtaining a New Jersey permit to carry was never easy. It is not easy now. Instead, it remains an expensive multi-step nightmare specifically designed to make the process as difficult as possible for the applicant.
Now, not only must residents of the Garden State bend a knee, pay a fee and beg permission from the Crown to buy back their constitutional rights, but they must also pass a difficult shooting test that was designed for police, not civilians, to prove they’re capable of exercising their constitutional rights to the government’s satisfaction.
Last month, the Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, in conjunction with the state’s Attorney General, issued new requirements titled “Use of Force Interim Training for Private Citizen Concealed Carry.” The document contains written material for in-person classroom training as well as the requirements for an arduous 50-round qualification course that every concealed carry applicant must pass.
It is easy to get lost in the minutia of the qualification standards and lose sight of the big picture: New Jersey’s concealed carry requirements are a massive infringement of the Second Amendment, which clearly violates Bruen. Does New Jersey test other constitutional rights? Do journalists there need to demonstrate competency before writing news stories? Do clergy in the Garden State need to pass state testing before delivering a sermon? Must voters prove proficiency before they’re allowed into a booth?
Clearly, New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin and his state police sycophants want to hold gun owners to a higher standard than those who exercise other constitutional rights.
Vintage training
New Jersey’s new CCW qualification standards have been criticized for being too high, too rigid, and too much like a police qualification course. The critics are right. This is nothing but a decades-old police qualification course revamped and repackaged for civilians. It does not reflect current best practices, far from it. The tactics and techniques it requires applicants to master were state-of-the-art in the 1990s.
Unrealistic score
New Jersey requires a 50-round qualification course, which uses an “FBI-type Q-target,” which looks like an oversized milk bottle. To pass, students must somehow achieve a score of 80% or 40 rounds within the border of the Q-target.
Applicants must fire four rounds kneeling and three rounds standing at a 25-yard target. This precludes some shooters from using popular concealed carry firearms, such as smaller and easier-to-conceal 9mms, .380s, or short-barrel revolvers. Sure, there are some who can make consistent hits at 25 yards with any handgun, regardless of its size. However, many new shooters have difficulty hitting beyond 15 yards.
Twenty-five yards is an unrealistic test for civilian concealed carry. While there are certainly a few incredible exceptions, most deadly-force encounters involving civilians occur much closer, usually within spitting distance.
Open-carry holster
This qualification course is designed to use an open-carry holster worn either outside or inside the waistband. However, only law enforcement officers can openly carry handguns in New Jersey. Civilians must carry their defensive firearms concealed. Therefore, why test them on their ability to draw and fire from an open-carry holster? Most ranges won’t even allow drawing from the holster, so where can civilians train this technique other than dry firing at home?
In a gunfight, once your knees touch the ground, you’ve stationary, and stationary targets don’t survive very long.
Shooting from the kneeling position is an old-school law enforcement tactic, not unlike shooting a handgun from the prone position. Testing a civilian’s ability to shoot from the kneeling position is lunacy.
Like drawing from the holster, most private ranges don’t allow their customers to practice from the kneeling position. One range I know that did quickly abandoned the practice after a customer positioned their target too close and put five rounds into the ceiling.
Additionally, there are many shooters who cannot kneel because they suffer mobility issues or use a wheelchair. Are they to be denied their Second Amendment rights because of their disability?
Forcing applicants to kneel violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires “state and local governments, including their criminal justice agencies, to comply with the ADA.”
New Jersey’s AG and its state police should be ashamed of their “ableist” misdeeds.
Point Shoulder
“On command, from a secured holster position, draw and fire three rounds in 5 seconds from a point-shoulder position,” the training document states.
Those words haven’t been spoken at an American gun range for quite some time, yet New Jersey still plans to require its concealed carry applicants to shoot from the point-shoulder position.
The point-shoulder or Weaver stance was developed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Jack Weaver in the 1950s. It fell out of favor among law enforcement tactical trainers decades ago, because by blading their body toward the threat, it exposed the officer’s side, which was not protected by body armor.
While the point-shoulder position has remained popular with some competitive shooters, nowadays, most instructors teach a modified isosceles shooting position, which Tier One trainers first developed. It’s more natural and less awkward than the point shoulder because it makes absorbing recoil and tracking moving targets easier.
New Jersey requires concealed carry applicants to draw using their strong hand, transfer their weapon to their support/weak hand and then fire three rounds in two seconds at a 5-yard target.
Offhand shooting requires constant practice because it is not a natural skill. While it is a prerequisite for police and military shooters, it has no place in a qualification test for civilians – other than to prevent them from achieving a passing grade.
Besides, has there ever been a documented defensive shooting where a civilian was forced to transition their handgun to their offhand?
Critics of New Jersey’s concealed carry qualification have likened it to the “John Wick” film series. While the comparison may not be totally accurate, it certainly deserves a chuckle or two.
What’s not laughable is that anti-gun elected officials have come up with yet another way to infringe upon the Second Amendment by reworking an antiquated police qualification course and making it mandatory for anyone who wants to exercise their constitutional rights.
Nowadays, many police departments are understaffed, and their response times suffer. Those of us who live in free states have long understood that we are our own First Responders and are responsible for our own safety. Clearly, New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin and his pals in the state police don’t want their subjects to have this ability to defend themselves. It doesn’t fit their narrative. After all, when someone in New Jersey is murdered, they’d prefer just to blame the gun.
New Jersey: Use of Force Interim Training For Private Citizen Concealed Carry
This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.
About Lee Williams
Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.
Capability is not mentioned in the Bill of Rights, it is not required. The only requirement is to be a Citizen.
Democrats used to make disfavored citizens pass a test (How many jelly beans are in this jar?) and pay a poll tax to vote. Blue states carry on this tradition with the difference being to identify gun owners as the new n**ro.
why would anyone down vote your comment, other than them being bootlickers?
there was no mention if the state, county and local leo’s have passed and can still pass this same course of fire.
this is laughable and will probably be challenged in court, strike that, should be challenged in court.
funny thing about this is, if all concealed carriers in nj are that proficient with their weapons and the government wants to take them away, it might not go as well as they might think it may.
You deserve the Tyranny…You allow. nuff said.
Don’t be so haughty. If the Republicans are vanquished in 2024, there will be no safe places for 2A, Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Alaska, etc., will be just like New Jersey.
The Indoctrinated Liberal/Progressive Koolade drinkers will never get it. Just like the people of Germany in the 1930s and 40s. The Chinese since the 50s and the Canadians, Australians, British and Kiwis for the last 2 decades. At least until right before some scumbag criminal puts their lights out permanently. Of course by then it’s too late. to matter.
Your comments imply a bit of a guilty conscious
Did you see where Ope told us how to delete comments so you can take it of so it doesn’t look like you are talking to yourself?
Sorry I deleted all my comments and made it look that way. It also changed everyone that was commented to. It messed up the board for a short time but it was easier than deleting them two at a time. If you need help I can tell you how to do it.
Only because the country is full of Subjects, rather than Free Men.
That Democrats are no friends of liberty or our 2A rights is a hard thing to argue against. That said, while slightly better, the Republicans haven’t exactly been the loudest cheers in our corner, either. They have to be watched and herded to get them to do anything meaningful for us and even then, they often work against us.
Where you hang your hat is one voting cycle away from this nonsense .Dont be so smug to think people (the majority )are voting for this nonsense.Remember he who counts the votes /makes the rules comes out as the victor.
Only for the foreseeable future until an awakening and then change is enacted.
hugo chavez and is laky maduro are still winning with no food water lights…and the same voting machines
What everyone else said but also, that’s assuming the elections are legit. I no longer believe in the system as it stands and argue that there is a good chance the people did not vote in their “representatives” I think the local political machine has a well conceived and executed plan to steal elections in heavily Democrat controlled regions. I think their election theft scheme is so slick, it could be any of us, in any state, soon.
11-Year-Old Hacks Into Replica Voting Website in 10 Minutes | Time
over 180k voters removed from roles(dead ineligible etc) in ga AND only 10% of those needed to beat trump was there fraud you can bet on it